Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitational: Update

Modified the '07 header for this year.
Okay folks, it's time to start talking a bit more about this ride again, since it is a little more than a month away. The first thing y'all need to realize is that this deal is really just a no drop group ride for fun. Would you like to join? Then you are "invited", get it? Plan on an all day long ride of about 140-ish miles. If you are at all interested, here are the details you need to know to make it happen this year.

When: July 30th, 2016

The Starting Place: We are mustering at Prairie Grove Park, known amongst locals as the old "Dinosaur Park", and the parking lot there off West 4th Street at Shaulis Road is where you can leave your vehicle. Or, it is an easy ride from George Wyth State Park if you'd rather camp. There are bike trails all the way to Prairie Grove Park from the State Park, so you could ride over if you wanted.

Lodging: As stated, there is the State Park, or you can motel it choosing any of the several motels in Waterloo/Cedar Falls. Most are near to our network of bike trails, so again- you can ride out if you'd like.

Schedule Of Events: Friday Night: Anyone coming from out of town should plan on getting here by Friday night. If anyone has a mind to get together, I can be available and we could pick a place to have a beer or whatever.

I'll be riding the Gen I Fargo for this ride.
Saturday: The ride will depart from Prairie Grove Park's parking lot at 6:00am sharp. We will ride approximately 27-28 miles to Traer, Iowa and stop at the convenience store there for breakfast grub, such as they have there. Usually they have a good selection of sandwiches and typical convenience store stuff. Approximately at Mile 60 we should get to Gladbrook and the Casey's store there for lunch. Then we will go North and West toward Steamboat Rock by about Mile 92 or so. I still have to see what we can get there. Stay tuned on that. Finally, I am modifying the original route to take us back to our starting point, so we will hit Dike, Iowa at about Mile 127 or so. Then we should pass through Hudson, Iowa about five miles from the finish, so we can stop or not depending on the need.

Folks will likely want to bug out after such a long day, but I might be persuaded to sit around and have a cold one somewhere, who knows. The route will likely be about 140 miles, but as I have said, a lot of this is pretty tame, in terms of hills, so unless the weather is brutal, we should be okay. By the way, there are a lot of ways to shortcut the route up until about Mile 65, where you'll have to make a decision to commit since the route takes a big swing West and further away at that point.

There will be another update coming soon and I will post cues for this ride previous to the event so you can download them and print them off. Old school. Just like we did in '06. I have heard from a couple of guys saying they want to make the trip out to ride this, but if you want to declare your intentions, that would be great. Maybe if you have questions, you need answers, and I may have them. Either way, hit me up at

More coming soon........

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