Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, September 04, 2016

Country Views: Starting To Look Like Fall

Late Summer morphs into early Fall, but the color never stops out on the gravel roads.
Seasons turn and times are a changin'. I kind of felt like things were hitting their end of Summer look shortly after Gravel Worlds. The grass looks more ragged, the greens look duller, the corn started getting brown on the edges.

Well, now the signs are all there for us to see.The trees are showing signs of leaves turning color, and the corn is drying down real fast. However, that all doesn't mean that we are bereft of late season color. No way!

I took a couple of rides recently and had the opportunity to stop and check out the wild flowers that are gracing the roadsides now. Dominated by mostly yellows, these are a completely different set of flowers than we're used to seeing earlier in the year. I found many of them along the Sergeant Road bicycle trail, actually, but I also found many out in the country as well.

There were also some other colors witnessed out there, but these were mostly smaller flowers and not easily spotted at times. In fact, I was taking a completely different image when out of the corner of my eye I saw these little pink flowers in the ditch behind me.

Little, pink, and pretty for early Fall/late Summer.
There were these similar, but white petaled flowers alongside the pink ones.
Barns for Jason
I decided to ride somewhere different this weekend and went out West of town. I saw a lot of stuff I don't think I have before and some stuff I haven't for a long time. Black Hawk County maintainers have been busy! Judging by the corn, I would guess that the county is worried about the roads getting pummeled by semi tractor/trailer rigs and large farm machinery soon. Every report on the local agriculture I have seen says that the harvest will start early this year. So, that's why I am saying maybe the county is getting a fresh carpet of gravel down in preparation for the onslaught of heavy traffic.

Miles of this..... It was rough out there!
Looking forward to getting some great Fall gravel rides in. 
Hope y'all are having a great Labor Day Weekend! I'm hoping to get out to do another gravel ride yet before we all head back to work and school next week, but we'll see. So much to do in just three days that I can't be riding all the time!

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