Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, December 08, 2016 Jersey Design For 2017

The design was selected by a majority of readers that voted.
Okay, this will be the jersey design I will be sporting at events for 2017. It was a design idea we posted on for the readers to vote on there and on our Facebook page as well. These are the colors that were selected.

Now for a bit of commentary on this jersey versus what I found worked for me last Summer. If you've been reading here, you know that I went with a lightweight wool jersey over a base layer and traditional bib shorts. You may be assuming that this jersey is not wool, and you would be correct. what? 

Well, never fear. I have already taken this fact into account and have looked at options to have a jersey custom made just for myself. A one-off, if you will, out of Merino wool. The plan is to get the fabric in the colors that are closest, take a sample from the regular jerseys, which I should have later on, to a local seamstress, and have that wool fashioned into an approximation of the design shown here.

It may cost an arm and a leg, but I am unwilling to go backward on the gains I realized from last season with the wool jersey. The "standard" material jersey will get worn aplenty, don't worry, but for the hot, longer events, I will be going with wool. It works for me.

Details on ordering this kit will be released later. There will be no wool jersey option offered, nor planned at this time, so don't ask.


  1. For a wool jersey project like you describe, try checking into Eleven VĂ©lo:

  2. Not sure where you're getting these kits from but I've ordered a couple of the Black Mountain kits when they were offered direct from Voler and really liked the idea that you could order them the way you preferred in terms of fit and fabric. I see they do make a few wool pieces but not sure if these are offered in custom kits but might be worth looking into if you haven't already.

  3. Twin Six has also made some lightweight wool jerseys in the past, and I know they have actively collaborated with outside companies to manufacture and sell others' gear. Maybe they could work out a deal on a custom wool RidingGravel kit? I'm sure it would sell OK...
