Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, May 05, 2018

T.I.v14: The Images

With three photographers working Trans Iowa, I have had the pleasure of checking out several images. But why should I be the only one who gets to look at the awesome images made by these folks? I've already used a few in my event report, (which will conclude next week), but I wanted to cull out some of my favorites here and share them.

Note: These are good for personal use only. Any media or promotional use is strictly forbidden without prior consent.

Okay, admittedly this one is mine, but it turned out so good, I had to share it again.
This year's start line image by George Keslin for Wally Kilburg Photography
This image by Jon Duke captures the essence of this year's TI- Dust, wind, hills, and LOTS of fresh gravel!
I was stunned by this image by Jon Duke. Imagine eating all that dust in the peloton that morning!
So, you think Iowa is flat? A great long shot by Celeste Mathias
I took T.I.v14's course through Amish/Mennonite territory near Iowa City. It's part of Iowa's rich cultural heritage. Image by Celeste Mathias.
So, this is why Trans Iowa never had big fields of  riders. This C-store is 123 miles into the event and look how the riders swarmed it. Image by Jon Duke.
Okay, another of mine to end it with, but only because Sunsets are rather appropriate here.


  1. Thanks for sharing the photos. Really enjoyed them!

  2. The shot by Celeste Mathias is great. Really makes me want to ride there.

  3. I didn't have the inclination to take many pictures. Is there anyway to get to the photographers photos? They are really good!

  4. I always have fun playing paparazzi at TI. Nothing beautiful, but I always get at least a couple interesting shots. Here's the link:

  5. @Robert Ellis- Apologies for the late reply. You can find links to the galleries provided by the photographers on the Trans Iowa site under "Latest News"

    @Katherine Roccasecca- Thanks for those candid shots! I added the link to those on the TI site.
