Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

News Season- Explained

A new race in Madison County was announced.
A Note From Guitar Ted: Okay folks, before we dive into the post here I wanted to explain this post, and the two following it, because there are special circumstances at play that you, my faithful readers, need to understand. 

First off, I have been in the "cycling media" now for 13 years. (I know! Hard to believe it's been THAT long and that I am a part of it all)  In that time I spent most of those years covering 29"ers, mtb, and general cycling stuff. As a media member I am on a LOT of e-mail lists for marketing companies. I get forwarded a LOT of info, most of which you never know about or even see anywhere else. I believe in keeping things focused here and wherever I write. Plus, you don't want to see everything I get sent. It would likely be........annoying. That's the best way I can put it.

However; at times I get sent some cool info. I get sent stuff related to mtb, or cycling in general, that doesn't fit on  These press releases are interesting and I think you out there might think so as well. So, I sometimes share that but not until Fridays, generally. That said, some of this stuff loses its traction with me after a few days and it's best if I generate the news here right away. Both for me and for you. Otherwise I forget to get around to it, and well........that doesn't do anyone any good!

So, anyway....... The way things are done today is that the newsy bits have embargoes on them. I cannot share things until a certain time. Weird, I know, but that's how things are. So I have a post hitting at 6:00am today and another at 9:00am today with news about certain bits I found interesting. Otherwise, without the embargoes, it would all be in one, easy to consume post. But that ain't the way marketing plays these days, so...... 

MADCO100: The one newsy bit I CAN share right away is that on May 4th, 2019 there will be a new 100 mile event in Madison County dubbed the MADCO100. Details are sparse, but I have gotten the feeling that this event is coming out of, or is the folks behind CIRREM. I'm sure this will come out in the future, but anyway.......

May 4th. One hunnert miles of hills. Now you know.......

1 comment:

  1. Definitely the folks behind CIRREM. Should be a good time, with, hopefully, warmer weather than we typically see in February. Based on the last few years tho...
