Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Single Speed Spitballin': Part 3

Only weirdos would consider riding a single speed for 100 miles on gravel. Are you in?
The latest on the idea for a gravel race for a State Championship for single speeders only is here. If you missed the last update, which gives an overview of what we're considering doing, see this post.

Okay, things are progressing. First off, we're leaning towards the late March date as of now. That would be March 30th, 2019. Pencil that in if you are down with this idea. That date falls one week before the Gents Race and two weeks after Land Run in Oklahoma. I think it's a good date, but yes- it conflicts with something. Whatever. We are 90% sure we're going with that date as of now.

Next up is the venue. My feelings are that I have to make sure we have motels, places to eat, and I have to make sure it is easy to get to, centrally located if possible. There is room for compromise. We've talked about two venues: Decorah and Grinnell. We aren't done considering places, so chime in if you have strong feelings about this. Please.

This won't be a free to enter event, as we are going to have insurance and maybe more structure than what you might be familiar with from me. It is a "State Championship", after all, so there is some seriousness to this. That said, we're pretty stuck on self-support, and my feeling is that there will be one chance at re-supply, hopefully at around mile 50-ish, and that's that. It's more than likely going to be self-navigated as well. We're still looking at things in this area.

Oh yeah.........we came up with a name for it: C.O.G. 100. "Creatures Of Gravel".

Stay tuned...................


  1. C.O.G. 100. Great name for the event! I'll enjoy watching this develop over time.

  2. Great name. Great date. Both locations are awesome. I am sure Decorah will be pricier since it atracts more tourists. Ari

  3. Ooo... Decorah... It is a bit on the pricy side, but the riding around Decorah is wonderful and the town is great.

  4. Decorah is a great town. Less centrally located than Grinnell.

  5. Sounds good to me; however, I prefer the name as: 'Sin'tury of Gravelling. I'll wait while you mull that over.

  6. I would like there to be another option to paying the fees beyond that info catching site Bike Reg or whatever it is called, if possible.

  7. What about that old stuff made of paper, green?
