Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Today is the day when we in the USA try to get together with family and loved ones to celebrate and remember to be thankful.

Actually, in my opinion, everyday should be thanksgiving day. I am pretty blessed to have a family, a wife, a house, a job, and bicycles to mess around with. I've been overwhelmed with good things, and if I don't stop to remember that, and give thanks, well, then I am headed for big trouble.

Anyway, I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I would encourage you, wherever you are, to count your blessings today and everyday. It will make a change in your life, and I bet it will be for the better.

Happy Thanksgiving


  1. Words of wisdom by which to live! Amongst many of the same things you mentionrd, Mark; I'm thankful for you and the effort you put forth daily, writing this blog! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  2. I'll Echo Steven's sentiments... thanks for all you do for the gravel community and for allowing me to learn or get a little daily dose of something new each day here!
