Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Rear View 2018: Late Summer

Team Pink bikes at the 24 Hrs of Cumming
A short week after the Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitational I made the trek to Des Moines, Iowa to hang out with my brother, Sam, and we were scheduled to do the 24hrs of Cumming. This was an endurance mtb style event where the course was set up in four separate loops which yielded a 400K-ish distance if you did all of it. Spanning Saturday and Sunday, it was to be a big deal for Sam and I.

Sam drew first ride in our two man attempt. So, I had to await his return in the early afternoon. Meanwhile I spent a bunch of time waiting, waiting......fooling around with my set up, waiting......messing with how much nutrition to carry.....and a few minutes talking to a few of the folks hanging out. The attic above the Cumming Tap was our roost for the weekend, so that was part of the reason I was sort of "invisible" much of the time.

When Sam came in and I left, things seemed good for a while but then the weekend previous reared its ugly head, my legs went away, and well..... I finally got back, but we were doomed. Sam started the next loop but cut it short. We then celebrated his birthday at the Tap, I stayed up all night, and the weekend ended with a good time amongst friends.

Following this melt down of the legs was Gravel Worlds, only a mere two weeks later. I tried to recover, but after about 80 miles......... Not so much. I was supremely disappointed, but there ya go. That event ended with at least a good time hanging out with good people. Still, I haven't quite got over the physical meltdown I had over this period, at least mentally. I think physically I have been back on good footing for a while, but the disappointing performances are tough to forget.

At least I got to see some great new territory in Nebraska. This was one of my favorite stretches here.
I also did a little of my own exploration after abandoning Gravel Worlds, and why not? It is a beautiful area to ride in.
Well, after all of that came September and hopes of single track in the Fall. No more events though! I needed to take it easy the rest of the year.

Next: A Wrap On 2018's Rear View.....


  1. GT, the exploration after Gravel Worlds abandonment is actually a logical extension of it. Your deal had done went down and you still made the best of it. Some of the best riding ever comes not from trying to find adventure, but rather finding yourself in adventure, don't you think? Have a blessed 2019.

  2. @Gravelo- Good perspective, yes- I agree.

  3. @Gravelo- And Blessings to you and your family for 2019 as well.
