Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Barns For Jason: The Solstice 100 Version

The occasional "Barns For Jason" image or, as in today's case, a full post, is a way for me to share my love of old rural barns. These structures are quickly disappearing from the Mid-Western landscape as farms become more corporate, larger, and therefore have outgrown the use for the humble wooden barn. The genesis of this idea was a 'contest" between Jason Boucher, then the head of Salsa Cycles, and myself. We were seeing who could post the most barns on our blogs. Rules were that only barns seen on bicycle rides could be used and once a barn had been posted it could not be used in the "contest" again. Well, Jason capitulated to me long ago, but I still carry on the tradition. (I know he still digs barns too.)

Anyway, these are the barns I saw and photographed during last weekend's Solstice 100 which was largely Northwest of Lincoln, Nebraska. Enjoy!


  1. When I see barns on rides your blog posts often come to mind. Growing up in rural Minnesota, barns were so common place. I really enjoy it when the rare round barn with stone foundation is seen.

  2. Thank you for posting theses images.

    Where I grew up, all the barns, chicken coops and spring houses have been leveled and replaced with sprawling housing tracts.

    Your photography allows me to revisit the place of my childhood and the sunny memory of golden days long gone.

  3. @Tim- @Unknown: Thanks folks! I am glad someone gets a kick out of these images other than Jason and I. Speaking for him, I can say we both appreciate being able to bring images to our blogs that folks relate to, like these barns. It's an honor, really.
