Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Thank You!

I would be remiss if I didn't immediately and thoroughly thank so many of you readers here, (and others that reached out with messages of encouragement), after I posted yesterday about the end of my time at my old shop job. I wasn't expecting the outpouring of support and remembrances that were shared with me. Please know that I am very grateful for all of it and I won't forget this day, that's for sure.

It is weird to walk away from something that has become a fixture in your life. Although in your heart, you know it is the right thing to do, there still are those doubts and fears that crop up and need to be put down. Your thoughts and messages really helped to kick doubt straight out of my mind. Thank you!

One side effect of all of this was learning how I had touched a few of your lives in ways that I did not expect. I was honestly surprised by these remarks which warmed my heart also. One lesson for us all: Never underestimate how you may have impacted someone's life. It makes you wonder if we shouldn't all keep it positive and move forward, because what we are doing really does matter to people you'd be surprised to know about.

Anyway...Thank You One and All! 

I can never repay all the love and goodwill I have received over the past 24 hours. 


  1. Love you brother. I've been following your blog for years as well as Riding Gravel, 29 Inches and whatever else you've been involved with. Mark, you are a good person. That's what always comes through when I read your work or hear you on a podcast. I wish you and your family a very happy and healthy 2020. Continue to inspire and entertain because you are truly great at it.


  2. @GOTA- Thank you! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
