Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Solo C.O.G 100 Riding Challenge

My single speed set up on the BMC "Orange Crush" #49
Well, this coming weekend was supposed to have been the C.O.G.100 race weekend. Obviously that won't be happening! So instead, when we postponed the event till next year, we came up with an idea. We shared that already, but this is just a reminder for those that still can be allowed out and about on bicycles.

We are suggesting that you go do a long, preferably single speed, gravel bike ride in lieu of doing the C.O.G. 100. If you can, and we realize that some restrictions on movements exist in certain parts of the world and at home here. But for those of you that still are allowed outside on bicycles, here are the ground rules:

  • Social Distancing must be practiced! No group riding!
  • Ride as little or as far as you want. No distance requirements. 
  • Get a shot of at least your bike on a gravel road. If you can take a safe selfie, or put your camera in auto timer mode, get in the picture!
  • Ride date: Saturday March 28th. Anytime Saturday you want is fine.
  • Tag your picture and post to social media with the hashtag #cog100. 
  • OR- Send you images to
That's it! On Wednesday next week I will strive to post a page of whatever images we can get on the C.O.G.100 site and here. Hopefully we get some, but if it ends up being just me, so be it. This is not a contest, there are no "winners", and nothing will be given away. The hope is that by sharing our images we can maybe bring a little bit of community and fun to our situation here.


  1. Sounds like a great idea. It's like my family members in Greece singing from their Balconies!!
    What a strange world it is now. Everybody take care. Stay positive. Ari

  2. I don't have a single speed, our gravel is goo, rain mixed with snow is in the forecast, and lockdown starts today at 5:00pm. However, since outdoor exercise is still be legal, I will find a way to honor COG 100 with a ride! Stay safe!
