Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Barns For Jason: The Single Speed Century Edition

Saturday last weekend was the Single Speed Century, and I saw a lot of barns that I had not seen before. This post will document them, but it isn't just barns. It is a "Country Views" post in reality. The story has been told in words. This will be just a photo dump of the barns and surrounding scenery I saw Saturday.


Thanks for viewing these scenes of barns found mostly in Tama County. A few there at the end were Black Hawk County and Grundy County barns, depending upon which side of the county line road they were on.

This closes out my posts from the Single Speed Century. I am still planning on a Fat Bike Century this Summer, and a solo outing on the proposed Guitar Ted Death Ride course that I came up with, that happening in late July or early August. Those will be my only 'events' this year, as everything else I was interested in got cancelled or postponed.

Thanks again to Jeremy Fry for coming up with this course and for being my ride companion that day. It was really fun, although it hurt a lot at the end! Thank You!!


  1. I also your barn photos, too! I grew up on our family farm in West Central Missouri. I loved our old barns. My father farmed for most of his 52 years and always enjoyed trips north and seeing the beautiful farms. I think he may have dreamed of having a farm like some of them. If he were still living, he would have turned 90this year. Memories...

  2. Ted, you made my world a little happier today. I have an On-One Dirty Disco that I use as a road bike. I've had it since new and it's always had a mysterious soft knocking sound when braking and hitting a bump.It has a thin metal insert at the top of the seat tube which I suppose eases manufacturing tolerances. When you mentioned yesterday that your Pofahl's seat post knocked the lights lit up in my brain. Sure enough there is just enough room under the insert for the post to move back and forth a little. Today I made it happen just to prove it. I am so happy.

  3. @graveldoc - Thanks!

    @nebo - That's awesome! journey trying to track down my knocking noise in the Pofahl was maddening and took months to figure out. I ended up wrapping a round of black electrical tape around the base of my seat post and that took care of that! I hope that you can find a satisfactory solution to your seat post noise!

  4. It must be a real joy to wake up to country like that on a spring morning!! I can hear the meadowlarks from here!!

  5. @youcancallmeAl - You are correct. It is a joy. Ironically, the Western Meadowlark is my favorite bird to hear out there also. Thanks!
