Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Technical Difficulties :Day 2


So, Day 2 of no internet service and the world keeps turning. How is that even possible?! (sarcasm inserted here) Well, since my experiences in life go well back before the start of The Information Age, I know what to do......if I can remember!  

Well, of course I remember! I also see that I spend WAY too much time on the “highway of the innergoogles” and that this much needed slap in the face is a good thing. Hopefully I don’t forget THIS lesson! Now, that said, this puts a slight crimp in my style, so to speak. I mean, it isn’t like I don’t like sitting in “The Truck With No Name”, banging away on the infinitesimally small screen of an iPhone 10. It’s just that having to do all this internet stuff on this goofy device is a learning experience I wasn’t planning on doing. 

So anyway, I have a few items in to review for as of Tuesday and I cannot easily do this the way things are right now. I mean, do I invest in spending the time to learn a new instrument, as it were, or wait until the old guit box is repaired?  This mandolin sized electronic device may be neat, but I am far more comfortable on a full size six string, if ya know what I mean. 

That’s where I am at with all this right now. First world issues, to be sure. Not complaining, just trying to have a little lighthearted fun with the current situation. My research has turned up evidence that perhaps by the time you are reading this I’ll be back to “full sized” posting opportunities. Let’s hope so. You probably don’t want to see another “Technical Difficulties” post again anytime soon.   

(Now watch....I probably jinxed everyone and myself!  Check this space out Thursday to see!) 


  1. Can you use your mandolin-sized computer as a portable internet hotspot for your strato-sized computer?

  2. @rth009- Hmm.... Never thought about that. Might look into that for the future. Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. exactly what rth009 said. Since you said you have an iphone 10 you can turn it into a "mobile hot spot" and then assuming your PC or laptop has a wireless wifi connection (i.e. you don't have to plug an ethernet cord into it) you just sync the wifi with the phone's mobile hot spot. It's beyond simple.
