Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Winding Down

 I spent the latter half of the weekend resting after that big effort Saturday and ended up taking stock of things. Time to think about the end of 2020. This has been a super weird year and a few things have jumped out at me concerning how the year has transpired so far and how it is likely going to close out.

First off, I realized that 2020 has been the first year in 15 years that I have not planned and produced a cycling event. That's weird to consider. It also was extremely liberating. I cannot express the feelings I have had over the past several months that I have felt while 'just riding' without something I have to plan and put on hanging over my head. 

This has extended to my not having attended any cycling related events all year up to this point either. And that also has been extremely liberating. I kind of thought I'd miss that, and, well.......the parts regarding the social interactions? That part I missed. The rest? Meh. Not so much. If I've learned anything from 2020 in relation to cycling it is that I love the exploration part. I love just going for long rides with no other purpose than just to do exactly that. Oh sure, I have the review thing going on, but that's no biggie. 

The event bit will not be excluded through to the end of the year though. No, I have a volunteering job I am doing at an event, so technically, yes- I will attend one event as a volunteer. Stay tuned. I don't want my attendance to be noted. I'm just helping out, nothing more, nothing less. 

Anyway, the important thing is that 2020 will influence my cycling goals to a great degree going forward. I will uphold my commitment to doing the C.O.G. 100- if we can - in 2021, and we probably will, but...... (Who really knows?) After that? I'm likely not going to organize anything in terms of cycling events again. 15 years of doing that is enough. 2020 showed me it is time to just enjoy riding bicycles again. And I plan on doing just that.

1 comment:

  1. I believe you've definitely done your fair share of giving to the cycling community WRT events. Time to just ride and enjoy yourself is well deserved.
