Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Brown Season: White Dogs

Escape Route: Bike Path to Evansdale.
Well it's getting down to it in regard to what's left to do for "The Quest". Out and backs, remote roads, and all in disparate parts of the county. There really is no riding a loop, or making a decent ride out of this now. That said, I did make a bit of a mostly paved adventure out of bagging the rest of Indian Creek Road on Thursday,

Of course, it is now very much November-like in terms of the weather, so I was wearing a coat of course. But I didn't do traditional bike garb either. Nope! I used my favorite riding pants- Dickies Model 874- and I wore 'normal underwear' and a shirt. The only concessions to bike garb were my jacket, helmet, and gloves. Oh yeah.....and I wore sneakers because the bike I used has flat pedals. I was 100% completely comfortable too. Anyway...... The lesson here is don't let what you think you need keep you from riding when you have what you really need already. Just ride. 

So, the road to Indian Creek Road was paved and with lots of it! This sector of Indian Creek Road I had to ride is isolated by I-380 on the East, Highway 20/I-380 on the North, and Gilbertville Road on the West. There was only one way to access this mile and a half stretch of gravel, and that was on the West end from Gilbertville Road. So, I rode bike paths all the way to Evansdale, LaPorte Road to Gilbertville Road, and then off to Indian Creek Road and the out and back. 

This is where Indian Creek Road ends on the West side.

Barns For Jason: Only one this time!

The weather was cool but not cold. Probably mid-40's. There was little wind, so that was good. What there was came as a breeze out of the South. The recent rains made anything unpaved a bit soft in a few places, but really, I could hardly tell except that it wasn't dusty as heck.

The Eastern terminus of Indian Creek Road at I-380 

I got to meet these two big boys. They were kind enough to pose for a picture!

The section of Indian Creek Road I was on should be renamed "Dog Road". There were five dogs along the way and all of them were loose and came out to see what the heck was up with this oddball dude on a white bike. The only pair I had to stop for were these two big white dogs pictured here. They were harmless, but they were wary of me. I spoke kindly to them and they even posed for a picture. Nice of them, wouldn't you agree? 

Then it was back the way that I came. All to bag a mile and a half of gravel. But that's one more bit toward the goal! There will be a few more oddball trips in my future to get the rest of this done. Stay tuned.....


  1. Fat Bike century still on the agenda?

  2. @Ben - Yes, depending on weather, life, and COVID-19 restrictions.
