Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

C.O.G. 100 Update: Not Looking Good

 NOTE: This is NOT an announcement of whether or not the C.O.G. 100 will happen or not. It IS an indication of that status as of 11/20. N.Y. Roll and I offer this as a way of being more transparent about what is happening within the 'think tank' here at C.O.G. 100 headquarters. Thanks for your patience and understanding ahead of time.

For regular blog readers- this also may help you navigate where 2021 might take you in regard to events. Please feel free to ask questions or to leave comments. I am open to dialogue on this subject. Now for the post......

The current thinking here between N.Y. Roll and I concerning whether or not to completely cancel the C.O.G. 100 is a process of back-and-forth, a changing of thoughts on a daily basis, and is a hope against hope situation that is- frankly- exhausting us. Here are things that are shaping our thoughts as of November 2020 in no particular order.

  1. We acknowledge that certain events have taken place and have been relatively 'safe' in retrospect. There have been big, event impacting decisions done with regard to these events that, honestly, if we followed suit, would take a lot of what we intend for the C.O.G. 100 away and in our view make it less the event we originally had intended on putting on. This is not where our hearts are at. So, regarding the comparisons one may make here, we get that others have done their events. But we cannot do ours the way we intended to in the current situation we have found ourselves in. We feel it is, therefore, difficult to call it the "C.O.G. 100" then if it isn't really done in the way the first one was. 
  2. COVID-19 is not going away by the time we want to have the C.O.G. 100. Yes, you may have heard news recently about a vaccine, and that is good news. However; the reality is that it will take months to roll out any - as yet unapproved by the way - vaccine, and then it will be first administered to our most vulnerable in the population, as it should be. With less than four months to go until a rescheduled C.O.G. 100, it is our estimation at this time, having reviewed the best information we can gather, that there will be no vaccine available in time to affect whether or not we can put this event on without enforcing restrictive protocols. 
  3. The current situation with regard to the pandemic is worsening. The Governor of Iowa announced restrictions yesterday on crowd sizes and masks, mandating that any outdoor gathering of 100 or more people would have to be required to wear masks if they cannot socially distance. This was one of a few mandates made Tuesday, and are the first 'mask mandates' made in Iowa on a statewide level. That should tell you that we are quite a ways away from getting clear from having public restrictions with or without a vaccine. It is our best judgement that IF a C.O.G. 100 were to happen that we would have to enforce some strict protocols regarding group sizes and make sure riders were administering social distancing practices. 
  4. Our insurance would have to be re-purchased for the event. The policy we hoped to make use of runs out before we'd get to a rescheduled C.O.G. 100. This means an out-of-pocket expenditure or perhaps adding enough riders to make up the shortfall by re-opening registration. Adding more folks sounds like a really bad idea right now though.  
  5. While some may feel having 'something' is better than nothing, I am not of that school of thought. Racing, competitions, and socially gathering for events, are frivolous activities that are expendable when a random element to a deadly virus could cause a lot of pain and suffering. For what? A silly single speed only gravel event? 

In closing, all of these things are weighty issues to consider and we haven't even touched upon what we would have to consider IF we cancelled the C.O.G. 100 altogether. But we'll cover that IF we get to that point.

In closing, I want to say that I appreciate everyone's patience regarding the situation with the C.O.G. 100. We are leaning toward NOT having the event at all at this point because we do not feel that by late March things will be any safer than they are today. I think we will have a definite answer one way or the other by the end of this month. Look for our final word by then.


  1. Sounds fair at this stage.

  2. All good points and I'm fully supportize of what ever you two decide. Thank you for all you two do!!

  3. It is a tough call and I don't envy you guys. I have done a few events this year but all of them have been local (1-2 hour drive or less) and honestly am probably not signing up for anything for 2021. Can we do it is not the same as should we do it, whatever you guys decide you'll have my support.

  4. Absolutely behind you to make a fair and responsible decision that serves everyone's best interests.

  5. "If you build it, he will come." is a famous quote from Iowa (Field of Dreams). I believe that personal choices and responses are more important than what NY Roll and yourself decide. Yes, you both direct, coordinate, and are the faces of the event. However, just because it is offered individuals have to make choices. I have been invited many times and have been given tickets to board the "crazy train", but it is my choice to get onboard or stay on the platform. Full disclosure: I do not own a single speed so your decision does not impact my life. Yet in a broader scope individual decisions (is it really a sacrifice?) will be a major factor in moving through the pandemic.

  6. @Tim - Yes, it boils down to personal choices and sometimes those choices are not the 'right' ones, in retrospect. As you say, "if" we offer it- people will HAVE to make choices. And maybe that isn't the right situation to be putting people in as we look at our current times.

    1. I understand the personal turmoil and weight of decision making. As a race director for Extreme North Dakota Racing ( I am already pondering the March 2021 event for which I take responsibility. As you allude to, if my choice assists others and keeps them safe that is more important than an event. Personal sacrifice is not as important as personal safety in my decision making process.

  7. I was just notified yesterday that the Tuscobia 160 is cancelled for this year. My racing only consists of Winter Ultra events so this was disappointing but understandable. I was hoping when 2020 came to an end we would be looking up, but unfortunately it looks like this crap will continue for a bit in to 2021. :-(

  8. GT: We just finished up a full high school XC running season and I can say we were able to get our 110 man team to train and compete with no transmission of the virus, as did most teams in the Chicagoland area. Masks and social distancing were adhered to throughout and no race exceeded 50 people including coaches and officials. Maybe having 2 or 3 starting waves could alleviate the numbers issue. Speaking personally, I'd pay a fee to cover additional insurance for me. I'd sign a waiver of any kind for liability purposes. I think this event could have great benefit for all involved. It provides hope, and other mental health benefits, not to mention the physical benefits. All that said, I completely understand the trepidation you and NY Roll must feel given current numbers. We all love what you do and are thankful to have you! Whatever you decide, we are with you.

  9. Appreciate your transparency and forethought, and especially the seriousness with which you guys have taken this all along.
    I certainly hope things are getting better in the spring but the Midwest is sure on a terrible trajectory right now :/ Bikes oscillate between feeling more important than ever and not important at all in my brain. Hoping you find some peace with whatever you decide.

  10. I think it would be safe with a staged, social distanced start with masks. Send 2 or 3 different groups off 30 sec apart. Riders spread out pretty quickly on their own. The staging could be voluntary. With some wind, which is sure to be blowing far harder than we want; we should be safe from the virus. The indoor gathering part is probably out, and sadly that's as much fun if not more fun than the ride. I also think it would be really good for the psyche to have the event. There is nothing better than looking forward to a March event after a cold dismal winter. I didn't sign up for last year knowing I had to work. Now this year I've already told them that COG was the priority and Im going (with the blessing). Now with these turn of events I hope I have the opportunity to get in. And of course remember, what ever you decide, its the right thing!! More than anything you and NY need to be having fun with this, not stress! Thanks for even considering having the event!

  11. A certain event in the state north of you is wrestling with many of the same questions/feelings (minus the already purchased insurance deal). Ragnarok.

    In actuality the outbreak was comparably non-existent last April and we cancelled... I want to have hope that our 2021 event can go on... I want to give riders that hope, that goal... but right now is that anything more than a pipe dream? Tough decisions to make... not necessarily why someone signs up to throw an event...
