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Monday, April 26, 2021

A New Round Of The Guitar Ted "Lube-Off" Begins

New Wippermann Connex 11SB 11 speed chain
 NOTE: The Guitar Ted "Lube-Off" is an occasional series here on the blog where I pit chain lubrication products against each other to see what- if any- chain lubrication products are good for riding on gravel. These reviews are my opinions only and are not meant to be taken as the final word on any of these products. 

A couple of the G-Ted gravel sleds are due for new chains so I figured what the heck?! Why not start up another round of the "Lube-Off"? Okay, so with that, I want to kick off this latest round with a short introduction of my two most impressive lubricants so far and then get into the chains I am testing for that go with this round. First up, the long running 'top-dog' of lubricants in my opinion, the DuMonde Tech lubricants in either "Light" or full-strength versions. 

I first was introduced to DuMonde Tech lubricants for bicycle chains via Mike Curiak at Trans Iowa v1. Although, I should mention that Mike does not recall that he used DuMonde Tech there, I clearly remember otherwise. Regardless, that's where I got interested in that chain lube. Eventually I tracked some down and it has won every "Lube-Off" since. 

The other really good lubricant I have tried is Muc-Off C3 Ceramic Dry Lube. It came about when I ran into the Muc-Off line a few years back testing tubeless tire sealants. Muc-Off C3 is really pretty good stuff and nearly knocked off DuMonde Tech here from its lofty throne. Now with these new chains I have in, I will introduce two new lubricants to the "Lube-Off" and see which, if any of the two, can approach the goodness of the two top dogs in "Lube-Off" history. 

And those lubes are.... 

 Well, this time I am going to take 'reader's suggestions'. This means you get to pick the two lubes I will pit against DuMonde Tech and Muc-Off C3. But before you fire up your comments, you'll want to read which lubricants I have already tested so you won't be adding a suggestion that will be rejected. Here following is a short list of popular lubricants I have already tested and have not measured up....

  • aMTBer Products
  • Squirt
  • Lilly Lube
  • Tri-Flow
  • WD-40 Lube
  • WPL Lube
  • ProLink Gold
  • Pedros Chainj
  • Chain-L Lube
  • Rock & Roll Lube
  • Smooth Operator Lube
  • Boeshield T-9 

So if your suggestion is not on that list, throw in a shout out in the comments and I will pick two. If no one suggests anything- or only one, I'll add whatever I want. Ha! So, hit the comments with your ideas. Now one more thing here....

Brassy! Wippermann Connex 11SG chain.
Some of you have in the past, and probably are already thinking I should try some chain wax- or in other words, do a complex task involving cleaning, melting wax in a crock pot, and dipping a cleaned chain in it and hanging that up to dry, THEN putting the chain on your bike and riding it. Well, that's not going to happen. I'll tell you why, because the mere process of waxing a chain makes it a loser in my "Lube-Off" from the get-go- before a pedal has been turned. Why? 

The application process is waaaay too fussy. While I do clean the bejesus out of my chain before lubricant application, I do not want to have to do that waxing process, and.......a crock pot? Not happening here. So, I apologize to you folk who are rabid chain-wax fanatics, but you won't ever see me test that. Not when DuMonde Tech already is nine times easier to use and the prep to apply it is not something I need to have electricity for and ruin a good kitchen appliance to do. 

Okay.... Now what about those chains? Well, the black one is a Wippermann Connex 11sB BLACK EDI chain. The 'gold' one is a Wipperman Connex SG 11 speed chain. (Note- the Connex SG is not listed on the Wippermann site so I linked to a source that sells the chain) Wippermann chains show up well in wear tests and with gravel use, long-wear claims are high on my list of desirable chain characteristics. I've used one Wippermann chain before on a derailleur set up and it worked well, as I recall. The Connex quick link is a really easy one to use and is reusable, unlike many quick links you may think are reusable. 

So, the chain review will be on Riding Gravel, but get those chain lube suggestions in to me and I will then get on to getting those lubes and moving on. OR- I will choose two lubricants and move on. Your choice, readers! 

Note: The Wippermann Chains were purchased by Guitar Ted with his own damn money and this post is not being paid for, nor is Guitar Ted being bribed for his opinions.


  1. I've had my best results with Smoove chain lube, and I used to use DuMonde (which I started using based on your lube=offs a while ago). Only place I've found it for sale is Amazon though.

  2. I like Rock n Roll Gold.

  3. I would love to see a test of the Silca Synergetic wet lube that was released a few months ago. Ease of application and prep for this lube are probably in line with the likes of DuMonde.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. +1 for the Smoove lube.

  5. +1 for Rock n Roll Gold.

  6. NOTE- Rock & Roll has already been tested. Thanks for the suggestion for it....

  7. +1 for Synergetic

  8. G-Ted, Howdy; How's about you give PB-Blaster a try or Breakfree CLP?
    Both relatively easy to source and known for their penetration abilities.

  9. SCC Slick is my jam for the last two years. Best thing ever.

  10. Been pleased with original NFS for several years.

  11. I will second the Silca Synergetic and also NFS. I know NFS has a new gravel/mtn blend that I have not tried yet; but I really liked their other offering. So my vote is for Silca and NFS!

  12. Edit attempt: I second (third now?) the Silca Synergetic.

    I'm a waxer on the 'performance' bikes, but for the cargo bike/family bikes I'm not gonna do all that.

  13. Finish Line Dry worked well when it was milky-white, the last I bought was clear (like I think it was originally)- and not as good.

  14. I've had good results with Phil Wood Bio-Lube compared to Dumonde Tech Original. I'd be curious what your results are.
