Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

It's All Settled Then

Well, it looks like we're gettin' 'the band' back together again and goin' ta Gravel our Worlds this August again around Lincoln, Nebraska. This likely will be the only event I do all year this year.

There was a possibility of doing the Gent's Race but members of the team are away doing other things and well, that streak is broken. So, we'll not be doing that this year. That left Gravel Worlds. I am signed up, but I hadn't had the chance to talk to Tony about it, he being my usual traveling companion for this event for several years now. Anyway, Friday he came into the shop and we got the game plan in place. We'll be there, usual place, usual time.

So, I've got some work yet to do. This has me thinking now about the bike I'll use, how I will approach this one, and what I need to get done in the meantime. It'll be hot, humid, and likely windy. No big surprises with weather. Been there, done that a bunch of times. While I've tried this event several times, I've only ever finished it once- in 2016, so I would dearly like to finish it again.

The last go-round with Gravel Worlds, I used the Fargo, which is the bike I used the only time I've finished this deal in '16. Things were going great, until they weren't. I got to the Malcom General Store and I was cooked. 

The long road back to Lincoln was one filled with shame and regret for not knowing quite how or why my battle with heat never seems to go my way in this- or some other Summer events I've tried. But yeah.... I think it is an electrolyte issue I have. Sleepiness, bonking, just plain running out of energy. My body seems to just quit on me at this event, and I guess I need to really work a bit more on the area of being properly 'balanced' during these hot weather efforts. 

And to be completely fair to myself, I've changed a lot of things since 2019. I quit drinking almost entirely. Still might have a beer or two on the weekend, but maybe not. I changed up my diet again. I've lost a bit of weight since 2019 and I feel better than I have in heat in years. I understand a bit better when it comes to what I need to do with hydration, and the doesn't mean drinking more, it has to do with what I am drinking. I had been using an electrolyte for years, but in the last several years I got away from that. Bad decision. 

I'm leaning toward taking this bicycle for the Gravel Worlds voyage.

As far as the gear, I also have learned a lot. That Fargo was set up a bit differently in '16 and while those parts and pieces are not around now, I have a very similar choice in those regards with the way I currently have the pink MCD set up. So, I think a few very minor tweaks from what you see up above here is all it will take to get me Gravel Worlds ready in terms of the bike. 

Anyway, there is some time yet to do those tweaks, ride a lot, and try some of these newer ideas for nutrition out, and then point all of that towards knocking out a 150 miles around Lincoln come mid-August. I look forward to it, and most of all, to seeing old friends once again.

It's been far too long...........


  1. A few thoughts related to electrolytes for your consideration.

    First of all, not all sodium is equal. The most common form is salt, sodium chloride. However, too much chloride causes gastric issues. A good electrolyte mix will use another form of sodium, like sodium citrate, that’s much easier on the stomach. The body needs potassium, calcium and magnesium too, so salt tablets alone won’t do it.

    Also, having your electrolytes near isotonic levels helps immensely with absorption. If the ratio of electrolytes to water is too high or low, it doesn’t want to be absorbed from your digestive system into the blood stream.

    I have a lot of stomach issues in general and I was able to get good results using Infinit Nutrition’s custom blends that they do a great job guiding you through. They are pricey, but if it helps you figure out what works, then you can use it as a guide to identify cheaper solutions.

  2. @Nooge - Thank you for those suggestions and the knowledge. I used to use Elite electrolyte additive in my water, and I never really ever had any issues with that, but obviously, it may not have been at optimal levels, as you point out. I have not used Elite in several years though, so I could go back or.....

    I've been having success this year using GU Energy's Roctane in the non-caffeinated form. In fact, I've never felt better on the bike than I have now while using it. I did a stint of using the GU products back when they sponsored Trans Iowa, and it may have been that this was what I was using in '16 to finish Gravel Worlds and in '15 when I barely missed the cut-off at CP#3 for the DK200 that year, leaving me just 44 miles short of finishing.

    So, I have some investigating to do- in a big hurry! But there are other pieces to the puzzle as well, like what I am going to eat.

    Stay tuned.....

  3. Ride the bike Mark - ride your bike

  4. It'll be great to see you, Brother! I think the pink MCD will be a great choice for the roads you'll be riding. This weekend, I'll be doing a 200 mile shake down ride for the setup I'm hoping to ride at the Gravel Worlds Long Voyage, so hopefully I'll have things a little better sorted after that.

    I've also had very good luck with Infinite Nutrition hydration products, and you know my stomach is about as finicky as they come!


  5. I don't have a solution for your heat problems but have some thoughts to share as far as to a potential cause. Have you noticed a change in your sweating patterns? This may be a sign of an endocrine problem with how your adrenal glands, under physical stress, are or are not working to balance your electrolytes. An endocrinologist may have more to say. I have, from past clinical experience have seen instances when, once a person has a heat injury, their ability to handle heat seems impaired to some degree or another. I was once told, by an endocdrinologist, the U.S. Army was doing studies on this subject.

    1. Thank you for this bit of insight.

  6. @graveldoc - You know, I've not noticed any changes in my sweating patterns for years and years. That said, I've had heat stroke before. Several times. least I 'thought' that's what it was. Literally passed out on at least one occasion that I can think of back in the 90's.

  7. Wide tires, slap those deep aero wheels on the MCD, get a couple bottles of pickle juice, and show up as fit as you possibly can. Good luck my man, you CAN do this!

  8. @DT - Hey, thanks for that encouragement!
