Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Unintentional Testing

From the dank, dark confines of G-Ted HQ.
 Sometimes I discover things by accident. Probably the most easily remembered time where that occurred for me was when I figured out that on tubed tires I could pump them up and when they felt 'right' days later I would make note of that pressure that they had leaked down to and then set them up that way every time. The first time that happened was completely by accident. "Unintentional Testing", is what I call it. 

Well, another instance of that just occurred here recently. It has to do with the Raleigh Tamland Two. Now generally I don't ride the Tamland a whole lot anymore because I have moved on to other 'test mules' for So the bike often sits for weeks and sometimes a month or two before I get back to it for some reason or another.

I cannot remember when I put the Ti Regulator post on the bike, but it's been a long time now and then that Silverado saddle has been on there a while as well. Anyway, you all probably know that I grabbed this bike to do the Tubolito review. Well, just the other day when I went for a ride I thought, "Hey! I forgot how well this bike fit me." I was feeling really comfortable on it. Well, I rode it to work and after my shift was over I sat the bike against the bike repair stand for a minute while I pulled on my helmet and got ready to go home. And I glanced at that Silverado and I noticed it then.

The saddle was slid all the way back on the rails in the saddle clamp. 

Now as a mechanic for many years this generally means one thing- that clamp on the seat post is loose. It doesn't have to be very loose. It doesn't even have to be noticeable. Just your pedaling motion, your weight, and impacts from riding are enough to get that saddle creeping backward until it cannot slide back any further due to the rails shape changing as it goes up into the saddle's nose. So, I knew something was up and I grabbed a 5mm hex key.

The drive side clamp bolt was loose! Wow..... So, here I had been riding a changing saddle position over a period of time until it stopped at its furthest point back that it could go and it felt right. Now, this is shocking to me because the Ti Regulator has a healthy set back and I almost would never set a saddle up like that. Never! Hmm.... 

I grabbed a tape measure and took a measurement thinking, well, it had to be a way longer saddle to bar length now. Right? Funny thing. It was near spot on to what I have always preferred. Weird. 

But that's cool. I found out how the Tamland feels best after all these years and I never would have found out this by trying.

1 comment:

  1. I have had that same experience with Thomson seat posts, The 5Nm tightness spec is more of a 8Nm torque spec. But what I have noticed is that this only occurs on metal saddle rails. The metal on metal contact seems to allow the slipping.
