Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, January 23, 2022


Self portrait. GT in his basement shop.
Well, it's THAT day again! The day on which I was born sixty-one years ago is today. So, in light of this auspicious occasion, I am going to take some time to reflect on a few things. Here we go, in no particular order....

  • Two years....well-almost two... of this pandemic is tiring. I feel like it has been 2020 forever. 
  • Last year was.....uggh! Last year was great too. Lots of changes happened. 
  • Working as a mover for a moving company part time here and there has been enlightening. You've no idea how hard these people work. Think about your toughest days on a bicycle. It's that hard- maybe harder- and those guys and gals do that five days a week. 
  • I still like riding bicycles- a lot! 
  • I still like playing guitar 
  • I still really enjoy writing. 
  • I love my family and count myself super-blessed to have a wife and two children that love me.

I have my health, such as it is. It is good, but sixty-one years and you know what? Things change. I'm not complaining. It is what it is. And that is mostly really good for my age. But I won't kid you- as you age, you'd better become acquainted with pain, changing performance of certain body parts, and hair management where you thought hair would never grow! Just kidding! A little......

Thanks for reading G-Ted Productions. I hope that you have an awesome day!


  1. Congrats on 61 trips around the big orange ball. I think I know what you mean about the hair management thing, haha.

  2. G-Ted, Howdy;

    Congratulations on yet another successful orbit of the Sun!

    Just ait till ya hit the 70's. chuckle


  3. Happy Birthday, Brother!! I’m so thankful you were born. Love ya!!

  4. @Phillip Cowan - LOL! Thank you!

  5. hank - Thank you! I hope to have the privilege to be 70 and find out.

  6. @MG - Thanks Brother! Love you too!

  7. Happy B day Guitar Ted!! Thank you for all your writings!

  8. Happy Birthday GT! I just turned sixty this fall and totally understand the hair thing. I always joke that I haven't lost any hair, it just moves around to different parts of my body!
    I'm happy you still like writing because I still love reading your blog! Here's to even better days ahead!

  9. @Farley Bob- Hey, thanks!
