Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Review; LMNT Electrolyte Additive

Image courtesy of LMNT
A Cautionary Tale About Hydration/Nutrition:

In the world of nutrition and hydration, there are a lot of claims and statements which seem to be contradictory, or confusing, or both. Then when I investigate this stuff, it always seems to me that the basics are the same between any of the contenders. Hmm... A lot of hocus-pocus here, methinks. 

So, when my friend in SoCal did a review on LMNT electrolyte additive for, and raved about it, I figured there had to be something to this stuff. Might be worth a try. 

I received my sampler packet just in time for the Gents Race at the beginning of the month. I was excited to give this new stuff a try. I mixed one packet per bottle and set off for the day. My first impressions were that "Dang! This stuff is SALTY!" But it tasted okay. So, I went on with it and reloaded on it at the checkpoint.

While I never even had a hint of cramps, I did get a bit of that "too much salt" feeling in the gut. And, I also experienced some really bad bloating/gas pains at the end of the ride and going home. Really bad! Now- I chalked it up to eating some stuff I had at the checkpoint. I just had too many variables to say it was 'this' or 'that' which caused my pains in the belly. 

Then I got some feedback from my friend, Grannygear, who was the fan of this stuff. He said that he cuts his packets of LMNT down to 1 packet to 2 bottles. He suggested I might want to do the same, or spread it out into 3 bottles to one packet, maybe. That sounded like a good deal to me. but, in the meantime I got some 24hr bug that made me really ill. I had a lot of diarrhea and vomiting. I used the cut down dosage of LMNT figuring I needed a bit of electrolyte after losing so many fluids from being sick. Once again, afterward I had some gut issues, but.........I was ill. Still couldn't pin it on the LMNT usage. 

Last time I used LMNT was on the ride with N.Y. Roll

Last week I used LMNT on the ride with N.Y. Roll spreading out one packet over three bottles of water. I ended up getting gut issues again, milder than before, but this was the very same pains I had the other two times. Now I can say that- for me- this stuff doesn't sit well with me.

That isn't to say that it won't work for you. In fact, even N.Y. Roll is trying the stuff out, and as far as I know, he gets along with it just fine. same with Grannygear in SoCal who finds LMNT to be almost a miracle additive. 

It all reminds me of what Jeff Kerkove used to tell me back in his "Mr. 24hr" days when he did solo 24hr MTB races. He'd always remind me that you had to experiment to find what works for you. Everyone is different. There is no 'magic formula' that works for everyone. And he used to point out that maybe things that once worked will not work at some point in the future. Our bodies change and age. It is a moving target- this nutritional/hydration game, and we had better get used to it.

And so I am done with LMNT. Is it bad? Is it good stuff? Maybe. You have to try it for yourself and find out. Me? That would be a hard "No!"

Note: I bought LMNT with my own damn money and was not paid nor bribed for this review. So there!


  1. With me being on Keto this stuff works for my current needs. With that said, the best stuff I have used is a toss up from Hammer HEED or Tailwind. One also needs to understand I have an iron lined gut. And maybe you just need simple H2O and rely on the calories via munchies.

  2. @N.Y. Roll - Actually, what has worked for me, and what I'll fall back on for future rides, is GU Roctane.

    And I need to get you the rest of this LMNT stuff. I'll never use it.....

  3. You broke the cardinal rule of never trying something new on the day of an event!

  4. - Guilty! But in my defense, I felt pretty confident that even if it didn't agree with me, there wouldn't be the major pain I actually did suffer. I have never had any reaction to a nutritional additive/product like that before in my life. It was so far out of the ordinary that I was pretty sure it was something else I ate, thus my reticence to condemn the product that first time.

    But yeah, you are right. Typically I wouldn't do something like this before, say- Gravel Worlds. But this Gents thing is not such an event. More of a glorified group ride in reality. At least that's how I see our team.

  5. Dude, same exact thing here. I rarely/never have bad reactions to new sports nutrition products, but LMNT absolutely ruined me. Bloating, diarrhea, the works. Thinking it might be the malic acid (in the magnesium malate). I also find stevia rather disgusting, but I doubt it's having any GI effects.

  6. I'm so glad I found this. I couldn't figure out why I was having so many gut issues. I have been drinking one a day over the course of several hours mixed with 40 ml of water. My weight has been steady climbing, I feel bloated, I'm having gut issues. NY Roll can have mine as well. Thank you for this article!!!
