Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Country Views: Rocky Roads

Escape Route: Hoff Road
 Tuesday. The long, hot, mostly dry days of Summer have settled in now. I thought the wind had died down, but that must still be coming. It was super windy, again, and that just adds to what I think has to be the Windiest Year in recent memory here in this part of the world. RAGBRAI riders should take heed. Next week it probably will still be really windy. Why wouldn't it be? It's been the pattern all year so far.

Anyway, I got out in the morning as the afternoon temperatures were to be in the mid-90's Not as warm as some other places, from what I understand, but yeah. If I could avoid that, I would, and I should. So, I did. 

So, windy, hot, oh yeah.....and humid. Not devastatingly humid, but it isn't everyone's cup of tea, and it makes things harder to do outside in combination with those other two factors. So, I had all that to look forward to, but it was Sunny, and the fields were coming to full maturity, so the countryside is at 'peak crop season' right now. 

It was beautiful out on Tuesday.

However; it was a mixed bag as far as roads. This was Petrie Road looking East. Chunky!

I decided to head South and start from Prairie Grove Park. I noted that with all this heat we've had, that the cement cycle path is buckling and shattered cement bits were to be found at various points. Note: Not a Popular Opinion: Make these paths pea gravel. I know....I know. Like I said, unpopular opinion here. But I cannot imagine that what I saw won't cost thousands of dollars to repair, and as it stands, it will become gravel sooner or later. 

Looking North at Ansborough Avenue.
A farmer makes wind rows of grass to be baled in between stands of corn

The chunky roads were exceptionally chunky this day. It was either totally fresh gravel or really smooth, deteriorated gravel. The split was about 50/50 for the mileage of this ride. I suspect I was out in the middle of a maintenance round in this section of Black Hawk County. 

Some crazy looking cloud formations were noted during the ride.

Yeah, that's about as tall as it gets around here.

I had a great ride and a surprise package waiting for me when I arrived at home. I had to laugh, as it was addressed to "Hall of Famer Guitar Ted". That was fun, but on one hand, I still find it sort of unreal too. 

The package? Sorry. I am not at liberty to discuss the contents of it. But sooner or later you may figure out what it was. Keep your eyes peeled.....

It was good to get out. Even despite the very rough roads. Better than not getting out, for sure.....

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