Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, July 09, 2022

Making Connections

The front entrance to the Des Moines Street Collective
Thursday I made a little trip to Des Moines. It was work related, but it also was a chance to finally meet an "online friend" and a learning experience. 

The Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective, where I work now, has been selling a fair amount of bicycles. Well, nothing spectacular, but for what we do and for how we operate, we are pretty busy and just barely getting by with enough to sell to people. We rely on donations for inventory, and since we are a non-profit concern that has a bit different mission than retail bicycle shops, it is a unique challenge. 

Through my online acquaintance, Bobby Kennedy, I found out that he is the new manager of the Des Moines Street  Collective, who are much like we are at CVBC. However; their issue is that the volume of donations they get is almost more than they can handle. 

Bobby motioned then that we come down and relieve them of some excess donations and that this would help both our Collectives out. The date was moved a couple of times, but finally, Thursday it happened.

Interior of the Des Moines Street Collective near the entrance off 6th Street.

Looking back at the work stations from the same vantage point as above.

I was amazed at the scope and size of the Des Moines operation. Their set up was inspiring, and I came home with more than a few ideas that I'd like to see implemented into the CVBC someday. Plus, I finally got to meet Bobby Kennedy! That was fun. 

Some cool bicycle related window art I saw at the Des Moines Street Collective

And in the end we made a big space for more donations at the Des Moines Street Collective and we received a nice shot in the arm of fresh inventory for the Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective. 

I guess I also came away inspired by the fact that we are not the only ones doing this sort of work. To my way of thinking, this is where dealing bicycles and parts makes the biggest impact. Most of the time, this sort of business is helping people get around, and they actually live on these bicycles. They are THE form of transportation, and without these bicycles collectives like the Des Moines Street Collective and the Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective, I have to wonder if a lot of folks wouldn't be worse off than they are. 

Something to think about when we are grousing about not being able to get that chi-chi brake system or when we are upset that our most recent race didn't go well. It's all about perspective...........


  1. I have rescued many an old ride with the help of DSM Street Collective. Great resource and mission. Did you happen to notice the cool stampings in the concrete floor? Chainrings of various vintages and styles. So cool.

  2. @Gravelo - No! I missed that! I'll blame Bobby for distracting me. (Ha ha!) Next time I'm down there I'll have to check that out.
