Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Getting Acquainted With Frozen Toes Again

 So, with Fall well underway, we've been hit with our first hint of Winter this week. Yesterday it was cold, blustery, but really pretty out. So, I figured I may as well take this cheerful looking day to get myself reacquainted with being in cold weather. I also was wanting to get back into a groove of cycling with all that stuff ya gotta put on now. 

Sometimes it is really hard for me to find the motivation to put on 'all of that stuff'' just to get in a short-ish ride. You know the drill if you are a cold weather rider. Base layer, long tights or bibs, a wool jersey or long sleeved thermal jersey, something for under the helmet, a "buff", probably, (since you have twice as many as you used to now- Thanks pandemic!), and ya gotta drag out the booties or thermal shoes again. "Which jacket should I wear?" "Where are those nice gloves at again?"

The dance to get kitted up. gah! But I have to get into it again if I want to ride a bicycle in Iowa from October to April-ish. I know the drill. It's just kind of a drag, that's all. So, on this bright, happy looking day, (with temperatures hovering around freezing and a gusty Northwest wind), I decided to give myself a kick in the pants and just get on with it. I knew I'd be a happier fellow if I did. 

Time for "Senior Pictures"

And you know I was happier that I did get out. You especially know if you live where there are four seasons and each has a different set of rules for cycling gear. But in case you don't have such issues, trust me- You have to get geared up mentally for this as well. It's a whole different ball game when it gets cold versus when it is warm out in terms of what to wear. 

But now I have crossed that line where I know I can do this again. I got all the gear out and put away the Summer stuff. I got out there and did battle with the wind. I survived. I even smiled. And yes, I did feel a whole lot better for it. 

What's that? It's supposed to be in the 70's this weekend?  (sigh!)


  1. Completely agree Mark - riding outside of nice warm weather is a mindset as much as anything assuming you have sensible clothing and gear to choose from. I find that regular riding helps as you gradually adjust your wardrobe to conditions. If you are riding trails (as we do all year round) it also helps you tune in to lower grip levels.

    The worst is not riding for six weeks during autumn/fall - after that it's either too cold (and too much of an insurmountable concept to ride in winter), or you go out and either freeze or cook, depending on if you have over or underdressed!


  2. @MuddyMatt - Good point! Consistency in riding does help keep you mentally in the game. That insurmountable feeling of remembering that last shirt-sleeved ride when you are facing a sub-freezing outing could be a show stopper. That is why I think just getting out there, no matter how long the ride, is paramount to having a year-long riding experience.
