Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Gents Race Preview

The Standard Rando v2 ready for the Gents Race.
The Gents Race will happen for the 13th time this weekend in Slater, Iowa and I am set to ride with the Careless Whispers again. (That's the name of our team, and yes- it is a reference to the song)

I've gone over the Twin Six Standard Rando v2 with a fine toothed comb and it is as good as it will get for this event. The last thing I added was the SKS rear clip-on fender because, well, the weather is sounding pretty awful right now. 

Iowa is supposed to get a couple to three days of rain here, and so far, we're on track to do that. Additionally, once the warm air leaves us, we are supposed to get a cold front that will dump the temperatures down into the 30's for most of our ride and feature winds into the 30's with snow. SNOW! 

I am guessing it will be wet. So, that's why the clip-on went on. I may even put on one of those downtube mounted splash guards if things look to be wet for Saturday. And if it looks real bad? I may switch my bike choice to my old Raleigh Tamland since it already has full-fenders on it right now.

The Tamland is set up for severe conditions

And the Tamland has near-dead components on it already. I'd rather sacrifice those to the angry gravel than my new-ish silver GRX Limited stuff. But I am keeping a close eye on the weather, and that sandy Gents race course does dry up pretty quickly. So, we will see. 

Since it's going to be cold and windy I am planning on wearing thermal bib tights, a base layer, and my long-sleeved Bontrager wool jersey with either a wet weather soft-shell or my heavy-duty Bontrager wind shell. My Hand-Up Winter gloves will likely get the call and I'll take some lighter weight ones in the top tube bag just in case that's too much. Of course, I'll wear my Northwave Winter cycling boots as I have for most Gents Races! 

Well, it'll be interesting at any rate! I probably won't make a call on the bike until moments before I leave Saturday morning. Stay tuned....


  1. Have fun out there, GT! It looks like it'll be sufficiently crappy out :D I was hoping to participate this year but was unable to either find or join a team. I'm mulling over doing a 100 mile singlespeed route this weekend in tribute of the cog100 being around this time.

  2. @Tomcat - Thank You! I am sorry you won't be there for the Gents Race, but a single speed hundy sounds damn fine. I'd choose Sunday, if I were you. Have fun!

  3. G Ted, Howdy;

    Should have mentioned it sooner but ... Anyway, I used to rid motorcycle in the North East year 'round. Found that a Silk under layer is what it takes. Here's a link;


  4. @ hank - Thanks! I'll have to try that sometime.
