Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Headed South

 The culmination of months of planning, spending, and gathering of parts will occur over the next few days as I am to head South on a trip. The point of it all will be two-fold: First will be the Honeman Flyer Project. I will be bringing that bike along and then Erik Mathy will photograph it, myself, and possibly the frame builder as well at the venue. Then I will be getting interviewed for a story about the bike and the idea behind it all. 

Secondly, I will be exploring behind the scenes at the Mid-South event. I've never been to this event but I have met Bobby Wintle on several occasions. He has been said to be the "soul" of the Mid-South event (Formerly known as the  Land Run 100 for you old school riders.)

I suspect I'll ride a bit, hang a bit, and talk to many folks. I plan on getting a lot of images and maybe an interview or two. I will be starting my reports on Mid-South on Tuesday of next week as Monday will be a travel home day. On Monday I may have a preliminary report with no images as I will be posting from an iPhone and I don't get on with the interface with Blogger on the iPhone. So, no promises there. If I can figure it out, you'll get an image. 

There may even be a random post or two thrown in while I am down there. We will see. I plan to arrive in Stillwater sometime Thursday and will be there through Sunday. If you follow me on social media I am on Instagram and "X" (formerly Twitter) as "guitarted1961". 

This will be the first multi-day trip I have taken since last year's GCHoF trip to Emporia, Kansas, which I am also supposed to be doing again this year. Woo! See ya later....


  1. We are making the pilgrimage down there also, hope to run into you.

  2. Have a great trip, Brother!!

  3. @Rydn9ers - Hope to see you there! Safe travels!

  4. @MG - Thanks Brother!!

  5. I still think the event should have been renamed “Bobby’s OK Bike Ride”

  6. @shiggy person - HA! I see what you did there. I like it!
