Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Announcing The "Victory Ride"

This is Warren Weibe. The "Victory Ride" is his idea.
 I've had the privilege to have met many fine individuals throughout the years that I have been involved in gravel cycling. One of those people is Warren Weibe. 

You may not know Warren, but he has been a fixture in the gravel scene since way-back. Always a single speeder too. Anyway, Warren and I go way back and he has always been very encouraging of my events, especially Trans Iowa. 

Well, Warren most recently had his nephew track me down at Mid-South to say hello. I'm not sure why, but maybe this got Warren to thinking about something in the realm of riding with me and he cooked up an idea. 

The basics are that Warren, and probably his nephew, are planning on coming all the way up here to just ride with me. Warren calls it the "Victory Ride", so I don't know why the ride is being called that other than this is what Warren wanted. Since he is coming all this way to do this, I am deferring to his wishes. This and keeping the ride chill and intimate are the only requirements he had for this. Oh...that and it has to be low stress for me

So, I turned to N.Y. Roll for a route and he has come up with one that is just shy of 50 miles that will start and end in Urbana, Iowa which is located about halfway between Waterloo and Cedar Rapids Iowa on I-380. The ride will happen on Saturday June 15th. 

So, this is being announced here because I wanted you all to have the knowledge and at least the chance to consider this as an an invitation. My thoughts being that if I did not say anything, and the ride happened, and I talked about it here afterward that I'd get, "Why didn't you say anything ahead of time?" type comments. Well, now this is out there and you know if you are reading this. If you need a reference for what this ride will be and a few images from the same area it will be held in, SEE THIS POST.

Now for the part you should know, but it has to be said: You Are Responsible For You. No sag. It is NOT A RACE. Don't come if you are not in a mood to talk, stop a few times, and have a chill experience on gravel. Come prepared to ride with water, food, and a repair kit. There will be one resupply stop. 

More details soon. 

Got questions? Hit me up in the comments. I'll do my best to get answers.


  1. Chatted Warren up for a bit at Flint Hills, great guy and great talk. I'll have to see if the calendar is open for this, thanks for sharing.

  2. be prepared for a group photo mid ride. it may or may not pan out

  3. I’m gonna do everything I can to get there, Brother!!
