Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Friday, May 31, 2024

GCHoF Trip Report: Part 1

I'm going to guess that this rig wasn't going to Unbound Gravel!
This is the report from my whirlwind trip down and back again from here to Emporia, Kansas over three days to attend the GCHoF 2024 inductions ceremonies. I'll have a three-part report. The "meat" of which will be seen here tomorrow where I go over each of the new inductees. 

Mrs. Guitar Ted and I went down on Tuesday and stopped short of Emporia as we wanted to get her some "real" Korean food in Kansas City. That turned out to be a somewhat successful venture.

I will leave it at that, as far as the restaurant. We stayed overnight there in KC which left us a short jaunt to get down to Emporia and get me delivered to the GCHoF group ride which was to set sail at 11:00am. Mrs. Guitar Ted and I arrived early enough that we had time for coffee, so we went over to the Gravel City Roasters shop and then we had to wait....

Seems like we hit "peak coffee" time!

This delayed us and well, I had but ten minutes to switch out my shirt for a jersey, my shoes for cycling shoes, throw on a helmet, and get my tires pumped up for the ride. In a hilarious twist of fate, Allison Tetrick was also running behind, so we conspired to arrive together, so if we were late we would have at least each other to keep company as we tried to catch back up. 

As you can see, we made it. Barely! They were clipping in and rolling out as we pulled up. Crazy timing, but hey! It worked. Then it was spinny-spinny-spinning the single speed Honeman Flyer along city streets until we made the right turn onto gravel to do the same loop we did last year. 

We stopped at the "Bird Bridge" again.

The stop at the bridge where the famous murder took place happened again. We all stopped as Jason Strobehn started in on the historical aspect of our stop and then asked for all the GCHoF'ers to come onto the bridge for photos. Just then, as if on cue, a black pickup truck came rumbling down the hill from the West and right into the throng of riders. The driver was being waved through kindly by us riders, but then the truck stopped right at the approach to the bridge. An older, skinny man with straw hat on sat behind the wheel of the truck with a dog at his side. He leaned out of the window and pointed a bony finger at the bridge and asked if we knew what happened, "...right over there!"

This occurrence was not planned!

The man, who had married into one of the families involved in the ordeal, began to tell us the details of the murder from his viewpoint. It was a chance meeting, but so on point that some did not believe it wasn't a plan, but Jason insisted it was just a random happening. At any rate, it was appropriate and an extra bonus for what otherwise would have been a "routine" outing for us. 

The humble beginnings of a physical presence for the Gravel Cycling Hall of Fame. 

After the ride I had a nice chat with LeLan Dains who is on the board of directors for the Gravel Cycling Hall of Fame. There is now actually a "hall" and some physical specimens on display there. It is just getting off the ground now and there is a lot to be done, but it is at least a start.

A picture of Allison getting her picture made.

Then I talked with Steve Domahidy of Viral Bikes for a bit. I'll have more about that in a follow-up regarding bicycles later. Then I had quite a long conversation in two parts with Allison Tetrick. Mrs. Guitar Ted and her really hit it off, by the way, and we spent quite a while chatting about this and that over the course of an hour or so at a venue which is normally a hatchet throwing place but had been "taken over" by Specialized Bikes for the Unbound weekend. 

Allison's 2023 GCHoF plaque.

The best story out of that conversation was Allison's leaving her GCHoF plaque in Emporia last year and finally being reunited with it this year! Anyway, it was great to get to know Allison a little better. She's got a special fundraiser going on now where you can buy one of two custom bandanas she had designed and made and the money goes to supporting youth MTB. Check it out HERE.

And with that I will close out Part 1. Stay tuned tomorrow for the breakdown on each inductee, and a surprise. Then Sunday I'll have the final report with some bicycle hardware and a new article I am going to be featured in will be revealed as well. Stay tuned.....

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