Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Twentieth Year Starts Now

 On this day 19 years ago I started "Guitar Ted Productions" and began my first year in a string of almost daily blog posts, sometimes multiple posts on a single day, ever since then. Now, today, I am starting my 20th year of blogging. Next May 11th I will complete that 20th year.


To those who have been here reading for a day or for longer, I want to personally thank you from the bottom of my heart. I never went into this thinking that anyone would pay any attention to my writing at all. In fact, I took it so unseriously that I wrote a LOT of goofy stuff. Why not? No one was going to read this blog anyway, right?


Wrong. Lots of people started reading this blog, and I don't mean to brag, but this thing went from "zero to sixty" so fast it made my head spin. It wasn't a year into this that I was getting attention from other sites writing about cycling, or that people in the industry were anonymously hanging out to see what I would write up next. 

Then things went nuts. Really nuts. I was a bicycle mechanic in 2005, and that was it. But within a year things had changed and people had "heard about me" or had read the blog. I remember going to Interbike in 2006 and having people ask me "Are you Guitar Ted?", and saying that they read the blog. Whoa! How strange was that? 

The very first header seen 19 years ago today.

It was super-strange, that is how strange it was. But now it has become part of who I am. Now entering into my 20th year of this, I want to spend it by taking some time here and there to celebrate the milestone of blogging for my 20th year. I may trot out some stories from way back but I wrote up a pretty good history of this blog in 2015 called "A Decade Of Nonsense" which you can plug into the search bar at the top left corner here and have some fun with. 

I'll likely stick to stuff from the last ten years here, and cover that. But whatever I do there, it should be fun and a good read from time to time. You will also note that there are some special blog headers which I have created based upon some of the past headers used here. And there may be some other fun stuff happening too, so stay tuned..... There may even be a ride. No......not Trans Iowa, or the GTDRI. Just a ride on gravel, most likely, and a gathering for anyone that can make it. 

More soon.....


  1. Dejar Mr Guitar Ted. 20 years are nothing… sings a”Tango” if I am not wrong. Congratulations and thank you for all this dedication. You are for sure one the worlds references for this thing of gravel. At least is how I recomend you blog here in Spain.
    I can’t remenber now, when and how I land on your blog surfing the web. But for sure, since then, you are a must on my daily research and joy on the internet.
    All the best, keep riding and writing.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your, thoughts, time, adventures, opinions, challenges, and successes with us. I’m grateful for all of those words, posts, pictures, and the occasional in-person sighting.
    Thank you!

  3. @Pedro - Thank you! I am very humbled by your comment.

  4. @fasteddy - Thank you! I appreciate the encouraging words.

  5. Congratulations on the 20 years!! I read your blog as one of my morning rituals! Keep up the great work, reading your blog inspires me to get out riding. I'll look forward to hearing more about a possible group ride! I am over in Delaware County and have always been meaning to make one of your rides!

  6. @FarleyBob - Thank you! Stay tuned this week for the ride announcement.
