Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, June 10, 2024

Country Views: Rollers

Escape Route: Trolley Car Trail
We had a horrendously windy Thursday here and I was thinking of going out for a ride but my good senses got the better of me there. Good thing too, as I heard about an accident on a road I typically ride on which was caused by so much dust in the air that it impaired driver's vision. First time I'd ever heard about that, but somehow it doesn't surprise me. 

I recall doing the Moonlight Metric, an event held out of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, years ago where the conditions had been so dry that cars would kick up dust and it would hang in the air like fog for several minutes after the vehicle's passing. So, an accident caused by that? Yeah, I can see that happening. 

I ended up getting out the next day. The morning was less windy and although 20mph winds are nothing to sneeze at, it was a lot better than the 50+mph gusts we had experienced the day before. 

I took out the Noble Bikes GX5 this time and wore typical Summer gear, but decided on no base layer to see if that might help keep me cooler. I think that idea needs more experimentation.

They are nearing completion of the whitewater project in Cedar Falls

Plants are still emerging here, but things look a lot greener than before.

I decided to take my "Northwest Passage" to gravel here which keeps me out of a headwind for the trek West and North. I'm only really exposed to any straight up headwind for the last few miles out and then I turn East and South. It works well on windy days from the North and Northwest. 

An amazing cloudless morning out. This is looking North up Leversee Road.

A machine spraying something (perhaps fertilizer) on this field.

It was definitely windy out, but after turning East it wasn't so bad. The gravel was looser and there weren't as many good lines this time, which was okay, but this Spring spoiled me for smoother roads. Otherwise I had zero complaints and I was just glad to get out in the country again.

That's Streeter Road going North.

Taking a break for a minute to listen to the wind and the birds.

I was just down in the Flint Hills, and that area is spectacular. I know some folks like their mountains. But I still love Iowa and the countryside, to my mind, is awe-inspiring. The cycles of seasons is something to behold, and watching the paradox of how things change and how things remain the same is an interesting pastime. 

The 'grid' of the gravel roads set against the rolling hills that I get to labor up and coast down again in a seemingly never ending dance is mesmerizing and strangely calming. The wind and the sounds of birds chirping under a huge blue dome of sky is another reminder that I am but just a small thing on this planet. I find it grounding and it is a place I feel that I can escape from the world for a bit. 

The wild flowers are kicking into gear. I have a feeling this will be a good year for that.

The last roller is ahead and then it is back to reality.

The last bit of gravel passes underneath my tires and then it is back to hustling vehicles careening down the streets at speeds over the limit. Cars trying to get around me as oncoming traffic comes up ahead. Jockeying for position at stop lights so I don't get hooked by a turning car. 

I wish the gravel went right to my doorstep some days.


  1. I'm getting old and my memory is for shite but I can't remember a spring with this much wind and for so long. I'm not a meterologist but I'm guessing it's extra heat energy going into the atmosphere. It doesn't bode well for storms this summer.

  2. @Phillip Cowan - No, it isn't just you. I was just thinking about that this morning, as a matter of fact.

    We shall see how things shake out going forward. Typically the wind and weather calms down as June wears on.

  3. Watched a local news video about the river park project in Cedar Falls, looks really neat!
