Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Podcast Stuff

 In case you missed it, there is a new podcast episode up now which covers the high cost of entry to cycling, distractions that can affect new cyclists, and the complications introduced by devices and social media. 

That episode is HERE;

The previous episode to this was about my thoughts regarding how the UCI does gravel versus everyone else, pretty much. That episode is HERE

And the last one I'll plug is about how I am thinking about the innovation vs evolution aspect behind tech and bikes. You can listen to that one HERE

Now just a bit about how things are going with the podcast. I don't write much about this here, but maybe I should do more of that from time to time. Anyway, here goes in no particular order....

Episode length: We typically try to keep episodes to around an hour in length. Lately we've been doing a shorter length, and one was an hour and a half long! We're trying some different things there, and as of now, I cannot say how this is working or not working with listeners. 

Interviews vs N.Y. Roll and I: In the past, interviews we do have not done great. Things N.Y. Roll and I talk about have done very well. That is until we interviewed 'shiggy' about tires. That one blew up and it took us by surprise a bit. Well, then again, it was about tires and anything having to do with tires for bicycles draws BIG numbers. Always has. Anyway, there will be more interviews in the future despite the lower turnout we get when we post those. 

Future Episodes: So, I've been thinking. What would folks think about us doing interviews with former Trans Iowa racers? Maybe good, maybe not? I'm also open to what it is you folks out there might want to listen to us jabber about. Let me know in the comments or email me at 

And thank you if you listen to the podcast already. We appreciate that!

1 comment:

  1. How about an interview with Jeff Jones of Jones Bikes?
