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Sunday, September 01, 2024

Gravel Grinder News: Great Plains Gravel Cup Series

 Discover Gravel Announces Great Plains Gravel Cup Series:

Recently Discover Gravel, a promotions company out of Kansas run by Bobby Thompson, announced a new series for gravel riders called the Great Plains Gravel Cup. It will be a points series with a twist. Just entering an event garners one point in the series while toeing the line garners you another point. 

The series will consist of six events. The riders must register for, or compete in, five of those events to be eligible for the end of the series prizing. Everyone earning points is eligible for end of the season prize giveaways. 

Those competing to acrue the most points will be awarded points based on finishing place with points being awarded for two distances at each event which the event RD's will designate. So, for instance, a rider doing the full distance which is awarded 40 points for first place would receive that 40 points plus two for entering and showing up. Second place would get 39 points plus two, and so on down to one point through to last place. 

The secondary distances will get a maximum of 15 or 20 points (depending upon the event) for first and so on down the rankings to one point. An example of how the points work throughout a field would be say if the roster for Men's Open was 56 people, the first in the secondary distance would get say 20 points, through to 20th place with each position getting one less point. Then the rest, the remaining 36 folks, would all get one point, if they finish. 

These are the events in the Great Plains Gravel Cup

The Great Plains Gravel Cup will kick off for the 2025 season. There is no cost to enter the series, your event registrations will be all that is necessary to enter. Overall cash prizes are awaiting the top points riders and in categories for Single Speed, Masters, and U23. A points leader jersey will be awarded after each event and at the end of the season a special overall points leader jersey will also be awarded. Finally, anyone in any category that finishes all six events in any distance will receive a special recognition at the end of the series. 

Learn more at

Note: All information and images were provided to Guitar Ted Productions by Discover Gravel

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