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Saturday, December 21, 2024

End Of Year Prognosticationg: Part 2

 In celebration of the twentieth year of this blog, I have a few tales to tell. This post is one of them. This series will occur off and on throughout this anniversary year, I hope to illuminate some behind-the-scenes stories and highlights from the blog during this time. Enjoy!

 Last week on Saturday I wrote about some of the end-of-year prognostications I had made over the past 19 years of blogging. Interestingly enough, I found that during 2008 and 2009 that I skipped making any predictions. This maybe is bad from the standpoint of seeing what I was thinking then, or it may be a good thing because I should not have been doing foolish things like predicting the future anyway. 

Oh well! 

So, let's take a look at some of the other notable things I prognosticated on during the past years of blogging, shall we? here's a good one from 2012: "I have lots of things gelling around in my mind that are fun, exciting possibilities for 2013, but ya know what? I'll likely get swept away in a totally different, fun, and exciting direction than I think I will."

Bingo! But that is a "Captain Obvious" prediction. That could be right for any year, ya know? So, while this next one, from 2019, is more of a desire than a prediction, it fits the theme: "So, I want to get away from home more in 2020. I want to ride in more interesting places and report on that here."

Yeah.....about that

I hardly went anywhere in 2020, but it may have been my best year of riding ever.

 Last year, with my leaving Riding Gravel, I figured reviewing product posts here might not be a big thing. Here's my take from the last post of 2023: "Review work will be posted here, but again, I don't know how that will look or if it is a sustainable thing here due to the perception of this being a "blog". So, again - we will see...." 

Well, it seems that - at least for 2024 - it was game on! I posted a lot of reviews and as of now that doesn't look to be changing, but next year is another year, right? I think I had this figured out for a while here. This statement was from the end of 2018: "Many years I have made vague comments about changes and what not that were forthcoming. Many times they did not pan out, many times they did."

Again - Bingo! Another "Captain Obvious" statement, but a wise one and true. So, no more prognostications then? No more hoping and dreaming because, well, a lot of it doesn't come to pass, right?


You'll see in about ten days time....

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