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Saturday, December 28, 2024

Rear View 2024: Podcast Report

By far the most popular episode of 2024
This is a retrospective of the Guitar Ted Podcast for the year 2024. This is new for the "Rear View" here, but since it is another part of my content creation and is gravel related, I thought a quick rundown of the year on the 'pod', as N.Y. Roll likes to call it, was in order. 

We posted 28 episodes over the course of season #2 of "The Guitar Ted Podcast". Now you might be wondering, "Hey! Haven't I heard you on podcasts before, like for years?", and you'd be correct. The previous podcast was "The Riding Gravel Radio Ranch" which I transitioned out of last year early on reflecting my imminent departure from the Riding Gravel website and ownership. 

I think there were something like 110 episodes of that podcast, so yes- I've been podcasting a while now. But the new show is only ending Season 2 right now. 

While things have been growing, it is slow going. But at least there is growth. We were sponsored by gravel events and an event production company in 2024 which I am eternally grateful for. We had some great guests on, and one of them was featured on our most popular show for the year, "Talkin' Tires With shiggy"

Another show I get a lot of feedback from yet is the show that I did a sit-down interview with Ari Andonopoulous. He and I chatted about the early days of gravel grinding and what we've both seen as far as changes now. You can hear that episode by clicking HERE

In the future I'd like to do more talks with early gravel grinder folk. If you are one of those people, or know someone who is fitting that description that you'd like to hear me chat with, let me know in the comments. 

We're on a short sabbatical from producing shows over the Holidays now, but you can expect Season #3 to kick in soon after the New Year. Thanks for listening in, if you have, and N.Y. Roll and I truly appreciate your support.

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