Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Winter Finally Does Winter Things

The start of Winter things in mid-February?

If there is only one thing you remember about we Mid-Westerners, it should be this: We love to talk about the weather. Okay.....maybe "complain" would be a good substitute for "talk" here, but you get the picture. So, let's talk a bit about the weather, shall we?

This Winter season, which I hold always begins on the first of December, has been very "un-Winter-like". Well.....except that it has been really cold at times. If there is one nit I have about Winters like this is it is when we get the biting cold but there is no snow to make it seem like the cold belongs. It is hard to accept subzero temperatures when it looks like Fall or early Spring outside. Snow covering the ground? Yes. Then subzero temperatures make more sense. 

Yes, we have had dustings of snow since December, but these were mere teasings. Not "real" snow. Just enough to cover the ground for a few days before it either evaporated into the atmosphere or until it got back above freezing and melted. 

This late arrival of undeniable 'real snow' is pretty amazing. We now have around ten inches of the stuff since last Wednesday. However; after a brief dusting, to top it all off this weekend, it looks like this will be all we get. Barring any obscure early Spring snow storm. 

I actually got to ride the Ti Muk 2 in snow on my commute home Wednesday.

The Sun is getting higher in the sky now, and the days are getting longer quickly. Eventually March will show up and I know this snow will be gone in a hurry. So much for dreams of groomed trails and crisp rides on my fat bike in the woods. 

We made it so far into Winter that this snow seems like a slap in the face. Because it will not last long, and doing Winter things will be brief, and then slop-season will begin, and Spring will take over. 

I should not complain. We need the snow, and I am sure this brief snow covering will be very beneficial in several ways. It's just kind of annoying because we are halfway through February looking for Spring now. Oh well! I probably should ride my Blackborow DS so I can justify storing it in my basement for 300+ days out of a year! 

Spring will be here soon enough, and gravel rides will commence soon. This is where I am setting my sights now. Winter is a lost cause, despite this latest dump of snow.

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