Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Barns For Jason

Yesterday I went on a 300 plus mile check of the Trans Iowa V8 cue sheets against the course. This was a bit different since I had two cohorts with me, Wally and George, who were over from Illinois to assist in seeing that everything made sense. Three sets of eyes and three minds to double check things with means a better set of cue sheets.

Anyway, Wally was doing the driving, which meant that I was left to see to it that I got a lot more shots of barns. Here we go with another installment of "Barns For Jason".

A full recon report will be posted soon. Stay tuned!


  1. The first pic is a corncrib, not a barn...... silly city folk.

  2. @RC: Look at it again. It has a loft, and a cupola. Not your "typical" corn crib. Besides, many barns had graineries inside of them for grain storage. If anything, it is a hybrid outbuilding, but I am not going to split hairs here.

    signed: Spent A Ton Of My Life On Farms As A Kid.

  3. Oh cool. The cupola makes for good ventilation and great "high end" corn cribbing. The loft? is used for parts and or hay storage. Where you could argue "barn" is the lean2 on the opposite side. There they most likely would have raised a few hogs, which, maybe in Iowa..... , could mean a "barn". But it's obvious, I just don't have enough to do.... :.)) But we did get in a nice 70 miles this weekend, 30 on gravel. Rock On GT !! RC
