Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Last Day

Yesterday was my last full day off work/normal schedule. It has been a fantastic two weeks off. I'll be going into work where things have gone haywire since my vacation started, and I know it's going to be a pressure cooker, but I'll be ready.

Sunday I got out and did a nice country ride to get my legs back under me. Last week I spent hours upon hours in a car and traveled well over 2000 miles in automobiles. That doesn't bode well for your cycling fitness, let me tell ya!

It was a tough outing to start out with. Wind outta the Northeast and me going north on a course mostly uphill. I struggled more than I would have liked to. That all got much better as I turned out of the head wind and put it at my back for the trip back home.

The Black Mountain Cycles Monster Cross bike is just doing really great. I do like the way it rides, and although nothing is perfect, this bike would be hard to improve upon. Little tweaks I've made are shining through for me, not the least of which are the new Clement X'plor MSO tires. Smoove.

Now I need to make some little improvements in me! I have a ride coming up in a couple weeks I need to be ready for, and lots of testing to get on with. Parts need installing, wheels need building, and my lawn needs to be mown.

By the way, Trans Iowa news is coming based upon this past weekend's course checking. Look for all that later in the week.


  1. As a gravel rider (and fellow BMC Cross owner), I'd be interested in seeing / reading what your gravel race setup will be. Will you be using these Clements? I know you wrote before about making some changes to the BMC (cyclocross gearing, etc).

  2. @Radiotanzania: Yes, I'll be racing on the MSO in a little over a week on gravel. I still have not gotten the crank set lined up that I want, but the event I am in has no major climbs to deal with, so I should be okay.
