Salsa Cycles Fargo Page

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

This Might Happen Again

From the last time I was a renegade gent.
This whole pandemic deal interrupted a lot of events, but now that it would appear that things are looking better in that regard, I have been getting hit up to do a few events. So, I thought I'd better address things and set the record straight instead of having to repeat this message another dozen times. (I may end up doing that anyway. I realize not everyone reads this blog!

I just addressed events and my participation in them- or not - last week, but this will be a little bit more pointed and detailed in my explanation of things. So, I hope that there is no question about my capabilities to join any gravelly good times going forward. 

Okay, there are two big things which are going to direct my attendance in anything, much less gravel events, for the next six months, at least. First up: I have a new job. This job requires that I work on Saturdays. I can get a day off here and there, but obviously, I'm holding my "Get Out Of Work" card for some pretty special occasions. I cannot be going to every gravel race, because most are on Saturdays, and I cannot be taking Saturday's off willy-nilly. So right off the bat, I am kind of limited to maybe a couple days I can get out of work. 

Secondly, as I have stated elsewhere, there seems to be a good chance that I may be chosen to be in this hall of fame thing for gravel. IF that happens, I have to hold out time for a trip to Emporia, Kansas, which may include a Saturday. I'm not 100% sure what day the actual deal would be, but I assume it would be on Friday evening and I'm not driving over 400 miles after an evening ceremony. This may not happen at all, but I don't know that now. 

And to be honest, I cannot afford to take many Saturdays off work. This new job has limited hours and I need that paycheck. So, there is that to think about as well. Just want to be 100% up-front on this, because I realize some of the event directors have extended really generous offers for my consideration, but I have bills to pay, and well, if I ain't workin', I ain't gettin' paid. 

So, here's the deal. I have that aforementioned hall of fame possibility, and I have one other event I would really like to do, just because of a decade of tradition has gone into it. That's the Renegade Gent's Race. That is the first weekend of April, (?), I think, so that and an early June Saturday are all I can afford to be off from work right now. 

So, the Renegade Gent's might happen again, and if the team comes together, (and so far- it looks that way), I will be there. Maybe I may have to take off one more Saturday for this other deal in Kansas? Maybe not. But I simply cannot afford anything else off from work, unless it is a family emergency, or I break something, or whatever. You get the picture. 

And now you know......

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