Saturday, September 06, 2014

The Geezer Ride: Roll Call

The gathering of crows signifies the coming of Fall and....
The Geezer Ride is slated to happen October 18th. For a general overview of what this ride is about, GO HERE.

This ride will start in the morning, but I haven't set an exact time, but I am thinking 9:00am. Now, I don't have an exact starting point set in stone, because I don't have a feel for how many of you out there might show up for this thing.

That's the point of this post- to get a feel for how many of you may show up. I plan on scouting out a start point once I have a handle on that. If it is a few to maybe 8 or 9 folks, I think I already know where we'll be starting at, but if it gets to be more than that, I need to think things over again. It won't be a big deal, but I don't want to cause any ruffled feathers with the locals or with attending riders.

One more thing: If it rains, there is no postponing this gig. I will be there no matter and if we that show up decide to slug it out, great. If not, we'll sit in a restaurant and chat over vittles and drinks for a while. That means that if you are good with riding in bad weather, I will be there to do that, unless it is pissing down cold rain and windy, then I won't be too amenable to riding, but I will show up to visit with anyone else that does. Cool?

Okay then- let's hear from you in the comments. Who is going to plan on being there?


Unknown said...

You know I'm in

Josh Lederman said...

GT - My 16 year old son and I will see you on the 18th. We'll be on MTBs. Thanks!

Craig said...

I'm planning on being there.

Unknown said...

Hey this sounds like fun. I'll plan on it.

Unknown said...

I'll be there. Been looking forward to it for some time.

George said...

I'll be there.