Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Guitar Ted Lube-Off: Final Results For 2024

NOTICE: The Guitar Ted 'Lube-Off' is a comparison of different lubrication products for bicycle chains that is undertaken in 'real world' conditions in a set way. Then I compare and contrast the results with past 'Lube-Off' products to see "which one is best for me". This is done for entertainment purposes and the reader should apply their own reasoning and discernment while reading my 'Lube-Off' entries. What works for me may not work for you at all. None of the companies represented in this Lube-Off have any knowledge of this review, nor are they sponsoring me at all.  

Okay folks! The results are in and I have a decision on this year's contenders. This test has been carried out over the past several months on Iowa gravel roads in dry, dusty conditions. Things changed in terms of conditions over the Summer and this played into the results. But before we get to all that I wanted to link back to the previous posts so you can check on how things progressed throughout this test, if you care to do that. 

Introduction, Update #1, Update #2, Update #3, and Update #4

 Overall Comments

This test was conducted in only dry conditions. Starting out it was extremely dry! We were in severe drought conditions at the beginning which created copious amounts of dust on every ride. But since the month of July we have come out of that and now have had plenteous amounts of rainfall to the point which we have come out of drought conditions completely. 

This has had the effect of returning the roads to "normal" dry conditions with far less dust. The latest results have bourne this out and while that has been noted it did not affect the outcome. So, with all the hoopla out of the way, let's get stuck in......

SILCA Super-Secret Lube:

This was the winner last year and was clearly superior to the contenders last season. I expected the Super-Secret Lube to do exceptionally well with the super-dusty conditions since we experienced similar conditions last year. 

Overall Super-Secret Lube is easy to apply, lasts a long time in the tested conditions, and cleans up well when a micro-fiber cloth is used to knock off accumulated dust. Jockey wheels stay relatively free from "gunk" build-up also, which is nice to see. The same applies for chain rings which saw minimal gunk accumulations over the testing period. Chain wear is normal with Super-Secret lube and the chain rollers seem to self-clean well, which I attribute the low-wear to when using this lubricant. 

The "Touch-Test" revealed a similar amount of dirt/dust which I have seen come off chains I've used Super-Secret lube on in the past. No surprises there! While I was tempted to re-lube this chain I resisted and after several miles in dusty conditions I was not at all surprised to see that this lube, which was applied last year, is still holding up quite nicely. 

Noises in the drive train are normal. You do get a bit more chain noise with these dry lubricants since oil damps vibrations and therefore quiets down chain noise. However; it is not necessarily an indication of excessive wear issues and anyway, on gravel roads, in wind, with all that loose rock, you are not going to hear your chain making noise until it is too late to do anything about it. 

Flowerpower Wax Lubricant:

This was a new entrant to the lubrication choices recently and so I thought, after reading the marketing hype, I should give this a try. So far, it has been a very, very impressive lube.

All throughout the test Flowerpower Wax has shown a cleaner level of performance, in terms of what sticks to it, versus anything I've yet tried. It will accumulate dirt, as I found out after riding Mid-South's red dirt roads, but talk about an extreme condition! That is about as bad as anything I am aware of, and after a wipe-down, the chain was fine. 

Noise was comparable to SILCA's wax lubricant, so that is a wash, and to be expected anyway. The shifting performance was on par with SILCA as well, so no real issues with that either. Longevity of use before needing reapplication? Also on par with SILCA and most other lubricants I've grown to admire and use in the past. 

So, the only real difference I see here is in cleanliness. The Flowerpower Wax leaves very little residue and very little build-up on chain rings and jockey wheels. The chain appears cleaner as well. If I had to tip one way or the other here I think my hand goes for the Flowerpower Wax lubricant. 

Final Verdict: Honestly, either one here is worthy of your consideration for a dry conditions lubricant for chains. Both are stellar in regard to cleanliness, lubricity, and longevity between applications. This may be different when it comes to exposure to moisture or wet conditions, but that sort of thing was not in my parameters for testing. 

I'm very tempted to give the nod to Flowerpower Wax lubricant here, but there is one thing that separates these lubes, the SILCA and the Effetto Mariposa brands, and that is cost and availability. My bottle of Flowerpower Wax came from Switzerland and cost $33.00 with shipping and took a week to get to me. The SILCA Super-Secret Lube cost $25.00 total and has 25ml more lube in the bottle. Plus it took less time to get to me.

SILCA literally spams the cycling social media and you are in for a constant stream of emails if you sign on to their list. Effetto Mariposa? Who can name the last time anyone has seen a post or social media mention for them? I know we all grow weary of constant bombardment from brands, but tell me, how else do these brands get any notice? We don't employ paper, physical media anymore so advertisements are dead. There is no radio, T.V., or other mainstream way for brands like this to get their messages out. So while you might not agree, I have to tip the hat to SILCA for at least being the brand you've heard about and maybe even trust. Effetto Mariposa? Meh... Not that their stuff is untrustworthy, no! Far from it! But you are not going to find them unless you specifically seek them out, maybe even due to this post! 

Considering all angles this is a tie. If I only look at it from my perspective? Flowerpower wins the day. Again - both lubricants are excellent. You cannot go wrong with either one, but Flowerpower does cost more. So, choose according to your needs and values there. 

 Thus ends another season for the Guitar Ted Lube-Off. I'll be back again next year with another run at it with something else that hits my radar here in the field of chain lubricant. If you have any suggestions for lubricants let me know in the comments or you can always reach me via my email at g.ted.productions@gmail.com. 

Thank you for reading Guitar Ted Productions and as always, keep ridin' those bicycles!


Nooge said...

I like that you judge them independently on their merits. It doesn’t really matter which is better (very subjective) as much as whether they are good products. So many reviews just want to rank things. Or, worse, they take 10 products off the same category and name best performance, best value, best for beginners, best for using during a full moon, etc. Basically they make them all winners and it’s impossible to tell how they compare. I’m sure it makes the product companies happy but it doesn’t serve the reader.

I would like to see you review Silca Synergetic oil lube. It’s their wet conditions lube. As you say, they have lots of marketing and it would be good to get an unbiased and experienced opinion comparing it to other top performing wet conditions lubes.

Guitar Ted said...

@Nooge - Thank you! I should maybe do a wet lube "Lube-Off" again. It has been several years since I have done one.