Saturday, March 08, 2025

The Best Headers

 In celebration of the twentieth year of this blog, I have a few tales to tell. This post is one of them. This series will occur off and on throughout this anniversary year, I hope to illuminate some behind-the-scenes stories and highlights from the blog during this time. Enjoy!

 Last week I mentioned I would be posting the best headers from the era of the blog when I was swapping images I took on rides in and out of the template. Well, this post will be a "photo-dump" of those headers. I may make a comment on a few of them, but this is mostly about the headers I thought were really good images. 

I hope you enjoy this look back at some of the headers which defined the look and feel of this blog for the last ten-plus years. 

This was a shot looking down the Sergeant Road bike path 2018

This was always one of my favorite shots. I still think about this image a lot today. Circa 2018

Several headers were the result of being on recon for a gravel event. This is one of those from the C.O.G. 100 2020

Of course, what would this post be without a barn shot! This is one of the Lichty farms on Ansborough Avenue, Black Hawk County.

A rare self portrait. This was from 2022. The t-shirt design is my daughters.

Back when I was getting out before dawn. Looking East down Washburn Road, Black Hawk County

The Summer of 2020 provided lots of great header images.

This one is from Spring 2016

Sometimes events provided header images. This is from the 2015 Gravel Worlds near Lincoln, Nebraska

From Fall of 2017

That's ten I could find. Oddly enough, many of the headers I used are just files in the seasonal folders I keep my images in and not marked "header" like I do these days. So, I may have missed one or two gems, but these are the ones I found that hit me in the right way for this post. I hope that you enjoyed taking another look at these old headers. 

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