Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Guitar Ted Lube-Off: Update On Testing

NOTICE: The Guitar Ted 'Lube-Off' is a comparison of different lubrication products for bicycle chains that is undertaken in 'real world' conditions in a set way. Then I compare and contrast the results with past 'Lube-Off' products to see "which one is best for me". This is done for entertainment purposes and the reader should apply their own reasoning and discernment while reading my 'Lube-Off' entries. What works for me may not work for you at all. None of the companies represented in this Lube-Off have any knowledge of this review, nor are they sponsoring me at all. 

It has been a while since I've posted anything concerning the latest Lube-Off testing so I thought it would be a good idea to touch base with how things are coming along. You can check in on the last update HERE if you'd like. A brief recap: The Honeman Flyer and the Noble GX5 got the new lube, the Flowerpower lube, and the Raleigh Tamland Two has DuMonde Tech, my old #1 choice, while the Black Mountain Cycles MCD and the Twin Six Standard Rando v2 have SILCA  Super-Secret lube on their chains. 

The Raleigh has been run a fair amount already this year, as well as the Honeman Flyer, so we will definitely be looking at those two bike closely in this post. The Noble GX5 has a few rides on it now, but not as much as the others, while I have yet to really get out on the T-6 at all this year. The MCD has seen very few rides as well. Gotta get that changed here soon though! 

Flowerpower on the Honeman Flyer's chain


This lube, from Effetto Marip[osa, is pretty impressive so far. Keeping in mind that this is the same application from the very beginning of the test and the red dirt of Oklahoma was all over this chain at one point, I have to say that this Flowerpower stuff is very good

You can see from my "touch-test" that it doesn't leave much residue on my finger after wiping a section of the chain. In fact, I had to swipe the chain twice to get anything to appear on my finger! 

I think one thing to keep in mind here is that what the side plates of the chain - both inner and outer - look like is of much less concern than how the rollers look. That is the business end of a chain, so to speak, and the part that is important to have lubricated. Now, having the side plates clean is a goal worth having, but dust here means nothing. A build-up of gunk, however, is a different matter. I'll have a bit more to say about Flowerpower in a bit here....

DuMonde Tech on the Raleigh Tamland Two chain.

DuMonde Tech

This was my #1 lube for years. It still is really good, but it is very hard to get on correctly. I'm pretty sure I put too much of it on when I applied it and I tried to only put on one drop on each roller. It doesn't take too much of this lube to cause a bit of build-up, as you can see from the bigger image. 

However; the touch-test showed little to be concerned about. I will say that this lube feels tackier to the touch than either the SILCA or the Flowerpower does. 

Again, it still is a good lube and I recommend it, but you have to have a clean chain and you cannot use too much. A little DuMonde goes a long way. That said, the SILCA and the Flowerpower lubes are easier to deal with during application, although again - you must have a pristine, clean chain

Any of these lubes are still easier and less equipment intensive than waxing a chain. So, if you are thinking of that as an alternative which is better, maybe it is, but it takes more futzing around, which I rather would not have to do. 

Flowerpower lube on the Noble GX5 chain.

Flowerpower (again):

This time I took a look at the chain on the Noble GX5 since I just did a 30 mile ride on it the other day. It was pretty dusty, but not crazy dusty, like Mid-South or how it has been here for the majority of the last two years. 

Also, it should be noted that I have not ridden the Noble near as many miles as I have the Honeman Flyer this year, so far. That may change here in a hurry as there is another test being done that requires the use of this bike. So, miles will accumulate on this lube/chain combo soon enough. 

With all of that, I still am pretty impressed here with what I am seeing. I should also note that the chain shifts really well and is pretty quiet. Of course, that cannot be determined from the Honeman Flyer since it is a single speed bike, so this was of note to me. 

So Far... Okay, well I think we have a very strong contender here in the Flowerpower lubricant. The SILCA Super-Secret lube is going to have some stiff competition here. The current #1 lube is on my MCD and Standard Rando bikes and I'll have to get those two out to start making some comparisons to the Flowerpower lube. The MCD will for sure get into the mix because it has a couple of components being tested on it right now as well. 

Stay tuned! I'll be back with another Lube-Off update this Summer!


Josh said...

You probably mentioned this in a previous post, but when you say DuMonde Tech do you mean Lite (yellow bottle, smells great) or Original (green bottle, smells bad)? Lite is my go-to, though I've tried both. Original is okay but too heavy for winter/cold use.

Guitar Ted said...

@Josh - I've always used the blueish-green. My old contact at DuMonde Tech told me it was the all-around choice and that the "light" version was basically the same thing just "thinned out", whatever that means.

I've used both, (and the 'limited edition' one they made that smells like coffee) and they all seem to work the same for me.