Monday, October 30, 2023

That Was A Change!

This Fall has been......odd. Weather-wise, that is. We had a few chilly days, but for the most part, we had more Summer than Fall, in terms of temperatures, all throughout September and a lot of October. 

Then things changed

Thursday it was 71° and I rode downtown in shorts and a t-shirt. Friday it slipped from there to the high 30's and I ran an errand in the afternoon on my bike in my Winter gear

Yeah, what happened to all those beautiful 50 degree days of Fall? The crisp air. The blue skies and Fall colors. Well, at least we had Fall colors. 

This weekend it has been windy with wind chills in the upper 20's and Tuesday night they (those goofy weather people) are saying it might snow. Snow? Gah! Give me that Fall weather that you ripped off from us! (Actually, the temperatures are supposed to moderate later in the week,) 

Well, I shouldn't complain, but thinking about 2023, the weather has been really, really odd this year.

1 comment:

MG said...

Agreed 100%. It looks like nicer, more fall-like weather is on the way though… Fingers crossed!