Salsa Cycles Fargo Page
Monday, December 31, 2007
The Last Day Of The Year: A Rant
Yesterday I struck out and did a little cross country skiing. The snow was pretty good and the conditions were perfect. I had to keep myself from doing the "dog off the leash", go for broke and destroy myself mode and I throttled the enthusiasm back a bit. I tried to take it in moderation because cross country skiing uses some muscles that I don't normally employ so vigorously in cycling or my everyday activities. I was glad I did pull back because by the time I got back to my car, I could begin to feel those muscles start to "bark" at me.
As I took the skis and boots off in the snowy parking lot I noticed one of those plastic shopping bags, like you get at the grocery store these days, blowing around. I decided to be a good steward and pick it up. The trash can at the parking lot was across the way from me. As I approached, I saw something strange sticking out of the trash can. Four little deer hoofs! As I looked in I saw the carcass of a deer that looked as though it had been butchered and been stuffed into the can, frozen for all to see. Nice.....really nice. Good thing my kids weren't around.
Then it was off to find a sledding device..........for me! My two children have their own saucers that we got at White Sands National Monument, oddly enough. Now it was my turn to find a new board, sled, or something to fly across the snow with, gravity assisted of course. Well, after hitting up two stores in the Cedar Falls area, I came up empty handed. What? I can go into the middle of the desert in spring and find more snow sledding equipment than I can in Iowa in the middle of winter? That just is sooooooo wrong!
Then I noticed that of all the toys there were available, the vast majority were for indoors, and the outdoor toys were mostly scooters, bicycle shaped devices, or electric vehicles. Yeah.....just great! Indoctrinate the tykes into car culture while they are impressionable. Ever notice that those electric abominations are better quality than the bicycles they sell? It's evil I tell ya........EVIL!
Well, if one person can make a difference, I'm going to. I'm going to have my kids outside as much as possible, riding real bicycles, and I will find a sled! Even if I have to go back to White Sands to get it.
Happy New Year ya'all!
The Last Day Of The Year: A Rant
Yesterday I struck out and did a little cross country skiing. The snow was pretty good and the conditions were perfect. I had to keep myself from doing the "dog off the leash", go for broke and destroy myself mode and I throttled the enthusiasm back a bit. I tried to take it in moderation because cross country skiing uses some muscles that I don't normally employ so vigorously in cycling or my everyday activities. I was glad I did pull back because by the time I got back to my car, I could begin to feel those muscles start to "bark" at me.
As I took the skis and boots off in the snowy parking lot I noticed one of those plastic shopping bags, like you get at the grocery store these days, blowing around. I decided to be a good steward and pick it up. The trash can at the parking lot was across the way from me. As I approached, I saw something strange sticking out of the trash can. Four little deer hoofs! As I looked in I saw the carcass of a deer that looked as though it had been butchered and been stuffed into the can, frozen for all to see. Nice.....really nice. Good thing my kids weren't around.
Then it was off to find a sledding device..........for me! My two children have their own saucers that we got at White Sands National Monument, oddly enough. Now it was my turn to find a new board, sled, or something to fly across the snow with, gravity assisted of course. Well, after hitting up two stores in the Cedar Falls area, I came up empty handed. What? I can go into the middle of the desert in spring and find more snow sledding equipment than I can in Iowa in the middle of winter? That just is sooooooo wrong!
Then I noticed that of all the toys there were available, the vast majority were for indoors, and the outdoor toys were mostly scooters, bicycle shaped devices, or electric vehicles. Yeah.....just great! Indoctrinate the tykes into car culture while they are impressionable. Ever notice that those electric abominations are better quality than the bicycles they sell? It's evil I tell ya........EVIL!
Well, if one person can make a difference, I'm going to. I'm going to have my kids outside as much as possible, riding real bicycles, and I will find a sled! Even if I have to go back to White Sands to get it.
Happy New Year ya'all!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Weekend News And Views
About That T.I.V4.... I got my first notice of a drop............from the waiting list. Ha ha! Sorry if you were expecting a drop from the roster, well it is a bit early yet, but I bet I'll see some here and there soon enough. I'll keep ya'all informed of what is going on with that. I have gotten about an add a week to the waiting list since registration has closed back in late November. Volunteers are also being lined up now. I have at least three solid commitments and a possible fourth. I am thinking that we need at least a minimum of six bodies and eight would be even better. If you are interested, you can click the e-mail link in the right sidebar here or on the T.I.V4 website. We'll be needing these volunteers to run the checkpoints of which there will be at least three of along the course. I'll be posting details of how that will work and where they will be after the recon.
The Numbers Are Down: With all of this hi-tech stuff you can get these web trackers and keep track of your stats on things like this blog. It seems that the cyclists must be in hibernation or eating tons of Christmas candy and feeling guilty about it, because the stat numbers are down lately. Even seems to have fallen asleep lately. Gotta love it when the most exciting thread on the 29"er board is about punctuation! Well, I'm doing my best with it and I have been posting a Top Ten 29"er Products List of 2007 over at Twenty Nine Inches. I don't mean to brag, but it's gotta be better reading than at least 80% of the threads on that 29"er forum right about now!
So, What's Next? Well, besides T.I.V4 recon, and some planning for the Big Wheeled Ballyhoo in June, the next big deal 'round these parts is Frost Bike, the annual dealer only show put on by QBP. It used to be called an "open house" event, but that doesn't begin to touch on what it has become. It is definitely a mini-trade show and dealer meet-up. Lots of stuff to see and folks to talk to. It takes place in about a month and a half and I'll be there once again as a reporter for Twenty Nine Inches. (Why we haven't shortened that to T.N.I. yet I have no idea.) I have been informed that I will be busy, so that is definitely something to look forward to. I have got to be there on Friday night this time, so a two night stay will be happening. Woot woot! Maybe I'll pitch a four season tent on the QBP grounds and invite Dave Gray to sleep over with me. I know he'd be down for that, except he would want to use his tee pee!
Weekend News And Views
About That T.I.V4.... I got my first notice of a drop............from the waiting list. Ha ha! Sorry if you were expecting a drop from the roster, well it is a bit early yet, but I bet I'll see some here and there soon enough. I'll keep ya'all informed of what is going on with that. I have gotten about an add a week to the waiting list since registration has closed back in late November. Volunteers are also being lined up now. I have at least three solid commitments and a possible fourth. I am thinking that we need at least a minimum of six bodies and eight would be even better. If you are interested, you can click the e-mail link in the right sidebar here or on the T.I.V4 website. We'll be needing these volunteers to run the checkpoints of which there will be at least three of along the course. I'll be posting details of how that will work and where they will be after the recon.
The Numbers Are Down: With all of this hi-tech stuff you can get these web trackers and keep track of your stats on things like this blog. It seems that the cyclists must be in hibernation or eating tons of Christmas candy and feeling guilty about it, because the stat numbers are down lately. Even seems to have fallen asleep lately. Gotta love it when the most exciting thread on the 29"er board is about punctuation! Well, I'm doing my best with it and I have been posting a Top Ten 29"er Products List of 2007 over at Twenty Nine Inches. I don't mean to brag, but it's gotta be better reading than at least 80% of the threads on that 29"er forum right about now!
So, What's Next? Well, besides T.I.V4 recon, and some planning for the Big Wheeled Ballyhoo in June, the next big deal 'round these parts is Frost Bike, the annual dealer only show put on by QBP. It used to be called an "open house" event, but that doesn't begin to touch on what it has become. It is definitely a mini-trade show and dealer meet-up. Lots of stuff to see and folks to talk to. It takes place in about a month and a half and I'll be there once again as a reporter for Twenty Nine Inches. (Why we haven't shortened that to T.N.I. yet I have no idea.) I have been informed that I will be busy, so that is definitely something to look forward to. I have got to be there on Friday night this time, so a two night stay will be happening. Woot woot! Maybe I'll pitch a four season tent on the QBP grounds and invite Dave Gray to sleep over with me. I know he'd be down for that, except he would want to use his tee pee!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Looking Ahead: 2008
Well, it is coming whether you like it or not. 2008 is almost upon us and with that said, here is how I see things going into the new year for this blog and for Guitar Ted Productions.
Much like the image I have posted today, things will be a bit vague at first, but will be coming into focus as the first few months of 2008 unfold. There will be some changes going on and I want to undertake the coming actions with the greatest care and consideration.
The crux of what will happen is all balanced upon what is about to happen concerning my gig at Twenty Nine Inches. As many of you may know, Twenty Nine Inches is part of the Crooked Cog Network that is basically a bunch of cycling sites started by Tim Grahl. I started writing for Twenty Nine Inches back in 2006 and I was basically just contributing here and there. Tim liked what he saw, ( I guess!) and decided to start paying me a bit. Well, that "bit" is about to become a "bit more" and will be a really important part of my life moving forward. Obviously, when you get more money there is more responsibilities involved, so I have been ramping up my involvement in Twenty Nine Inches over the past year to get ready for this coming year.
It has been tough, basically doing two almost full time jobs. So, with the coming year I am going to strike a new balance in terms of the responsibilities I have that will allow me to do a better job at being a husband and father first, and to take care of my duties with my biggest financial supporter second. That will mean I will most likely be cutting back on time at my secondary job, the bike shop, so I can do more of what needs to be done with Crooked Cog during the day instead of late at night. Money is one thing, but not at the sacrifice of my family.
This will also mean that I will be able to look at more cycling opportunities which I am really excited about. Of course I'll be investing much of that time in testing stuff for Twenty Nine Inches, but that doesn't mean I can't integrate that with the "where" I ride and the "purposes" of the ride. Look for more ride reports here and probably a race report or two.
And with that said, I better get cracking on my training! must.......resist..........the...........Christmas cookies............. Ahhhh!!!!!!!
Have a great weekend, and ride your bike indoors or out!
Looking Ahead: 2008
Well, it is coming whether you like it or not. 2008 is almost upon us and with that said, here is how I see things going into the new year for this blog and for Guitar Ted Productions.
Much like the image I have posted today, things will be a bit vague at first, but will be coming into focus as the first few months of 2008 unfold. There will be some changes going on and I want to undertake the coming actions with the greatest care and consideration.
The crux of what will happen is all balanced upon what is about to happen concerning my gig at Twenty Nine Inches. As many of you may know, Twenty Nine Inches is part of the Crooked Cog Network that is basically a bunch of cycling sites started by Tim Grahl. I started writing for Twenty Nine Inches back in 2006 and I was basically just contributing here and there. Tim liked what he saw, ( I guess!) and decided to start paying me a bit. Well, that "bit" is about to become a "bit more" and will be a really important part of my life moving forward. Obviously, when you get more money there is more responsibilities involved, so I have been ramping up my involvement in Twenty Nine Inches over the past year to get ready for this coming year.
It has been tough, basically doing two almost full time jobs. So, with the coming year I am going to strike a new balance in terms of the responsibilities I have that will allow me to do a better job at being a husband and father first, and to take care of my duties with my biggest financial supporter second. That will mean I will most likely be cutting back on time at my secondary job, the bike shop, so I can do more of what needs to be done with Crooked Cog during the day instead of late at night. Money is one thing, but not at the sacrifice of my family.
This will also mean that I will be able to look at more cycling opportunities which I am really excited about. Of course I'll be investing much of that time in testing stuff for Twenty Nine Inches, but that doesn't mean I can't integrate that with the "where" I ride and the "purposes" of the ride. Look for more ride reports here and probably a race report or two.
And with that said, I better get cracking on my training! must.......resist..........the...........Christmas cookies............. Ahhhh!!!!!!!
Have a great weekend, and ride your bike indoors or out!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Twin Six Sponsors Underground Media Hack

Twin Six Sponsors Underground Media Hack

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Guitar Ted Productions 2007 Rearview: Part VII

Guitar Ted Productions 2007 Rearview: Part VII

Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!

Guitar Ted Productions would like to wish you all a safe, peacefull, and blessed Christmas.
I'll be posting again on December 26th.
In the meantime, check out my Top Ten 29"er Products of '07 posts at Twenty Nine Inches if you are craving some reading material on 29"ers.
Otherwise, I'll see ya down the trail!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Guitar Ted Productions would like to wish you all a safe, peacefull, and blessed Christmas.
I'll be posting again on December 26th.
In the meantime, check out my Top Ten 29"er Products of '07 posts at Twenty Nine Inches if you are craving some reading material on 29"ers.
Otherwise, I'll see ya down the trail!
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday News And Views
Plan Your Season: Crap weather? Don't know what to do? Here ya go! This will take you to the U.S.A.C. Endurance Racing schedule. Lots of great looking events there including Wausau 24 Nats. Check that out. Then there is the National Ultra Endurance Series of events of which The Fools Gold 100 and Festival is part of. They are even having a SouthEast 29"er Meet Up in conjunction with this gig. Sounds pretty cool to me. Late Update: I found a post on 55nine's blog that lists the whole 2008 NUE series. Thanks to 55nine for the info.
Cross Iowa On Gravel: Nope, not Trans Iowa, (we used to be point to point!), no this is something different. Paul Jacobsen, a Trans Iowa vet and gravel junkie has proposed a ride in March of '08 that will traverse Iowa from north to south on "mostly gravel roads". Check it out here if you are interested. It is not a race, but just a fun group ride. Could be a good percursor to your Trans Iowa attempt, I suppose.
Happy Holidays: I'm thinking many of you will be gone traveling, visiting relatives, and otherwise just busy over the next week. Be careful, be safe! I'll be here scribin' through the duration, so if you want to check it out, there will be something here. I'm not making any promises though on whether or not it'll be good! For those of you that will be away, See ya down the trail!
Have a great weekend! Ride yer bicycle if ya can! Happy Holidays to all!
Friday News And Views
Plan Your Season: Crap weather? Don't know what to do? Here ya go! This will take you to the U.S.A.C. Endurance Racing schedule. Lots of great looking events there including Wausau 24 Nats. Check that out. Then there is the National Ultra Endurance Series of events of which The Fools Gold 100 and Festival is part of. They are even having a SouthEast 29"er Meet Up in conjunction with this gig. Sounds pretty cool to me. Late Update: I found a post on 55nine's blog that lists the whole 2008 NUE series. Thanks to 55nine for the info.
Cross Iowa On Gravel: Nope, not Trans Iowa, (we used to be point to point!), no this is something different. Paul Jacobsen, a Trans Iowa vet and gravel junkie has proposed a ride in March of '08 that will traverse Iowa from north to south on "mostly gravel roads". Check it out here if you are interested. It is not a race, but just a fun group ride. Could be a good percursor to your Trans Iowa attempt, I suppose.
Happy Holidays: I'm thinking many of you will be gone traveling, visiting relatives, and otherwise just busy over the next week. Be careful, be safe! I'll be here scribin' through the duration, so if you want to check it out, there will be something here. I'm not making any promises though on whether or not it'll be good! For those of you that will be away, See ya down the trail!
Have a great weekend! Ride yer bicycle if ya can! Happy Holidays to all!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Guitar Ted Productions 2007 Rearview: Part VI

If you are new around here, welcome! This is the sixth in a series that is recapping my exploits from 2007. Check the search box at the top of the header and type in "rearview" to find the previous posts. To the rest of we go again!
Interbike: The word means several things to different people. To some shop rats it is The Holy Grail, to some non-industry types it is cyclings version of Heaven, to a lot of folks in the industry it is an Olympic Marathon, Hell, and a Class Reunion all wrapped in one package. Me? Hey..........I'm just happy to be there! I kind of feel like I am somewhere I don't belong doing things I really shouldn't be doing. (In a good way, not in that "What is done in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas" way!) Anywho...........
Interbike on the media side, the real, big time media side, is a whole different ball game and I get an up close and personal look at it. The thing is, I'm on the outside looking in, since Crooked Cog is non-traditional media. And boy, let me tell you, the traditional media let you know it! Ever sit down for lunch in high school at the table with the popular kids by mistake? was like that! The vibe is really negative towards us. Weird stuff for sure.
The whole trip this year was highlighted by my first Outdoor Demo. Now this is the stuff that I know all you cycling folks would totally geek out on! I know I did. I mean, hey! They give you this little green card and you can pick any bike you want to ride, show them this magic little green card, and you are gone! You can ride $5000.00 roadie dream bikes, full on DH sleds, all the latest mountain bike trick rigs, or recumbents...........if you really want to! It's mad, crazy mad fun. Of all the times I wished I was in better shape in 2007, (and believe me...there were lots of times I wished that!) this was the time I would have killed to be in top notch shape. I rode myself silly those two days, but hey! Wouldn't you?

<==Lost Wages at night. What's in your wallet?
Since the show for us non traditional media is a marathon from start to finish each day, we don't eat, drink, or sleep right. The end of the show each day is spent downloading, processing, and posting information. Then you find something to eat, (finally!) but you have to walk miles to get to it. That takes time and more of your already depleted energy. It's a good thing I'm fat, or I'd be in big trouble! Ha !
Once in awhile you get offered to go out, (on your guests tab, cause I ain't got no money!) A few really cool companies and industry friends helped us out that way. (Thanks! I would've had a breath mint and a glass of water otherwise!) So, it's pretty cool to have met the folks I have and hang out with them. Even if they don't buy me dinner, cycling/industry folks are some of the kindest, coolest people I've had the pleasure of meeting. It makes me glad I'm in the industry I'm in. Well.......besides the fact that it is about bicycles!
<Mike Curiak's personal LenzSport Lunchbox bike. How many folks do you know that would drag their personal rig hundreds of miles away from home just to let you ride it for an hour?
In the end it is the people in this industry that make doing Interbike so cool. (Traditional media folks aside) People like Mike Curiak, Brent and Ryan from Twin Six, Mike and Jason from Salsa Cycles, the Jenson USA crew, and so many more. I really could go on and on. Without that it would be so draining and empty, even with all the bike stuff around you. So, thanks to you cool cycling peeps! You make going to Interbike fun!
Like any big trip, going home is always the best part, (Right Mom!) and going home from this show was no different. Las Vegas is so..........weird! I just really appreciated my wife and family even more when I got back.
That was Interbike and that was the last really big deal of the year. I had a ride planned for the end of October, Trans Iowa registration, planning, and recon to think about, and planning for next years Big Wheeled Ballyhoo was also on tap. All of that in the next and final installment of the 2007 Rearview.
Guitar Ted Productions 2007 Rearview: Part VI

If you are new around here, welcome! This is the sixth in a series that is recapping my exploits from 2007. Check the search box at the top of the header and type in "rearview" to find the previous posts. To the rest of we go again!
Interbike: The word means several things to different people. To some shop rats it is The Holy Grail, to some non-industry types it is cyclings version of Heaven, to a lot of folks in the industry it is an Olympic Marathon, Hell, and a Class Reunion all wrapped in one package. Me? Hey..........I'm just happy to be there! I kind of feel like I am somewhere I don't belong doing things I really shouldn't be doing. (In a good way, not in that "What is done in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas" way!) Anywho...........
Interbike on the media side, the real, big time media side, is a whole different ball game and I get an up close and personal look at it. The thing is, I'm on the outside looking in, since Crooked Cog is non-traditional media. And boy, let me tell you, the traditional media let you know it! Ever sit down for lunch in high school at the table with the popular kids by mistake? was like that! The vibe is really negative towards us. Weird stuff for sure.
The whole trip this year was highlighted by my first Outdoor Demo. Now this is the stuff that I know all you cycling folks would totally geek out on! I know I did. I mean, hey! They give you this little green card and you can pick any bike you want to ride, show them this magic little green card, and you are gone! You can ride $5000.00 roadie dream bikes, full on DH sleds, all the latest mountain bike trick rigs, or recumbents...........if you really want to! It's mad, crazy mad fun. Of all the times I wished I was in better shape in 2007, (and believe me...there were lots of times I wished that!) this was the time I would have killed to be in top notch shape. I rode myself silly those two days, but hey! Wouldn't you?

<==Lost Wages at night. What's in your wallet?
Since the show for us non traditional media is a marathon from start to finish each day, we don't eat, drink, or sleep right. The end of the show each day is spent downloading, processing, and posting information. Then you find something to eat, (finally!) but you have to walk miles to get to it. That takes time and more of your already depleted energy. It's a good thing I'm fat, or I'd be in big trouble! Ha !
Once in awhile you get offered to go out, (on your guests tab, cause I ain't got no money!) A few really cool companies and industry friends helped us out that way. (Thanks! I would've had a breath mint and a glass of water otherwise!) So, it's pretty cool to have met the folks I have and hang out with them. Even if they don't buy me dinner, cycling/industry folks are some of the kindest, coolest people I've had the pleasure of meeting. It makes me glad I'm in the industry I'm in. Well.......besides the fact that it is about bicycles!
<Mike Curiak's personal LenzSport Lunchbox bike. How many folks do you know that would drag their personal rig hundreds of miles away from home just to let you ride it for an hour?
In the end it is the people in this industry that make doing Interbike so cool. (Traditional media folks aside) People like Mike Curiak, Brent and Ryan from Twin Six, Mike and Jason from Salsa Cycles, the Jenson USA crew, and so many more. I really could go on and on. Without that it would be so draining and empty, even with all the bike stuff around you. So, thanks to you cool cycling peeps! You make going to Interbike fun!
Like any big trip, going home is always the best part, (Right Mom!) and going home from this show was no different. Las Vegas is so..........weird! I just really appreciated my wife and family even more when I got back.
That was Interbike and that was the last really big deal of the year. I had a ride planned for the end of October, Trans Iowa registration, planning, and recon to think about, and planning for next years Big Wheeled Ballyhoo was also on tap. All of that in the next and final installment of the 2007 Rearview.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Wednesday News and Views
"I always purchase the products myself that I test so that I can give an unbiased review, unlike a lot of the magazine tests you read."
On the surface of it, it seems an innocuous statement, but really, it's pretty cheeky. Let's take a look. First and foremost it has to be said that everybody is biased. It never happens that some of us are biased but some of us are not. Sure, you can occasionally find a fairly unbiased view from time to time, but there is always some element of it in every ones opinion. I do not have a problem with bias as long as I know what that bias might be and that the reviewer knows he has it.
Secondly, to say you don't have a bias because you bought the thing with your own hard earned cash is laughable. If anything you would be more prone to be biased, since if you bought something that sucked in several ways, I'm thinking you wouldn't be very quick to let the world know that your judgement was poor. That is human nature. Of course, opinions can vary on this, but the point remains, their is bias there regardless of the exchange of money, and perhaps more so.
In defense of this statement, I can perhaps agree that an independent review could be more free from influence because of ad revenue to the reviewers company or influence in regards to favors, kickbacks, or just plain ol' friendships between reviewers and companies. Of course, this usually is pretty easy to detect these days, since if a mainstream review says something that most independent sources do not, it becomes quite transparent that something is amiss at the mainstream media outlet. You just have to do your research and use your melon. should always do that when reading anybodies stuff in regards to equipment reviews. Mine included.
Went for a tumble: I had a good laugh yesterday on the way home. I was crossing the exit ramp from University Avenue to Green Hill Road on the Diamondback Overdrive Pro 29"er when I was faced with a transition from pavement to a three foot high frozen wall of snow and ice. I thought I would just huck that front wheel up there and hop on over. Well........I managed to stick the front wheel into the face of it! Yeah..........ugly. I found myself slamming into the back of the stem with my chest and felt the bike biff me in the back. Then the bike slams into the pavement on its side with a resounding whack! I know that was a YouTube moment there that would have provided thousands with a serious belly laugh. Well, no harm done, no foul. I collected my self and the bike and went on with my commute none the worse for wear, but a bit embarrassed perhaps.
Late Addition: I posted earlier but there was something nagging at my conscious that I knew I wanted to post about. finally came to me! (Apologies to those early morning readers that missed this!) I have been reading of sponsorships, non-sponsorships, and vague racing plans for 2008 on several blogs, so I figured I may as well post my thoughts on the subject.
Not that I'm going to have anything definite to say here. (!!) Just some thoughts......okay? So, I'm in for the Blue Mound gig, it would seem, since a certain head honch at Twin Six has unduly influenced me with his nefarious arts. Not that I wouldn't wear the apparel anyway, it's fantastic stuff and I've been a fan since Mr. 24 introduced me to the line and I actually was a paying customer. Now that I'm a member of The Team I get a bone thrown my way now and again. (Refer to bias rant above) So there is your full disclosure there. And.........I could always say no. It's not like I'm a robot or anything, ya know. But anyway...........Blue Mound, yeah.
Then there is the Dirty Kanza 200 which is a fantastic event run by some super cool folks. I'm down for this and will not be deterred in my intentions. I was frustrated last spring in not being able to go due to having to play at a friends wedding. I do not foresee any such hindrances this time. I look forward to this one with great anticipation.
Perhaps I may be seen here again, (link is to the 2007 info) if this happens again. It was a fun time and I was reacquainted with the bug to do more of this sort of thing at this event last fall. Perhaps a reunion of Team Stoopid ? Who knows?
So, that's my tentative race schedule for next season. I might sneak in another thing here or there, but this is the only vague prediction I am willing to put out there now. More as it becomes clearer to me..............
Wednesday News and Views
"I always purchase the products myself that I test so that I can give an unbiased review, unlike a lot of the magazine tests you read."
On the surface of it, it seems an innocuous statement, but really, it's pretty cheeky. Let's take a look. First and foremost it has to be said that everybody is biased. It never happens that some of us are biased but some of us are not. Sure, you can occasionally find a fairly unbiased view from time to time, but there is always some element of it in every ones opinion. I do not have a problem with bias as long as I know what that bias might be and that the reviewer knows he has it.
Secondly, to say you don't have a bias because you bought the thing with your own hard earned cash is laughable. If anything you would be more prone to be biased, since if you bought something that sucked in several ways, I'm thinking you wouldn't be very quick to let the world know that your judgement was poor. That is human nature. Of course, opinions can vary on this, but the point remains, their is bias there regardless of the exchange of money, and perhaps more so.
In defense of this statement, I can perhaps agree that an independent review could be more free from influence because of ad revenue to the reviewers company or influence in regards to favors, kickbacks, or just plain ol' friendships between reviewers and companies. Of course, this usually is pretty easy to detect these days, since if a mainstream review says something that most independent sources do not, it becomes quite transparent that something is amiss at the mainstream media outlet. You just have to do your research and use your melon. should always do that when reading anybodies stuff in regards to equipment reviews. Mine included.
Went for a tumble: I had a good laugh yesterday on the way home. I was crossing the exit ramp from University Avenue to Green Hill Road on the Diamondback Overdrive Pro 29"er when I was faced with a transition from pavement to a three foot high frozen wall of snow and ice. I thought I would just huck that front wheel up there and hop on over. Well........I managed to stick the front wheel into the face of it! Yeah..........ugly. I found myself slamming into the back of the stem with my chest and felt the bike biff me in the back. Then the bike slams into the pavement on its side with a resounding whack! I know that was a YouTube moment there that would have provided thousands with a serious belly laugh. Well, no harm done, no foul. I collected my self and the bike and went on with my commute none the worse for wear, but a bit embarrassed perhaps.
Late Addition: I posted earlier but there was something nagging at my conscious that I knew I wanted to post about. finally came to me! (Apologies to those early morning readers that missed this!) I have been reading of sponsorships, non-sponsorships, and vague racing plans for 2008 on several blogs, so I figured I may as well post my thoughts on the subject.
Not that I'm going to have anything definite to say here. (!!) Just some thoughts......okay? So, I'm in for the Blue Mound gig, it would seem, since a certain head honch at Twin Six has unduly influenced me with his nefarious arts. Not that I wouldn't wear the apparel anyway, it's fantastic stuff and I've been a fan since Mr. 24 introduced me to the line and I actually was a paying customer. Now that I'm a member of The Team I get a bone thrown my way now and again. (Refer to bias rant above) So there is your full disclosure there. And.........I could always say no. It's not like I'm a robot or anything, ya know. But anyway...........Blue Mound, yeah.
Then there is the Dirty Kanza 200 which is a fantastic event run by some super cool folks. I'm down for this and will not be deterred in my intentions. I was frustrated last spring in not being able to go due to having to play at a friends wedding. I do not foresee any such hindrances this time. I look forward to this one with great anticipation.
Perhaps I may be seen here again, (link is to the 2007 info) if this happens again. It was a fun time and I was reacquainted with the bug to do more of this sort of thing at this event last fall. Perhaps a reunion of Team Stoopid ? Who knows?
So, that's my tentative race schedule for next season. I might sneak in another thing here or there, but this is the only vague prediction I am willing to put out there now. More as it becomes clearer to me..............
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Great Day On The Bike

<===Hoarfrost on the trees Monday morning.
As I made my way to work on Monday there was new wonder around every corner. This picture is definitely the poorest scene I saw, but it was the first one and I was already late for work, so.......
It was a special day for me, as it was my daughter's seventh birthday. Thoughts were on some pretty deep things anyway, and then there was this commute.
There is awesome, and then there is awesome! Take a look here for an example of what I mean. My world takes a little more scrutiny to find the beauty, Mike's screams it at you. (Screams in a good way, mind you) Here it is a little more difficult to find that beauty, that awe inspiring feeling. It is here, you just have to look harder.

I always think that the folks bustling about in their cars are really missing it. There is a precious commodity out there that is difficult to put into words that can only be had if you slow down, get out of your car, and pay attention. Especially around here.
<===Even though I was late for work, ya just hafta stop and snap off some photos, right?
So it was that I actually took my sweet time pedalling to work today. I was so happy to be on a bike and taking all of this in. It didn't matter that it was a 29"er, geared or single speed, or that it had the latest gadgetry on board or not. It was a bike, I was on it and pedalling, and the landscape was dressed to the nines for the occasion. Why waste that by putting my head down and pedalling faster?

<===One advantage of having a white haired beard. The "beard-cicles" are camouflaged!
When I finally got to work, I just took a few minutes to drink it all in just before heading in to the mundanity of everyday life. It was as if a dream was over when I walked in that door, but what a dream!
I'm so thankful I can ride a bike and get to experience the things that I do. It is what keeps me motivated to pedal just a little further, to hop on that bike when it is cold, hot, or in between. To find that next experience. To meet like minded folks. Share the ride, or to just ride alone. I just love it.
A Great Day On The Bike

<===Hoarfrost on the trees Monday morning.
As I made my way to work on Monday there was new wonder around every corner. This picture is definitely the poorest scene I saw, but it was the first one and I was already late for work, so.......
It was a special day for me, as it was my daughter's seventh birthday. Thoughts were on some pretty deep things anyway, and then there was this commute.
There is awesome, and then there is awesome! Take a look here for an example of what I mean. My world takes a little more scrutiny to find the beauty, Mike's screams it at you. (Screams in a good way, mind you) Here it is a little more difficult to find that beauty, that awe inspiring feeling. It is here, you just have to look harder.

I always think that the folks bustling about in their cars are really missing it. There is a precious commodity out there that is difficult to put into words that can only be had if you slow down, get out of your car, and pay attention. Especially around here.
<===Even though I was late for work, ya just hafta stop and snap off some photos, right?
So it was that I actually took my sweet time pedalling to work today. I was so happy to be on a bike and taking all of this in. It didn't matter that it was a 29"er, geared or single speed, or that it had the latest gadgetry on board or not. It was a bike, I was on it and pedalling, and the landscape was dressed to the nines for the occasion. Why waste that by putting my head down and pedalling faster?

<===One advantage of having a white haired beard. The "beard-cicles" are camouflaged!
When I finally got to work, I just took a few minutes to drink it all in just before heading in to the mundanity of everyday life. It was as if a dream was over when I walked in that door, but what a dream!
I'm so thankful I can ride a bike and get to experience the things that I do. It is what keeps me motivated to pedal just a little further, to hop on that bike when it is cold, hot, or in between. To find that next experience. To meet like minded folks. Share the ride, or to just ride alone. I just love it.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Evidence

<===Just in case you were wondering....
I figured I had better proffer evidence of my Badger for those who have been curious. Here is where I'm at so far with it.
You can see that the frame has been designed from the get go for drop bars, but what you might not be seeing is that the fork has been designed for drop bars also.
The fork? Yep! It has a longer axle to crown length than a lot of rigid forks out there. Rob Pennell's idea here was to make it so the head tube didn't have to be freaky long and the fork blades, being longer, would make for a more compliant ride. The fork also could be swapped out for a 100mm travel suspension fork without changing the geometry too much. It's a nice option to have.
This all lets me use a "standard" stem with a "normal" rise and still have my hand position be only a couple inches below my seat height while in the drops. (which is the proper way to ride off road drop bars) The bars are the Origin 8 Gary bars, which I can not really find fault with and are much less expensive than Midge Bars are. I would pick the Midge over the Gary any day if it were not for the extreme difference in price which I do not feel justifies the minute differences between the two bars. I am also going to try the Tektro linear pull compatible drop bar levers on this build too. So far I have to say that the lever shape and feel look to be very promising.
The wheels are the special Bike 29 Royale set that use King ISO disc hubs and I have the Stan's Flow rims on these. I mounted up some wire bead ExiWolf tires and they aired right up with a floor pump. Cool! The rotors are a spare set of Avid BB-7 rotors with a 185mm up front. I will be getting some Avid BB-7 calipers here sometime soon.
The head set is a silver King headset that I recently got and it matches the silver Thomson post and stem.
So that is where I am at so far, just so you all know.............stay tuned!

<===The "TDVSL" set up.
One thing I forgot to mention from yesterday was my stem/handle bar set up on the XXIX+G. I used a combination of a Salsa CroMoto stem and Moto Ace 17 degree bar to achieve what I call the "TDVSL" ideal. What is "TDVSL" you ask? Well, that would be an acronym for "Team Dicky Virtual Stem Length", that's what. You see, Rich Dillen is the consummate tinkerer. I like that about him. He does all the lab rat experiments, I read about the results on his blog, and apply knowledge where necessary. That is how I came up with "TDVSL". Dicky arrived at the ultra short stem ideal and it seems to be working for him, so I thought that I'd give it a try. Only thing is, I did it a little more stealth like with the 17 degree bar, which allows me to use a more "normal" stem length. Either way, I ended up with "virtually" the same posistion as Dicky did, thus the "V" in "TDVSL". So far it's been brilliant, so I thought I'd publicly recognize my source of new found knowledge here. Thanks dude!
The Evidence

<===Just in case you were wondering....
I figured I had better proffer evidence of my Badger for those who have been curious. Here is where I'm at so far with it.
You can see that the frame has been designed from the get go for drop bars, but what you might not be seeing is that the fork has been designed for drop bars also.
The fork? Yep! It has a longer axle to crown length than a lot of rigid forks out there. Rob Pennell's idea here was to make it so the head tube didn't have to be freaky long and the fork blades, being longer, would make for a more compliant ride. The fork also could be swapped out for a 100mm travel suspension fork without changing the geometry too much. It's a nice option to have.
This all lets me use a "standard" stem with a "normal" rise and still have my hand position be only a couple inches below my seat height while in the drops. (which is the proper way to ride off road drop bars) The bars are the Origin 8 Gary bars, which I can not really find fault with and are much less expensive than Midge Bars are. I would pick the Midge over the Gary any day if it were not for the extreme difference in price which I do not feel justifies the minute differences between the two bars. I am also going to try the Tektro linear pull compatible drop bar levers on this build too. So far I have to say that the lever shape and feel look to be very promising.
The wheels are the special Bike 29 Royale set that use King ISO disc hubs and I have the Stan's Flow rims on these. I mounted up some wire bead ExiWolf tires and they aired right up with a floor pump. Cool! The rotors are a spare set of Avid BB-7 rotors with a 185mm up front. I will be getting some Avid BB-7 calipers here sometime soon.
The head set is a silver King headset that I recently got and it matches the silver Thomson post and stem.
So that is where I am at so far, just so you all know.............stay tuned!

<===The "TDVSL" set up.
One thing I forgot to mention from yesterday was my stem/handle bar set up on the XXIX+G. I used a combination of a Salsa CroMoto stem and Moto Ace 17 degree bar to achieve what I call the "TDVSL" ideal. What is "TDVSL" you ask? Well, that would be an acronym for "Team Dicky Virtual Stem Length", that's what. You see, Rich Dillen is the consummate tinkerer. I like that about him. He does all the lab rat experiments, I read about the results on his blog, and apply knowledge where necessary. That is how I came up with "TDVSL". Dicky arrived at the ultra short stem ideal and it seems to be working for him, so I thought that I'd give it a try. Only thing is, I did it a little more stealth like with the 17 degree bar, which allows me to use a more "normal" stem length. Either way, I ended up with "virtually" the same posistion as Dicky did, thus the "V" in "TDVSL". So far it's been brilliant, so I thought I'd publicly recognize my source of new found knowledge here. Thanks dude!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Are You Kidding Me?

<==The highly modified Raleigh XXIX+G on the anniversary of its coming to me last year.
I took a ride this morning on the XXIX+G. Well......I'm not sure you could call it that anymore. The only thing left original on it are the frame, head set, brake levers, left shifter, cassette, rear derailleur, chain, and front derailleur. Several of the aforementioned parts are on the radar for replacement, so that original equipment list will dwindle!
Anywho.........the plan was to ride to church this morning and play on the team I'm on, and when I was finished, Mrs. Guitar Ted and the Offspring were to meet me there and get me a ride home. So I headed out the door at the crack of dawn in single digit temps.

The roads were fine. Maybe some hard pack and a tiny bit of ice. The bike trails were first. (More on that in a minute)
<===The bike trails in Waterloo were all swept down to the "sleet-crete" surface!
The wind was very light and was not really a factor today. I used the WTB Stout tires today for the ultimate in grippage on the crusty frozen stuff. They were fantastic. I think the pressure was in the teens on the tires too, I have not checked them since I have gotten home. All I can say is they are great at low pressure. Very slow rolling on pavement, but awesome traction in the off camber icy sections and on the packed snow. The bike trails were swept, as I have mentioned, and were down to the icy sleet mixture that we got the first go around here. The sleet kind of melded together to form a huge ice sheet on the bike trails that I have dubbed sleet-crete. It's about like riding on concrete with the exception that the tires actually find purchase on the surface.

<===The "Blue Colnago Shot"
The thing about the sleet-crete is that I love riding on it since you can ride on it. Check out the photo to the left here. Look beyond the driveway to the bank. That's Cedar Falls territory and they don't sweep their trails! (Locals will see the irony in this)
I found a patch of the old, original Green Hill Road off to the north just a quarter mile from this spot that I could ride on. Yes........a dead end street that doesn't carry car traffic anymore all plowed and sanded! So, if any of you Cedar Falls folks can 'splain that to me, I'd love to hear the reasoning. Also note worthy: My computer said 10 degrees here, the bank sign- 14 degrees. Judging the bank thermometers that I have seen, I'd venture to say that my computer was correct- not the bank's thermometer.

<===It looks like my computer doesn't agree with the tale the bank's sign is telling me! (By the way, I'm still on summer time.)
Finally, the ride went okay, albeit quite slow and steady. High resistance training for sure! I was impressed by the WTB Stout tires in the snow. Great traction on ice too. Of course, being able to run the pressures so low helps a ton. I really need to get the tires on something super gnarly and rocky though. Then I think the tires real strength will shine.
That's it for today! One birthday down and one to go, then Christmas. Warmer temps are coming they say too. I say, Bring it! I want to ride some dirt again.
Are You Kidding Me?

<==The highly modified Raleigh XXIX+G on the anniversary of its coming to me last year.
I took a ride this morning on the XXIX+G. Well......I'm not sure you could call it that anymore. The only thing left original on it are the frame, head set, brake levers, left shifter, cassette, rear derailleur, chain, and front derailleur. Several of the aforementioned parts are on the radar for replacement, so that original equipment list will dwindle!
Anywho.........the plan was to ride to church this morning and play on the team I'm on, and when I was finished, Mrs. Guitar Ted and the Offspring were to meet me there and get me a ride home. So I headed out the door at the crack of dawn in single digit temps.

The roads were fine. Maybe some hard pack and a tiny bit of ice. The bike trails were first. (More on that in a minute)
<===The bike trails in Waterloo were all swept down to the "sleet-crete" surface!
The wind was very light and was not really a factor today. I used the WTB Stout tires today for the ultimate in grippage on the crusty frozen stuff. They were fantastic. I think the pressure was in the teens on the tires too, I have not checked them since I have gotten home. All I can say is they are great at low pressure. Very slow rolling on pavement, but awesome traction in the off camber icy sections and on the packed snow. The bike trails were swept, as I have mentioned, and were down to the icy sleet mixture that we got the first go around here. The sleet kind of melded together to form a huge ice sheet on the bike trails that I have dubbed sleet-crete. It's about like riding on concrete with the exception that the tires actually find purchase on the surface.

<===The "Blue Colnago Shot"
The thing about the sleet-crete is that I love riding on it since you can ride on it. Check out the photo to the left here. Look beyond the driveway to the bank. That's Cedar Falls territory and they don't sweep their trails! (Locals will see the irony in this)
I found a patch of the old, original Green Hill Road off to the north just a quarter mile from this spot that I could ride on. Yes........a dead end street that doesn't carry car traffic anymore all plowed and sanded! So, if any of you Cedar Falls folks can 'splain that to me, I'd love to hear the reasoning. Also note worthy: My computer said 10 degrees here, the bank sign- 14 degrees. Judging the bank thermometers that I have seen, I'd venture to say that my computer was correct- not the bank's thermometer.

<===It looks like my computer doesn't agree with the tale the bank's sign is telling me! (By the way, I'm still on summer time.)
Finally, the ride went okay, albeit quite slow and steady. High resistance training for sure! I was impressed by the WTB Stout tires in the snow. Great traction on ice too. Of course, being able to run the pressures so low helps a ton. I really need to get the tires on something super gnarly and rocky though. Then I think the tires real strength will shine.
That's it for today! One birthday down and one to go, then Christmas. Warmer temps are coming they say too. I say, Bring it! I want to ride some dirt again.
Friday, December 14, 2007
A Friday Ramble

A Friday Ramble