Salsa Cycles Fargo Page
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Breaking Stuff
It's part of the mountain biking experience though. If you ride hard for very long you will be experiencing the broken part blues. Hopefully it's not something that causes you to crash that breaks, but something that breaks because of a crash. Either way, it can get kind of pricey these days to have things break.
My SRAM shifter pod won't cost an arm and a leg, but it isn't going to come for free either! Some other bits I've seen broken in crashes lately include hydraulic brake lines, hydro master cylinders, brake levers, and wheels tweaked beyond repair. I've broken brake calipers, handle bars, and even a suspension linkage before on mountain bikes. All stuff that costs money, and sometimes lots of it.
Even "minor things" like tires, saddles, and grips add up and are constant casualties of trail abuse. Tubes for tires are another thing that can add up in the long run. I suppose mountain biking is not for the weak of heart or wallet!
Thankfully I am a decent enough rider that I don't biff all the time. The parts are also fairly robust these days too. It used to be that you could brake something by looking wrong at it, seemingly. That was back in the 90's CNC craze. I don't miss those parts at all. Especially that $250.00 CNC American made derailluer I grenaded....................twice! At least you can almost always fix the bike. The rider? Well..........this one's never been right!
Here's to breaking stuff and living to tell the tale!
Breaking Stuff
It's part of the mountain biking experience though. If you ride hard for very long you will be experiencing the broken part blues. Hopefully it's not something that causes you to crash that breaks, but something that breaks because of a crash. Either way, it can get kind of pricey these days to have things break.
My SRAM shifter pod won't cost an arm and a leg, but it isn't going to come for free either! Some other bits I've seen broken in crashes lately include hydraulic brake lines, hydro master cylinders, brake levers, and wheels tweaked beyond repair. I've broken brake calipers, handle bars, and even a suspension linkage before on mountain bikes. All stuff that costs money, and sometimes lots of it.
Even "minor things" like tires, saddles, and grips add up and are constant casualties of trail abuse. Tubes for tires are another thing that can add up in the long run. I suppose mountain biking is not for the weak of heart or wallet!
Thankfully I am a decent enough rider that I don't biff all the time. The parts are also fairly robust these days too. It used to be that you could brake something by looking wrong at it, seemingly. That was back in the 90's CNC craze. I don't miss those parts at all. Especially that $250.00 CNC American made derailluer I grenaded....................twice! At least you can almost always fix the bike. The rider? Well..........this one's never been right!
Here's to breaking stuff and living to tell the tale!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Wednesday News And Views
Mr 24 Gets More Pub!: For those of you in the bicycle industry that get Bicycle Retailer and Industry News, you can check out the newest Ergon ad that features the most excellent "BD" series of backpacks made for cycling. If you check out the strip of athlete pictures that runs through the ad you will see three shots of Mr. 24 in his full Ergon Team kit. A couple of the shots I recognize as being taken at Sea Otter. Anyway, the ad is sure to be run in conventional cycling publications soon, so be on the look out for it. See if you can find Mr. 24! (By the way, congrats on the win at the 12 Hours of Branched Oak recently)
GTDRI Updates: You know it, you love it! The Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitational, or GTDRI for short, is starting to come together slowly. I'll have updates every so often at the site now, so check it out if you are at all interested in a low key, underground type ride over silly amounts of gravel goodness. How much is silly, you ask? Well, we're looking at something in the 120 plus mile range right now, but the course is still in flux, so don't hold me to it. The idea here is to challenge ourselves to a chunk-o-mileage on the gravel in a days time and to have a good time during and afterwards. Check out the site for more details and updates on what exactly this is. Hopefully I'll have a new steed to ride it with by then!
That's it for today. Ride your bike to work! Ride it everywhere!
Wednesday News And Views
Mr 24 Gets More Pub!: For those of you in the bicycle industry that get Bicycle Retailer and Industry News, you can check out the newest Ergon ad that features the most excellent "BD" series of backpacks made for cycling. If you check out the strip of athlete pictures that runs through the ad you will see three shots of Mr. 24 in his full Ergon Team kit. A couple of the shots I recognize as being taken at Sea Otter. Anyway, the ad is sure to be run in conventional cycling publications soon, so be on the look out for it. See if you can find Mr. 24! (By the way, congrats on the win at the 12 Hours of Branched Oak recently)
GTDRI Updates: You know it, you love it! The Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitational, or GTDRI for short, is starting to come together slowly. I'll have updates every so often at the site now, so check it out if you are at all interested in a low key, underground type ride over silly amounts of gravel goodness. How much is silly, you ask? Well, we're looking at something in the 120 plus mile range right now, but the course is still in flux, so don't hold me to it. The idea here is to challenge ourselves to a chunk-o-mileage on the gravel in a days time and to have a good time during and afterwards. Check out the site for more details and updates on what exactly this is. Hopefully I'll have a new steed to ride it with by then!
That's it for today. Ride your bike to work! Ride it everywhere!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
How A "Little Ride" Turned Epic

After the Leb ride I decided a nice spin through the State Park and up the fire road to Washington Access via Black Hawk Park was in order. A nice quiet flat ride. Yeah right!
First and most alarming was my endo in Geo Wyth State Park. A simple log crossing had me turned into a lawn dart. Really.......we're talking full on crash with all my weight on the head! I heard several popping and crunching noises from my neck. Scary! The good news was that I was all right. Other than a helmet full of mud, I was able to continue, although I'll be shopping for a new lid today! After gathering my self up and dusting off, I went along my way, none the worse for wear. I tell you, it was a miracle I wasn't injured!
The first picture above shows what I found once I hit the fire road just out of Black Hawk Park. That water was cold and hub deep! At least it was over a gravel bottom and not mucky river silt.

The next water crossing wasn't so nice though. I found it just after the Ford Road cut off. It looked as though an intrepid bicyclist had tried riding through the muck and water, but I opted to back track slightly to the Ford Road cut off and try it instead.

This is what I found. While the fire road was getting pretty overgrown and had a few blow downs, this cut off was completely unrideable due to weeds, downed trees, and overgrowth. Here you can see my handle bar height view. Any higher and I wouldn't have made it through because of the vegetation. Oh, and did I mention the 100 yards or so of nettles that I had to walk through? Yeeeooow! That stuff itches for a bit, but leave your hands off your legs, and the sensations subside, but oh! It's tough to endure it! By the time I walked out of there I had overcome it, so I was able to put that behind me.

Once out on Ford Road I enjoyed gravel road goodness and 25 to 30mph winds! I traversed over to just north of Waterloo on Mount Vernon Road and then straight into the teeth of the wind on Burton back into town. Even with the buildings all around me, the wind was still a force to be reckoned with. I guess Mr. 24 is right. The wind is our mountain!
Once into town I came upon this forced work stoppage. I suppose it was a much needed rest stop after grinding against that wind. Once the behemoth had passed I went on home with no further drama. It was a four and a half hour epic that was supposed to be a nice little recovery spin! Uh huh, whatever!
I'm not going to complain about it, and I don't mean it to sound as if I am. The way I figure it, I'm blessed to still be walking!
Much less ride a bicycle!
How A "Little Ride" Turned Epic

After the Leb ride I decided a nice spin through the State Park and up the fire road to Washington Access via Black Hawk Park was in order. A nice quiet flat ride. Yeah right!
First and most alarming was my endo in Geo Wyth State Park. A simple log crossing had me turned into a lawn dart. Really.......we're talking full on crash with all my weight on the head! I heard several popping and crunching noises from my neck. Scary! The good news was that I was all right. Other than a helmet full of mud, I was able to continue, although I'll be shopping for a new lid today! After gathering my self up and dusting off, I went along my way, none the worse for wear. I tell you, it was a miracle I wasn't injured!
The first picture above shows what I found once I hit the fire road just out of Black Hawk Park. That water was cold and hub deep! At least it was over a gravel bottom and not mucky river silt.

The next water crossing wasn't so nice though. I found it just after the Ford Road cut off. It looked as though an intrepid bicyclist had tried riding through the muck and water, but I opted to back track slightly to the Ford Road cut off and try it instead.

This is what I found. While the fire road was getting pretty overgrown and had a few blow downs, this cut off was completely unrideable due to weeds, downed trees, and overgrowth. Here you can see my handle bar height view. Any higher and I wouldn't have made it through because of the vegetation. Oh, and did I mention the 100 yards or so of nettles that I had to walk through? Yeeeooow! That stuff itches for a bit, but leave your hands off your legs, and the sensations subside, but oh! It's tough to endure it! By the time I walked out of there I had overcome it, so I was able to put that behind me.

Once out on Ford Road I enjoyed gravel road goodness and 25 to 30mph winds! I traversed over to just north of Waterloo on Mount Vernon Road and then straight into the teeth of the wind on Burton back into town. Even with the buildings all around me, the wind was still a force to be reckoned with. I guess Mr. 24 is right. The wind is our mountain!
Once into town I came upon this forced work stoppage. I suppose it was a much needed rest stop after grinding against that wind. Once the behemoth had passed I went on home with no further drama. It was a four and a half hour epic that was supposed to be a nice little recovery spin! Uh huh, whatever!
I'm not going to complain about it, and I don't mean it to sound as if I am. The way I figure it, I'm blessed to still be walking!
Much less ride a bicycle!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Ride Report: Lebanon Hills
I will back up here and start at the beginning. It's been since,....oh I don't know.........forever, that Brent of Twin Six and Jason of Salsa Cycles have been telling me that I hafta ride Leb! They have been wanting me to come up and finally it all worked out for this weekend to bring up my wife and make a run at it with Jason. Just a quick hitter and back home again, but what a great time! (Eternally thankful to Jason, his very gracious wife, and family!)
All righty then! These are some excellent trails. I have had the fortune of riding some very technical, beautiful, and widely diverse trails so far this year. How could it get any better? Well, Lebanon Hills did up the bar even more, to my amazement and enjoyment.
These trails are very well groomed, but that doesn't mean they are not tough. In fact, they have some really cool things going on there. Log piles are common anywhere you go, but at Leb they have taken it to a new level. About five foot high to be exact! And a couple close to that to boot. You like rocks? How about glaciated erratics that are showing there bald heads just above the dirt? They were anywhere from baby head sized to huge pick up box filling boulders that always appeared right around a blind corner or during a steep climb. Rounded from glacial activity, these rocks would send you off in unintended directions or make your tires pop into slots between rocks if you didn't pick a precise line.
Then there were piney sections full of needles, smooth single track, swoopy downhills, water barred climbs, and plenty of tight turns. It even has lumber skinnies, camel backs, and a teeter totter! We did two laps of it and I was really tired, but having a blast!
Now I did get off and walk a few obstacles, but I'd never been there and I am conservative when it comes to taking risks on new trails. The good news is that I had only one sketchy get off and no crashes. Very little walking too, (only around the obstacles I didn't feel comfortable with) so I feel good about my progress fitness-wise. I still have a long way to go though.
Enough about me! I took the Salsa Dos Niner and it performed very nicely there. As well it should, since Salsa is located near by. Maybe it gets better mojo from being closer to the power source or something! Whatever it is, the bike just plain worked well over the smaller log piles, drops, rocks, and bermed turns. My body was well taken care of by the Relish damper and Reba up front. (Good thing I listened to Brent! He told me to bring this bike. Thanks Buddy!)
Lebanon Hills is located on the northern border of Apple Valley and straddles over towards Eagan. It's not far from the Minnesota Zoo. Check it out if you have the chance, it won't disappoint.
No, I didn't take any pictures! I had two hands full of handlebar and a stupid grin on my face, so sue me! I may have a chance to ride it again in two weeks, so I may get some pics then.
Ride Report: Lebanon Hills
I will back up here and start at the beginning. It's been since,....oh I don't know.........forever, that Brent of Twin Six and Jason of Salsa Cycles have been telling me that I hafta ride Leb! They have been wanting me to come up and finally it all worked out for this weekend to bring up my wife and make a run at it with Jason. Just a quick hitter and back home again, but what a great time! (Eternally thankful to Jason, his very gracious wife, and family!)
All righty then! These are some excellent trails. I have had the fortune of riding some very technical, beautiful, and widely diverse trails so far this year. How could it get any better? Well, Lebanon Hills did up the bar even more, to my amazement and enjoyment.
These trails are very well groomed, but that doesn't mean they are not tough. In fact, they have some really cool things going on there. Log piles are common anywhere you go, but at Leb they have taken it to a new level. About five foot high to be exact! And a couple close to that to boot. You like rocks? How about glaciated erratics that are showing there bald heads just above the dirt? They were anywhere from baby head sized to huge pick up box filling boulders that always appeared right around a blind corner or during a steep climb. Rounded from glacial activity, these rocks would send you off in unintended directions or make your tires pop into slots between rocks if you didn't pick a precise line.
Then there were piney sections full of needles, smooth single track, swoopy downhills, water barred climbs, and plenty of tight turns. It even has lumber skinnies, camel backs, and a teeter totter! We did two laps of it and I was really tired, but having a blast!
Now I did get off and walk a few obstacles, but I'd never been there and I am conservative when it comes to taking risks on new trails. The good news is that I had only one sketchy get off and no crashes. Very little walking too, (only around the obstacles I didn't feel comfortable with) so I feel good about my progress fitness-wise. I still have a long way to go though.
Enough about me! I took the Salsa Dos Niner and it performed very nicely there. As well it should, since Salsa is located near by. Maybe it gets better mojo from being closer to the power source or something! Whatever it is, the bike just plain worked well over the smaller log piles, drops, rocks, and bermed turns. My body was well taken care of by the Relish damper and Reba up front. (Good thing I listened to Brent! He told me to bring this bike. Thanks Buddy!)
Lebanon Hills is located on the northern border of Apple Valley and straddles over towards Eagan. It's not far from the Minnesota Zoo. Check it out if you have the chance, it won't disappoint.
No, I didn't take any pictures! I had two hands full of handlebar and a stupid grin on my face, so sue me! I may have a chance to ride it again in two weeks, so I may get some pics then.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Project Badger Update

Heading into Memorial Day Weekend, I leave you with these pics of the brazing up of the Badger frame I am having built.
Rear dropout being attached to the chainstay.
Fire! heh heh!..........ummmm....yeah! Fire! Fire!

The Head Badgermaster Rob Pennell doing his magic on the head tube.
Rob lays down some of the prettiest, symetrical fillets I have ever seen.

She's outta the jig!
Note the extended head tube length for drop bar usage.

Ready for final braze on work. After that the joints will all be smoothed and inspected. Then she's off to be painted.
I'll be out of town most of the weekend enjoying some dirt riding in the Minneapolis area. I'll have a ride report on Monday.
Enjoy the holiday weekend! Be safe and ride your bikes!
Project Badger Update

Heading into Memorial Day Weekend, I leave you with these pics of the brazing up of the Badger frame I am having built.
Rear dropout being attached to the chainstay.
Fire! heh heh!..........ummmm....yeah! Fire! Fire!

The Head Badgermaster Rob Pennell doing his magic on the head tube.
Rob lays down some of the prettiest, symetrical fillets I have ever seen.

She's outta the jig!
Note the extended head tube length for drop bar usage.

Ready for final braze on work. After that the joints will all be smoothed and inspected. Then she's off to be painted.
I'll be out of town most of the weekend enjoying some dirt riding in the Minneapolis area. I'll have a ride report on Monday.
Enjoy the holiday weekend! Be safe and ride your bikes!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Ergon E1 Grips: Update

I have been putting in some more rides on this grip and I wanted to update you on how it's been doing so far.
I have had ongoing concerns that this grip wasn't going to cut it and become part of my gear because of it's "rounder" shape than the other "paddle" shaped Ergon grips like the P-1 or GX series. I was afraid I would suffer the dreaded hand numbness issues that have plagued me with other grips. I think that I have figured out the E-1 though.
While it probably won't be the grip I use for my long, long gravel rides or in a multi hour off road ride, the E-1 absolutely nails technical trail riding better than any other grip out there including the other Ergon offerings.
I have them mounted to an Origin 8 Space Bar, which is a knock off of a Mary bar, (Read: a funky bar with a ton of backsweep) and they are perfect on this sort of handle bar. The metal flared end that serves as the lock on keeps your hands from coming off the end of the grips when yanking back on the bars to loft the front wheel for drops and wheelies. Since the bar is pointing some what backwards, this is an important feature to consider that will keep you in contact with the bars and not flying off the end of the grips. The multi-shaped contours fill the hand nicely and provide a great platform for your hand without getting in the way of making those power moves. Actually, I think it helps spread the impacts of trail irregularities over a greater area so my palms don't feel "beat up" at all after a techy ride.
The grip surface is nice and rubbery. Not sticky, but it gives good friction btween my gloves and the grip surface. The lock on collar makes the grip as one with the handle bar. No worries of spinning the grip here.
My conclusion is that for really technical trail riding, for urban trickery, or for those that don't get on with Ergons more "paddle shaped" fare, the E-1 is a perfect choice for a grip. I plan on using them for my more challenging rides that require secure yet comfortable grip on the bars. The shape doesn't cause me instant numbness, like traditional grips, but for longer endurance rides that cover several hours I think the "paddle shaped" offerings like the GX or P-1 are the way to go for me. Different gripa for different rides! What a concept!
As an aside, Ergon is starting to produce the gloves they designed to compliment these grips. Check out Mr mean Mr 24's post about them here!
Then there is that backpack...............I wants one of those too! Hurry up, Ergon. Ha ha!
Ergon E1 Grips: Update

I have been putting in some more rides on this grip and I wanted to update you on how it's been doing so far.
I have had ongoing concerns that this grip wasn't going to cut it and become part of my gear because of it's "rounder" shape than the other "paddle" shaped Ergon grips like the P-1 or GX series. I was afraid I would suffer the dreaded hand numbness issues that have plagued me with other grips. I think that I have figured out the E-1 though.
While it probably won't be the grip I use for my long, long gravel rides or in a multi hour off road ride, the E-1 absolutely nails technical trail riding better than any other grip out there including the other Ergon offerings.
I have them mounted to an Origin 8 Space Bar, which is a knock off of a Mary bar, (Read: a funky bar with a ton of backsweep) and they are perfect on this sort of handle bar. The metal flared end that serves as the lock on keeps your hands from coming off the end of the grips when yanking back on the bars to loft the front wheel for drops and wheelies. Since the bar is pointing some what backwards, this is an important feature to consider that will keep you in contact with the bars and not flying off the end of the grips. The multi-shaped contours fill the hand nicely and provide a great platform for your hand without getting in the way of making those power moves. Actually, I think it helps spread the impacts of trail irregularities over a greater area so my palms don't feel "beat up" at all after a techy ride.
The grip surface is nice and rubbery. Not sticky, but it gives good friction btween my gloves and the grip surface. The lock on collar makes the grip as one with the handle bar. No worries of spinning the grip here.
My conclusion is that for really technical trail riding, for urban trickery, or for those that don't get on with Ergons more "paddle shaped" fare, the E-1 is a perfect choice for a grip. I plan on using them for my more challenging rides that require secure yet comfortable grip on the bars. The shape doesn't cause me instant numbness, like traditional grips, but for longer endurance rides that cover several hours I think the "paddle shaped" offerings like the GX or P-1 are the way to go for me. Different gripa for different rides! What a concept!
As an aside, Ergon is starting to produce the gloves they designed to compliment these grips. Check out Mr mean Mr 24's post about them here!
Then there is that backpack...............I wants one of those too! Hurry up, Ergon. Ha ha!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Bontrager Rhythm Pro Saddle

I received a Bontrager Rhythm Pro saddle as part of my schwag from the Trek Product Introduction out in Santa Cruz in April. I have since had it mounted to my Raleigh XXIX+G test sled and now have had a few longer rides on it.
First, let me give you some lowdown on the saddle itself. This is a new saddle line from Bontrager that is aimed at the "regular joe" trail riders out there that are not wanting the absolute lightest, carbon fiber, blingy, graphics laden bum prop out there. This is a no-nonsense, performance oriented saddle that is designed to take the abuses of normal trail riding. The Rhythm saddle line will incorporate a couple different levels. This one is the "Pro" model which sports hollow CroMoly rails to get a lighter saddle than the Rhythm Elite with it's solid rails. There are no other differences between the two saddles. This one weighed in at 230 grams on my digital scale. Not bad!

The looks of the saddle are rather subdued. A basic black, git-er-duuun! look. It has a generous wrapping of scuff resistant Kevlar type fabric around the back half of the saddle's edges. Nice touch. The remaining covering is a synthetic something or other that feels nice to the touch and is just slippery enough to allow for changes in position without hassle. A little red contrasting stitching and a teeny-tiny Rhythm Pro badge on the seat rail are all you'll find to break up the vast expanse of dimpled black skin on this perch.
The seat rails were a bit of a let down. It seems that the Bontrager designers took an "old skool" approach to saddle rail design and this doesn't allow for much fore/aft adjustment. Especially in light of saddles like fizik and newer WTB products. That said, I was able to dial in a satisfactory adjustment. Just be aware that you won't have a lot to play with there. The rails are graduated on the drive side for easy reference. Another nice touch.
The shape of the Bontrager Rhythm Pro at first seemed somewhat familiar. When I got it home, I dug through the parts bin and found an "old skool" Bontrager Plus 10 saddle from back in the day. Sure enough, the new Rhythm Pro looked like an evolution of that design. Similar shape, rear "kick up", corners lopped off for easier rearward weight transfers, and broad padded nose. Where the new differs from the old is in the overall length, (the Pro is longer by a bit) and in the saddles profile. The Rhythm Pro is flatter, almost bucket like. The old Plus 10 had a decided "crown" to it's profile. I might also add that the newer Pro is decidedly lighter. Progress has it's benefits!
My first impressions of this saddle are good. It installed with no drama. The rails being right at the perfect distance to match up with my Salsa Shaft seat post. The ride was a bit surprising. The base of the Rhythm Pro is very forgiving. A trait I have found to be largely true across the Bontrager saddle line. The edges of the saddle didn't dig in, but rather flexed out of the way. The cover allowed fore and aft movements easily, but didn't feel too slippery. I like the rear "kick up" for pushing against when I climb. The nose is broad and forgiving too, which is nice when "assuming the position" when climbing.
Prices are a penny shy of $85 and $70 for the Pro and Elite models respectively. They should be available from your Trek/Fisher/Lemond dealer now.
I'll be giving this saddle the "multi-hour" test soon, so I'll reserve final judgements until then. Stay tuned!
Bontrager Rhythm Pro Saddle

I received a Bontrager Rhythm Pro saddle as part of my schwag from the Trek Product Introduction out in Santa Cruz in April. I have since had it mounted to my Raleigh XXIX+G test sled and now have had a few longer rides on it.
First, let me give you some lowdown on the saddle itself. This is a new saddle line from Bontrager that is aimed at the "regular joe" trail riders out there that are not wanting the absolute lightest, carbon fiber, blingy, graphics laden bum prop out there. This is a no-nonsense, performance oriented saddle that is designed to take the abuses of normal trail riding. The Rhythm saddle line will incorporate a couple different levels. This one is the "Pro" model which sports hollow CroMoly rails to get a lighter saddle than the Rhythm Elite with it's solid rails. There are no other differences between the two saddles. This one weighed in at 230 grams on my digital scale. Not bad!

The looks of the saddle are rather subdued. A basic black, git-er-duuun! look. It has a generous wrapping of scuff resistant Kevlar type fabric around the back half of the saddle's edges. Nice touch. The remaining covering is a synthetic something or other that feels nice to the touch and is just slippery enough to allow for changes in position without hassle. A little red contrasting stitching and a teeny-tiny Rhythm Pro badge on the seat rail are all you'll find to break up the vast expanse of dimpled black skin on this perch.
The seat rails were a bit of a let down. It seems that the Bontrager designers took an "old skool" approach to saddle rail design and this doesn't allow for much fore/aft adjustment. Especially in light of saddles like fizik and newer WTB products. That said, I was able to dial in a satisfactory adjustment. Just be aware that you won't have a lot to play with there. The rails are graduated on the drive side for easy reference. Another nice touch.
The shape of the Bontrager Rhythm Pro at first seemed somewhat familiar. When I got it home, I dug through the parts bin and found an "old skool" Bontrager Plus 10 saddle from back in the day. Sure enough, the new Rhythm Pro looked like an evolution of that design. Similar shape, rear "kick up", corners lopped off for easier rearward weight transfers, and broad padded nose. Where the new differs from the old is in the overall length, (the Pro is longer by a bit) and in the saddles profile. The Rhythm Pro is flatter, almost bucket like. The old Plus 10 had a decided "crown" to it's profile. I might also add that the newer Pro is decidedly lighter. Progress has it's benefits!
My first impressions of this saddle are good. It installed with no drama. The rails being right at the perfect distance to match up with my Salsa Shaft seat post. The ride was a bit surprising. The base of the Rhythm Pro is very forgiving. A trait I have found to be largely true across the Bontrager saddle line. The edges of the saddle didn't dig in, but rather flexed out of the way. The cover allowed fore and aft movements easily, but didn't feel too slippery. I like the rear "kick up" for pushing against when I climb. The nose is broad and forgiving too, which is nice when "assuming the position" when climbing.
Prices are a penny shy of $85 and $70 for the Pro and Elite models respectively. They should be available from your Trek/Fisher/Lemond dealer now.
I'll be giving this saddle the "multi-hour" test soon, so I'll reserve final judgements until then. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Secret Project #2 Revealed!

Well, I thought it only fair to reveal the Secret Project #2 since I revealed Secret Project #1 last Friday.
This is a design I have had sketched out since about 2003 or so. I mentioned it to Ben Witt of Milltown Cycles and he worked out the design on his Bike Cad program. Once the details had been worked out, Ben thought it was a project worth pursuing. So, it went into production.

The builder Ben used is the same guy that built Ben's 36"er last winter. Mike Pofahl is his name. This frame is right up his alley, I hear, because it's so much like a tandem in certain respects, which is something Mike has done some of in the past.
Anyway, it's fillet brazed out of a standard 29"er tube set with the addition of the long twin laterals that are massaged a bit in the area of the rear tire/seat tube, which you might be able to detect in the first photo.
The idea that I had was to get some vertical compliance at the rear wheel. Not a lot, but something to take the edge off. The twin laterals are there to go with my theme of a "mtb heritage" design. I'm trying to emulate a bit of that early mtb pioneering flair with the addition of modern innovations like 1 1/8th headtube/ threadless steerer, disc brakes, and 29 inch wheels. The twin laterals form a sort of "cruiser-esque" front triangle, which is also echoed in the choice of a single speed drive train.
The frame was shown to a friend of Ben's after it was completed to the point that you see here. This individual was one of the original Marin clunker guys that rode with Fisher, Breeze, Guy, et all. He took one look at this bike and reportedly said, "That there is Breezer 1979!" So, I guess my "heritage" goal was met! Then Ben and this fellow decided that it must have a Bull Moose type handle bar, so I guess that's in the works. I was thinking drop bar, but hey! Bull Moose with a modern twist? Yeah, I can see that.
The hope is that this will be ready for the Big Wheeled Ballyhoo, so if you make it up for that, this should be on display.
Secret Project #2 Revealed!

Well, I thought it only fair to reveal the Secret Project #2 since I revealed Secret Project #1 last Friday.
This is a design I have had sketched out since about 2003 or so. I mentioned it to Ben Witt of Milltown Cycles and he worked out the design on his Bike Cad program. Once the details had been worked out, Ben thought it was a project worth pursuing. So, it went into production.

The builder Ben used is the same guy that built Ben's 36"er last winter. Mike Pofahl is his name. This frame is right up his alley, I hear, because it's so much like a tandem in certain respects, which is something Mike has done some of in the past.
Anyway, it's fillet brazed out of a standard 29"er tube set with the addition of the long twin laterals that are massaged a bit in the area of the rear tire/seat tube, which you might be able to detect in the first photo.
The idea that I had was to get some vertical compliance at the rear wheel. Not a lot, but something to take the edge off. The twin laterals are there to go with my theme of a "mtb heritage" design. I'm trying to emulate a bit of that early mtb pioneering flair with the addition of modern innovations like 1 1/8th headtube/ threadless steerer, disc brakes, and 29 inch wheels. The twin laterals form a sort of "cruiser-esque" front triangle, which is also echoed in the choice of a single speed drive train.
The frame was shown to a friend of Ben's after it was completed to the point that you see here. This individual was one of the original Marin clunker guys that rode with Fisher, Breeze, Guy, et all. He took one look at this bike and reportedly said, "That there is Breezer 1979!" So, I guess my "heritage" goal was met! Then Ben and this fellow decided that it must have a Bull Moose type handle bar, so I guess that's in the works. I was thinking drop bar, but hey! Bull Moose with a modern twist? Yeah, I can see that.
The hope is that this will be ready for the Big Wheeled Ballyhoo, so if you make it up for that, this should be on display.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Drop Bar Mountain Bike Tips
1. Probably the biggest misconception out there has to do with the height and reach of drop bar set up. Here is something that will help clear it up for you. Always, always, always ride off road in the drops. Off road drop bars were not meant to be ridden "on the hoods" as so many roadies are doing. The reason for this is control. Off road the bumps and jarring will make riding on the hoods a dangerous proposition. Riding in the drops actually lets you relax your grip, since the bumps force the handle bar into your hands. Plus, the round cross section of the bar is far easier to hang on to than the hoods.
2. Taking #1 into consideration, it becomes clear that your off road drop bars are to be at a height where the drop section would be level with the height where your grips would be on a flat bar set up. This generally requires a high rise stem for your drop bar.
3. Also taking #1 into consuderation for reach, you may run into trouble if you are already running a very short stem, say less than a 90mm reach. Your stem choices will be limited and your reach may be compromised. It might be better to use a slightly shorter top tube on a different frame for a drop bar set up. (Or go custom)
4. Drop bars good for off road include the On One Midge bar, the Origin 8 Gary bar, and the Salsa Bell Lap.
5. Stems that have high rise that work with threadless steer tubes are available from Salsa, Dimension, and a host of custom builders.
6. Drop bars can be used with single speed drivetrains or multi geared. STI shifters work great off road even with flared bars like the Midge and Gary bar. Bar end shifters can also be used, but because of the flared drop ends, they can sometimes be damaged in crashes.
7. Brake lever tips should be easily reached from the drops. This means you will run the levers lower down on the bars than a road set up. Much lower! Mechanical disc brakes can be set up for use with drop bars if you use Avids excellent BB-7 for road levers, and there is a cheaper Tektro road disc brake as well. Currently no hydraulic disc brake set ups are available for off road drop bars.
Okay, that should help, but if there are any qustions, let me know. I'll be glad to answer in the comments section.
Drop Bar Mountain Bike Tips
1. Probably the biggest misconception out there has to do with the height and reach of drop bar set up. Here is something that will help clear it up for you. Always, always, always ride off road in the drops. Off road drop bars were not meant to be ridden "on the hoods" as so many roadies are doing. The reason for this is control. Off road the bumps and jarring will make riding on the hoods a dangerous proposition. Riding in the drops actually lets you relax your grip, since the bumps force the handle bar into your hands. Plus, the round cross section of the bar is far easier to hang on to than the hoods.
2. Taking #1 into consideration, it becomes clear that your off road drop bars are to be at a height where the drop section would be level with the height where your grips would be on a flat bar set up. This generally requires a high rise stem for your drop bar.
3. Also taking #1 into consuderation for reach, you may run into trouble if you are already running a very short stem, say less than a 90mm reach. Your stem choices will be limited and your reach may be compromised. It might be better to use a slightly shorter top tube on a different frame for a drop bar set up. (Or go custom)
4. Drop bars good for off road include the On One Midge bar, the Origin 8 Gary bar, and the Salsa Bell Lap.
5. Stems that have high rise that work with threadless steer tubes are available from Salsa, Dimension, and a host of custom builders.
6. Drop bars can be used with single speed drivetrains or multi geared. STI shifters work great off road even with flared bars like the Midge and Gary bar. Bar end shifters can also be used, but because of the flared drop ends, they can sometimes be damaged in crashes.
7. Brake lever tips should be easily reached from the drops. This means you will run the levers lower down on the bars than a road set up. Much lower! Mechanical disc brakes can be set up for use with drop bars if you use Avids excellent BB-7 for road levers, and there is a cheaper Tektro road disc brake as well. Currently no hydraulic disc brake set ups are available for off road drop bars.
Okay, that should help, but if there are any qustions, let me know. I'll be glad to answer in the comments section.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
No Gravel For Me
I did get a ride in on the Willits fork Friday with Mr.24. I have to do some more testing on it, but it does do some vertical flexing. There is definitely something going on there. I had to conjure up the old, rusty steel fork riding skills again after getting dumped once from riding it like a carbon fork.
The trails at the Boy Scout Camp were in a state of uber-roughness. The XC race left several tracks so rutty that you couldn't really choose a line, it was chosen for you! Then there were the roots exposed from washed away soil which weren't there last time I rode. All in all a great test for the fork.
Mr. 24 was running a silly skinny XC rear tire that was getting knocked off line all the time. His front was the same and finally that end made it's unstable presence known by knocking ol' Jeff to the turf right in front of me. I about took him out by almost running right over him! That would have been ironic. Guitar Ted takes out Mr. 24 by rolling him over with his 29"er tires! Uhh..........sorry dude! Thankfully it didn't come to that.
I did my part today by getting the Burley Flat Bed trailer out and hauling my bass and equipment to church to play today. I forgot I even had the thing until the other day when I uncovered it from the pile of bike frames and tires that had collected on it. Now I'll use it more often. Especially in the face of what I'm seeing everyday as I commute past two gas stations on my way to work and back. (It can be done with a bike! It can be done with a bike! It can be done with a bike!.....[repeat as necessary])
No Gravel For Me
I did get a ride in on the Willits fork Friday with Mr.24. I have to do some more testing on it, but it does do some vertical flexing. There is definitely something going on there. I had to conjure up the old, rusty steel fork riding skills again after getting dumped once from riding it like a carbon fork.
The trails at the Boy Scout Camp were in a state of uber-roughness. The XC race left several tracks so rutty that you couldn't really choose a line, it was chosen for you! Then there were the roots exposed from washed away soil which weren't there last time I rode. All in all a great test for the fork.
Mr. 24 was running a silly skinny XC rear tire that was getting knocked off line all the time. His front was the same and finally that end made it's unstable presence known by knocking ol' Jeff to the turf right in front of me. I about took him out by almost running right over him! That would have been ironic. Guitar Ted takes out Mr. 24 by rolling him over with his 29"er tires! Uhh..........sorry dude! Thankfully it didn't come to that.
I did my part today by getting the Burley Flat Bed trailer out and hauling my bass and equipment to church to play today. I forgot I even had the thing until the other day when I uncovered it from the pile of bike frames and tires that had collected on it. Now I'll use it more often. Especially in the face of what I'm seeing everyday as I commute past two gas stations on my way to work and back. (It can be done with a bike! It can be done with a bike! It can be done with a bike!.....[repeat as necessary])
Friday, May 18, 2007
Secret Project #1 Revealed!

It's a Badger! Yep, a fillet brazed steel, drop bar 29"er from Rob Pennell is being constructed in Kansas as we speak.
The picture is of the design specs that Rob will use to build by. The dirty adjustable wrench? Hmm...........dunno! Perhaps that's there to give Rob's assistant Josh an occasional attitude adjustment! Heh heh! Just kiddin' there Josh!
I thought it only fitting that I post this today as most of my gravel grinding buds are on their way to the Dirty Kanza 200 to get ready for tomorrow's flinty goodness. (Good luck to all of you, by the way!) Wish I was going too. Oh well!
This bike will kind of be a culmination of my time spent on the Badger Dorothy from last fall. I was so smitten with the way the 19" frame rode that I knew I had to have a bike like that tweaked for drop bars. I felt that a drop bar specific frame with a similar geometry to the Dorothy and using custom butted tubes would be the only way to make that bike better for me.
I plan on riding this bike primarily on long, long rides on gravel and single track. I expect it'll be a rather comfortable, great handling, beautiful frame that will give me years of riding joy. I can't wait to show and tell you more, but that's it for now. I'll post more clues and comments in the days to come.
Secret Project #2? Yeah, it's at the powder coater. I'll post a teaser on that one later Stay tuned!
Secret Project #1 Revealed!

It's a Badger! Yep, a fillet brazed steel, drop bar 29"er from Rob Pennell is being constructed in Kansas as we speak.
The picture is of the design specs that Rob will use to build by. The dirty adjustable wrench? Hmm...........dunno! Perhaps that's there to give Rob's assistant Josh an occasional attitude adjustment! Heh heh! Just kiddin' there Josh!
I thought it only fitting that I post this today as most of my gravel grinding buds are on their way to the Dirty Kanza 200 to get ready for tomorrow's flinty goodness. (Good luck to all of you, by the way!) Wish I was going too. Oh well!
This bike will kind of be a culmination of my time spent on the Badger Dorothy from last fall. I was so smitten with the way the 19" frame rode that I knew I had to have a bike like that tweaked for drop bars. I felt that a drop bar specific frame with a similar geometry to the Dorothy and using custom butted tubes would be the only way to make that bike better for me.
I plan on riding this bike primarily on long, long rides on gravel and single track. I expect it'll be a rather comfortable, great handling, beautiful frame that will give me years of riding joy. I can't wait to show and tell you more, but that's it for now. I'll post more clues and comments in the days to come.
Secret Project #2? Yeah, it's at the powder coater. I'll post a teaser on that one later Stay tuned!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Thursday Yahoo!

In the meantime, check out yesterday's GTDRI announcement or just go to the site. Have some fun checking that out. (Kerkove has a twisted mind, I tell ya!)
See ya later!
Thursday Yahoo!

In the meantime, check out yesterday's GTDRI announcement or just go to the site. Have some fun checking that out. (Kerkove has a twisted mind, I tell ya!)
See ya later!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Announcing The New and Improved GTDRI

Well, this is what happens when you give Mr.24 the "keys" to your blog template!
Check it out. The sidebar ideas were Jeff's, so there's a bit of black humor there, just so you know.
Stay tuned for further updates and madness! Thanks to Kerkove Media for the re-do.
Announcing The New and Improved GTDRI

Well, this is what happens when you give Mr.24 the "keys" to your blog template!
Check it out. The sidebar ideas were Jeff's, so there's a bit of black humor there, just so you know.
Stay tuned for further updates and madness! Thanks to Kerkove Media for the re-do.
It's Official: We're Normal!
Okay, if your industry rag is declaring it, it must be true, right?
So, what does this mean? (Assuming BRAIN is correct in it's analysis, and I believe that they are) I have a few random thoughts on the matter. Some serious and some not so much. See if you can pick out which are which.
First off, this would mean that we might not be calling these bikes "29"ers" much longer. If the new Specialized and Diamondback hard tail offerings in the $650-$900 dollar range are any indication, we might just see a whole new generation of inexpensive, big wheeled mtb's that will cause new cyclists to accept the wheel size as "normal" and end up calling them "mountain bikes" without reference to wheel size at all.
Of course, it also means that more and more choices relating to the wheel format will surface, like the Rock Shox Dart 29"er forks that will be on the Specialized Rockhopper. (By the way, no mention of this fork was made at all by the SRAM guys at their Sea Otter presentation. Weird.)
Then the obvious will occur, which is that a mass exodus of the early adopters will be taking place. They will adopt some other "fringe" mtb fad, like 650B mountain bikes, 36"ers, or go do something else all together away from cycling. Something like riding recumbents, maybe. Who knows?
Then the 29"er Forum on will just become "the normal cycling forum" (like it hasn't to some degree already!) or the moderators will start putting all the threads into their proper categories and shut down the 29"er forum all together. I mean, they are just a mountain bike with bigger wheels, right?
And it all hits home here with me having to change my header again to just saying "Guitar Ted Productions" with no reference to 29"ers at all, since they have been assimilated. Which also means that my gig at Twenty Nine Inches will disappear due to the sites irrelevance, or that I'll have to start writing about recumbent bicycles, since they always will be weird! (Not gonna happen....the recumbent thing, that is!)
So it is with some sadness that I read the headline in BRAIN the other day. Like American Pie says, "the day the music died", we've started the downward spiral, it would seem. We're just riding "normal" mountain bikes now. We're just normal trail riders. Hooray!
I think I'll go celebrate this new mediocrity by having a Bud Light.
Ha! Just kiddin'!
It's Official: We're Normal!
Okay, if your industry rag is declaring it, it must be true, right?
So, what does this mean? (Assuming BRAIN is correct in it's analysis, and I believe that they are) I have a few random thoughts on the matter. Some serious and some not so much. See if you can pick out which are which.
First off, this would mean that we might not be calling these bikes "29"ers" much longer. If the new Specialized and Diamondback hard tail offerings in the $650-$900 dollar range are any indication, we might just see a whole new generation of inexpensive, big wheeled mtb's that will cause new cyclists to accept the wheel size as "normal" and end up calling them "mountain bikes" without reference to wheel size at all.
Of course, it also means that more and more choices relating to the wheel format will surface, like the Rock Shox Dart 29"er forks that will be on the Specialized Rockhopper. (By the way, no mention of this fork was made at all by the SRAM guys at their Sea Otter presentation. Weird.)
Then the obvious will occur, which is that a mass exodus of the early adopters will be taking place. They will adopt some other "fringe" mtb fad, like 650B mountain bikes, 36"ers, or go do something else all together away from cycling. Something like riding recumbents, maybe. Who knows?
Then the 29"er Forum on will just become "the normal cycling forum" (like it hasn't to some degree already!) or the moderators will start putting all the threads into their proper categories and shut down the 29"er forum all together. I mean, they are just a mountain bike with bigger wheels, right?
And it all hits home here with me having to change my header again to just saying "Guitar Ted Productions" with no reference to 29"ers at all, since they have been assimilated. Which also means that my gig at Twenty Nine Inches will disappear due to the sites irrelevance, or that I'll have to start writing about recumbent bicycles, since they always will be weird! (Not gonna happen....the recumbent thing, that is!)
So it is with some sadness that I read the headline in BRAIN the other day. Like American Pie says, "the day the music died", we've started the downward spiral, it would seem. We're just riding "normal" mountain bikes now. We're just normal trail riders. Hooray!
I think I'll go celebrate this new mediocrity by having a Bud Light.
Ha! Just kiddin'!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Musings On Tubeless Tires
Now I've tried it for awhile. Here's my take on tubeless now after having run the Bontrager Tubeless Ready system.
The system I ran was using some "stupid light" race tires and wheels. I know that in the setting I was using them last weekend, the system was being pushed over it's limits. That's exactly what I wanted though, to see where I could and couldn't ride this stuff. Now to say tubeless tires as a whole were a bad idea based upon this, well........that's just wrong! However; I can report a few bugs that I experienced that I think cross lines of discipline here.
First of all, the sealant is sketchy. I've seen Stan's work and not work so well, and the Super Juice seems about the same. It's great when it works......when it works! If it doesn't work, then your back in the tubed world anyway, plus you've got slimy goo to deal with. Not fun! Flats already suck bad enough without some Nickleodeon spooge all over the place.
Secondly, the tires fit so tight on Bontragers system that I though I was going to permanently damage my thumbs whilst mounting them. I know it's better that way, but hurt! Granted, when my inevitable puncture came that the sealant couldn't deal with, the tire came off the bead surprisingly easily. Hmm.......that's okay in the field, but did the bead stretch? My guess is that it did. Makes you wonder just a bit.
Then there's that pesky valve thingy that's great when you're running tubeless and a pain to keep track of when you're not. Yes, I lost mine after removing it to install a tube! My fault, but when you run tubes all the time, this isn't an issue, since your valve is tethered to this humongous rubber hoop.
Minor gripes, maybe. But mostly non-issues when running tubes. I suppose I could adapt to this tubeless thing, but I've got some suggestions for improvements for those product designers out there. How about making a tire mounting machine, like automobiles use, so we can save our digits from permanent damage and avoid the temptation to use tire levers and even worse, curse at inanimate objects! Next, that sealant. Couldn't it double up as mosquito repellant, hand cream, or something nutritional to give us energy to catch back up to those that passed us in a race? And finally, that pesky loose valve stem. How about a handy place to snap it into a tire lever, since we're eventually going to have to use one anyway.
Well, maybe I'm a bit of a luddite, but this tubeless thing has a ways to go before you can color me impressed!