Monday, January 01, 2024

Happy New Year! Now Let's Get Caught Up

Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a great 2023. So, with all that nonsense that I posted last month having to do with the past year, what was I doing in the meantime? This post will get you all caught up here.

There isn't a whole lot to say, because I had two over-arching things pretty much dominate the last half of December here. One was my wife's and my daughter's birthdays, and the other was getting sick. times

The whole family got it too. Some kind of cold/flu thing. It was awful. I pretty much stayed in the house over Christmas because of it. So, no bicycle tales to speak of that I can share.

Well.....I did do something with bicycles. I commuted back and forth to work, but I also did install those Axle Packs I got in on the Noble GX5. The Introduction to those Axle Packs from Old Man Mountain was posted here last Wednesday. (See that post HERE)

The Axle Pack went on without too much bother and I have a ride planned once I feel good enough to do that. Maybe pretty soon... Anyway, I am hoping there will be soup involved. You'll see..... 

The Old Man Mountain Axle Packs mounted and loaded up.

So, there was that going on as well. But mostly it was a lot of home cooked chicken soup and water. Rest, and boredom, with a side of NFL football. I really was not surprised that I got sick when we had some of the best riding weather in December, ya know, par for the course and all. But hopefully we can stay out of the really frigid air for a bit so I can get in a few rides soon. 


I did get a last ride in for 2023 on New Year's Eve in the Green Belt.

Starting on Christmas Day I began to feel on the upswing. That said, it took a full week to be back to any semblance of myself and I rested a lot all week in between Christmas and New Year's day. I chanced a ride on the 30th at night for about 20 minutes and felt no worse for the wear. This emboldened me to try a longer ride on New Year's Eve, which I did. It was about two hours on the fat bike in the Green Belt. 

That sure felt good to do. Now it is time to start pedaling in 2024.


Tomcat said...

Happy New Year, GT!!!

Guitar Ted said...

@Tomcat - Happy New Year!

Kurti_sc said...

Hello Guitar Ted. Well it’s been a decade since I last followed your blog and it is good to see it all again. It’s a nice way to start a new year. Best new year wishes to you. We have since moved and am no longer riding the piedmont and blue ridge of the Carolinas. Somehow my career path landed us in MI just above Ann Arbor. Totally different riding, but still riding. Still fun. Kurti_sc.

Guitar Ted said...

@Kurti_sc - Welcome back! Happy New Year to you as well. I hope you enjoy the riding in Michigan. It was an early hotbed for gravel in the late 2000's, so maybe you'll find some cool back roads.

And if I may make a suggestion, it might be time to upgrade your handle to "Kurti_mi". ;>)