Salsa Cycles Fargo Page
Friday, June 29, 2007
Bedtime Stories
That activity would be my catching up on the Great Divide Race. This is really epic stuff. The event, which has been going on for two weeks now, is a backroads race down from the Canadian border to the Mexican border along the Great Divide route as set up by Adventure Cycling. The rules are pretty simple. Time trial the route as a self sufficient cyclist. (Well, there is a little more to it, but that's pretty close to the mark)
This year there were more people lining up for this event at the start than in the previous four years combined. They all are required to call in every day to a specific number which records there message which is then transcribed by Tom Purvis and posted to the site linked above. It helps you see the agony, drama, and hard work involved in this trek across the U.S. Pretty interesting stuff, especially in light of the morass that road cycling has fallen into.
The Tour de France used to be my thing to check out, but not anymore. This Great Divide Race has supplanted it. Why? Well, it's more in keeping with the spirit of challenge and overcoming than the Tour is. It's not over hyped, or hyped at all, really. It's still a grassroots, underground, for the spirit of it all event. The tour? Gutted of any of that. Empty and devoid of anything "true and good", if one can say that about cycling. Maybe I'm a romantic luddite, a reto-grouch, and just not seeing what others find in the Tour. Whatever. All I know is that these Great Divide racers have captured my fancy and I love a good cycling tale before bedtime.
So, I'll keep reading!
If you are so inclined, catch up on the story so far and get ready for the first finishers sometime this weekend. It's going to be awesome! I think it'll inspire you to go out on your own long epic ride this weekend. Do it! I'll be riding somewhere too.
Bedtime Stories
That activity would be my catching up on the Great Divide Race. This is really epic stuff. The event, which has been going on for two weeks now, is a backroads race down from the Canadian border to the Mexican border along the Great Divide route as set up by Adventure Cycling. The rules are pretty simple. Time trial the route as a self sufficient cyclist. (Well, there is a little more to it, but that's pretty close to the mark)
This year there were more people lining up for this event at the start than in the previous four years combined. They all are required to call in every day to a specific number which records there message which is then transcribed by Tom Purvis and posted to the site linked above. It helps you see the agony, drama, and hard work involved in this trek across the U.S. Pretty interesting stuff, especially in light of the morass that road cycling has fallen into.
The Tour de France used to be my thing to check out, but not anymore. This Great Divide Race has supplanted it. Why? Well, it's more in keeping with the spirit of challenge and overcoming than the Tour is. It's not over hyped, or hyped at all, really. It's still a grassroots, underground, for the spirit of it all event. The tour? Gutted of any of that. Empty and devoid of anything "true and good", if one can say that about cycling. Maybe I'm a romantic luddite, a reto-grouch, and just not seeing what others find in the Tour. Whatever. All I know is that these Great Divide racers have captured my fancy and I love a good cycling tale before bedtime.
So, I'll keep reading!
If you are so inclined, catch up on the story so far and get ready for the first finishers sometime this weekend. It's going to be awesome! I think it'll inspire you to go out on your own long epic ride this weekend. Do it! I'll be riding somewhere too.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
You Are Welcome...........

I'll be wearin' it with pride!
In other event news, the GTDRI blog has a new update if you are interested.
Also, the planning for the next Ballyhoo is taking place with analysis of the just completed inaugral event. We won't be changing much, just tweaking it out and doing a better job up front.
As far as Trans Iowa goes...........don't ask! There are some definite hurdles to putting on another version of this event that may prove to high to clear. The jury is still out. I'll keep ya'all informed on any updates concerning the status of another Trans Iowa. I'm going to be concentrating on the laid back prep for GTDRI first, then a short break before Interbike. After that I'll make a call on T.I.
Stay tuned.....................
You Are Welcome...........

I'll be wearin' it with pride!
In other event news, the GTDRI blog has a new update if you are interested.
Also, the planning for the next Ballyhoo is taking place with analysis of the just completed inaugral event. We won't be changing much, just tweaking it out and doing a better job up front.
As far as Trans Iowa goes...........don't ask! There are some definite hurdles to putting on another version of this event that may prove to high to clear. The jury is still out. I'll keep ya'all informed on any updates concerning the status of another Trans Iowa. I'm going to be concentrating on the laid back prep for GTDRI first, then a short break before Interbike. After that I'll make a call on T.I.
Stay tuned.....................
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I Fall Down
Wow! I must be doing a lot of mountain biking lately.
I don't think crashing is a bad thing. Actually, they used to say that if you weren't crashing once in awhile you weren't riding hard enough. I don't know if that's true, maybe it was just a way of explaining away the poor technology of those times. Maybe. I think it's still true though.
Crashes are cool from several standpoints. You've got your buddies, who need to be entertained. I mean, who doesn't want to be the star of the story, right? Then you've got your battle scars to remind you of "that ride" for at least a few weeks, and if you're really lucky, for a lifetime.
For instance, I was showing a guy where my solid axle gouged my inner leg when I was a kid. This guy looks at me with wide eyes and says, "Ya mean like this?!" He shows me a scar just like mine he got in the same way as a kid. Instant brotherhood man. Awesome! It wouldn't have happened if not for the crashing.
So, besides being a weatherman, I can't think of a single thing I could do that seems to reward failure with such a high regard. Crashing is cool.........well, to a degree it is. There are those truly heinous hits.
Let's try to avoid those, shall we?
I Fall Down
Wow! I must be doing a lot of mountain biking lately.
I don't think crashing is a bad thing. Actually, they used to say that if you weren't crashing once in awhile you weren't riding hard enough. I don't know if that's true, maybe it was just a way of explaining away the poor technology of those times. Maybe. I think it's still true though.
Crashes are cool from several standpoints. You've got your buddies, who need to be entertained. I mean, who doesn't want to be the star of the story, right? Then you've got your battle scars to remind you of "that ride" for at least a few weeks, and if you're really lucky, for a lifetime.
For instance, I was showing a guy where my solid axle gouged my inner leg when I was a kid. This guy looks at me with wide eyes and says, "Ya mean like this?!" He shows me a scar just like mine he got in the same way as a kid. Instant brotherhood man. Awesome! It wouldn't have happened if not for the crashing.
So, besides being a weatherman, I can't think of a single thing I could do that seems to reward failure with such a high regard. Crashing is cool.........well, to a degree it is. There are those truly heinous hits.
Let's try to avoid those, shall we?
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Rotor Envy
It's high time that all 29"er bicycle manufacturers equipped their rigs with 185mm front rotors. Why? Because they work far better than 160mm ones do on a 29"er, that's why. It's safer, more performance oriented, and helps bring out the best in 29"er wheels.
I've got a couple bikes with 160mm rotors up front and all of my brake systems are Avid mechanicals, so I can see a direct comparison. The 160mm rotors just do not cut it for me. Hauling my 240lb carcass to a stop is no easy feat and the 160mm set up just can not stop it like a 185mm rotor can. Plus, think of the better heat dissapation on longer downhills. That's something to consider. I really do not want to look down and see glowing dull red heat waves eminating from the area formerly known as my front hub.
Then you have weight. Sure, some will whine about 185mm rotors weighing more. Well, who cares? I mean, really.......I would rather be able to stop more quickly with better control. What's a few more grams when it comes to that? Sheesh! Cut out the extra beer, ice cream, or heck, leave your water bottle at home if it comes to it. Give me a 185mm rotor up front on every new 29"er. Weight be damned!
I think it's plain silly to spec a 160mm rotor on the front of any 29"er save the most XC race oriented steeds and their are only a few that I would put in that category. (The Orbea Alma 29"er, the Salsa Mamasita, and the upcoming Fisher carbon hardtail) The 29"er, by it's very nature, is going to attract your larger than life mtb'ers anyway, such as myself. And as I said, it's no easy feat for a brake to stop a raging Clydesdale coming down the mountain. Outta my way, I'm large and in charge!
It just is a thing that makes way too much sense not to do. So, if you are a person that works for a company that produces 29"ers, dump the miniscule front brakes! Give us real stopping power and spec 185mm rotors on the front of our shiny new 29"ers.
Okay, okay..............please spec a 185mm rotor up front!
Rant mode off!
Rotor Envy
It's high time that all 29"er bicycle manufacturers equipped their rigs with 185mm front rotors. Why? Because they work far better than 160mm ones do on a 29"er, that's why. It's safer, more performance oriented, and helps bring out the best in 29"er wheels.
I've got a couple bikes with 160mm rotors up front and all of my brake systems are Avid mechanicals, so I can see a direct comparison. The 160mm rotors just do not cut it for me. Hauling my 240lb carcass to a stop is no easy feat and the 160mm set up just can not stop it like a 185mm rotor can. Plus, think of the better heat dissapation on longer downhills. That's something to consider. I really do not want to look down and see glowing dull red heat waves eminating from the area formerly known as my front hub.
Then you have weight. Sure, some will whine about 185mm rotors weighing more. Well, who cares? I mean, really.......I would rather be able to stop more quickly with better control. What's a few more grams when it comes to that? Sheesh! Cut out the extra beer, ice cream, or heck, leave your water bottle at home if it comes to it. Give me a 185mm rotor up front on every new 29"er. Weight be damned!
I think it's plain silly to spec a 160mm rotor on the front of any 29"er save the most XC race oriented steeds and their are only a few that I would put in that category. (The Orbea Alma 29"er, the Salsa Mamasita, and the upcoming Fisher carbon hardtail) The 29"er, by it's very nature, is going to attract your larger than life mtb'ers anyway, such as myself. And as I said, it's no easy feat for a brake to stop a raging Clydesdale coming down the mountain. Outta my way, I'm large and in charge!
It just is a thing that makes way too much sense not to do. So, if you are a person that works for a company that produces 29"ers, dump the miniscule front brakes! Give us real stopping power and spec 185mm rotors on the front of our shiny new 29"ers.
Okay, okay..............please spec a 185mm rotor up front!
Rant mode off!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Big Wheeled Ballyhoo: Final Report

Here's the '08 Paragon from Fisher. Let me tell you right now, this is going to put Fisher right at the front in the hard tail 29"er ranks. the Fox fork seemed super easy to figure out, (We didn't have a manual and had no problems setting it up!) and the improvements in tire clearance, and structural integrity are all fixed from the previous models. (Folks looking at a Rig will rejoice. Your new model will be able to clear 2.5" tires!) I'll post more detailed photos on Twenty Nine Inches.

The Saturday evening entertainment was a blast! The upper level of T Bock's bar and grill was transformed into a rock and roll stomp fest courtesy of Baker London and the Fuumes' alternative craziness. We had a packed house and the raffle was enjoyed by all. (Maybe the fact that nearly everyone got something had a little bit to do with that!)
Later on, I veered and weaved my way on the Dos Niner to the campground and perused a million stars with the Salsa Amigos. Great times!

Here's a shot down the vendors row. Lot's of bikes to choose from including Haro, Raleigh, Fisher, Trek, (Madones, yes-the new ones!), Salsa, Slingshot, Titus, and Niner Bikes.
I'll admit we didn't get alot of folks this first time, maybe 100 or so, but I know that demo ride numbers were average to above average for almost all the bikes there and at least three bikes were "sold" on the spot to some of the attendees. I'm sure even more will be seeing duty underneath some of the folks that got the chance to come to this first Ballyhoo.

The hit bike of the Ballyhoo had to be the 36"er designed by Ben Witt of Milltown Cycles. Everybody had to ride it! I like to say it has a smile inducing quality to it. Ben even rode it offroad there and said it clears log piles like no ones business.
Here's Brandon, Ben's wrench, putin' her to the wheelie test!
Some of the other things to come out of the Ballyhoo were that we learned of four new WTB tread designs in various sizes will be coming out later in the year. We even got to see two of them and they look promising. Of course, the aforementioned Fisher Rig frame is going to get the same improvements as all the other hardtails in Gary Fishers line up. We also heard some other unmentionable stuff that should be really cool coming your way soon too.
Well, this was a lot of fun! Personally, it was a bit of a let down that more folks didn't hop on board the fun train we had going, but since we are planning on swinging the bat at this ball again next year, we might get a few more of you out there to reconsider this madness. I will say I had a ball, and I even got to ride a couple times. Most notably with Salsa Amigo Bobby, who got a new handle this weekend. I won't say here what it is, but do check out the Salsa Amigos Blog to find out. (Thanks Bobby for the ride! That was sweet!)
So, that's a wrap on The Big Wheeled Ballyhoo for 2007. Tim G and I are tired, but enthused about what this could be. Of course, there are several folks who deserve huge shout outs for getting behind this and making it happen. The List is as follows in no particular order........
Travis Ott: Gary Fisher Assistant Brand Manager- Big Wheel Pimper, General Cool Guy
Richard "Deke" Gosen: Oneota River Cycles and Generalisimo of Trails for Decorah, Wrench Extrordanaire
Jeff O'Gara: Decorah Parks and Recreation board member: String Puller of Greatest Magnitude- Trail Pimp, and Generally Awesome Guy
Jason Boucher: King of Salsa Amigos and Fun Hog of the Ballyhoo
Mike Bockman: T-Bock's El Presidente' and provider of the Bigwheel Ballyhoo's World Headquarters- Friend of Two Wheeled Freaks Everywhere
Decorah Parks and Recreation/Judy Syverson: Gettin' er duuun! Thanks for the Green Light!
All The Decorah Trail Pimps! You Rock! seriously, you ROCK!
and to all the official sponsors:
Salsa Cycles
Gary Fisher Bikes
Niner Bikes
Raleigh U.S.A.
Bike 29
Rock Shox
Cliff Bars
Until Next year!
Big Wheeled Ballyhoo: Final Report

Here's the '08 Paragon from Fisher. Let me tell you right now, this is going to put Fisher right at the front in the hard tail 29"er ranks. the Fox fork seemed super easy to figure out, (We didn't have a manual and had no problems setting it up!) and the improvements in tire clearance, and structural integrity are all fixed from the previous models. (Folks looking at a Rig will rejoice. Your new model will be able to clear 2.5" tires!) I'll post more detailed photos on Twenty Nine Inches.

The Saturday evening entertainment was a blast! The upper level of T Bock's bar and grill was transformed into a rock and roll stomp fest courtesy of Baker London and the Fuumes' alternative craziness. We had a packed house and the raffle was enjoyed by all. (Maybe the fact that nearly everyone got something had a little bit to do with that!)
Later on, I veered and weaved my way on the Dos Niner to the campground and perused a million stars with the Salsa Amigos. Great times!

Here's a shot down the vendors row. Lot's of bikes to choose from including Haro, Raleigh, Fisher, Trek, (Madones, yes-the new ones!), Salsa, Slingshot, Titus, and Niner Bikes.
I'll admit we didn't get alot of folks this first time, maybe 100 or so, but I know that demo ride numbers were average to above average for almost all the bikes there and at least three bikes were "sold" on the spot to some of the attendees. I'm sure even more will be seeing duty underneath some of the folks that got the chance to come to this first Ballyhoo.

The hit bike of the Ballyhoo had to be the 36"er designed by Ben Witt of Milltown Cycles. Everybody had to ride it! I like to say it has a smile inducing quality to it. Ben even rode it offroad there and said it clears log piles like no ones business.
Here's Brandon, Ben's wrench, putin' her to the wheelie test!
Some of the other things to come out of the Ballyhoo were that we learned of four new WTB tread designs in various sizes will be coming out later in the year. We even got to see two of them and they look promising. Of course, the aforementioned Fisher Rig frame is going to get the same improvements as all the other hardtails in Gary Fishers line up. We also heard some other unmentionable stuff that should be really cool coming your way soon too.
Well, this was a lot of fun! Personally, it was a bit of a let down that more folks didn't hop on board the fun train we had going, but since we are planning on swinging the bat at this ball again next year, we might get a few more of you out there to reconsider this madness. I will say I had a ball, and I even got to ride a couple times. Most notably with Salsa Amigo Bobby, who got a new handle this weekend. I won't say here what it is, but do check out the Salsa Amigos Blog to find out. (Thanks Bobby for the ride! That was sweet!)
So, that's a wrap on The Big Wheeled Ballyhoo for 2007. Tim G and I are tired, but enthused about what this could be. Of course, there are several folks who deserve huge shout outs for getting behind this and making it happen. The List is as follows in no particular order........
Travis Ott: Gary Fisher Assistant Brand Manager- Big Wheel Pimper, General Cool Guy
Richard "Deke" Gosen: Oneota River Cycles and Generalisimo of Trails for Decorah, Wrench Extrordanaire
Jeff O'Gara: Decorah Parks and Recreation board member: String Puller of Greatest Magnitude- Trail Pimp, and Generally Awesome Guy
Jason Boucher: King of Salsa Amigos and Fun Hog of the Ballyhoo
Mike Bockman: T-Bock's El Presidente' and provider of the Bigwheel Ballyhoo's World Headquarters- Friend of Two Wheeled Freaks Everywhere
Decorah Parks and Recreation/Judy Syverson: Gettin' er duuun! Thanks for the Green Light!
All The Decorah Trail Pimps! You Rock! seriously, you ROCK!
and to all the official sponsors:
Salsa Cycles
Gary Fisher Bikes
Niner Bikes
Raleigh U.S.A.
Bike 29
Rock Shox
Cliff Bars
Until Next year!
Big Wheeled Ballyhoo Update: Day Two
I've got pics, but I can't upload them yet. They will be coming! I got to actually ride a bike on the trails myself too. A '08 Paragon. All I will say now is this. Fox fork = NICE! Fisher's redesign = SPOT ON! More on that coming next week.
We had lots of folks gawking at and riding the 36"er. We even got interviewed by the Cedar Rapids Gazzette, so that should be a cool article. All in all it's a pretty good success for the first year.
Last night was the band/party/raffle up in the Ballyhoo World Headquarters provided by T-Bock's. I tell you that you really missed a whale of a good time! The stars in the sky viewed from the campground capped off an excellent day. Now for the finishing touches and I'll write up some more on the aftermath of this event for ya next week.
Stay tuned!
Big Wheeled Ballyhoo Update: Day Two
I've got pics, but I can't upload them yet. They will be coming! I got to actually ride a bike on the trails myself too. A '08 Paragon. All I will say now is this. Fox fork = NICE! Fisher's redesign = SPOT ON! More on that coming next week.
We had lots of folks gawking at and riding the 36"er. We even got interviewed by the Cedar Rapids Gazzette, so that should be a cool article. All in all it's a pretty good success for the first year.
Last night was the band/party/raffle up in the Ballyhoo World Headquarters provided by T-Bock's. I tell you that you really missed a whale of a good time! The stars in the sky viewed from the campground capped off an excellent day. Now for the finishing touches and I'll write up some more on the aftermath of this event for ya next week.
Stay tuned!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Big Wheeled Ballyhoo: Update- Opening Day
We sat down with the Slingshot guys and got the lowdown on those FarmBoy 29"ers first. Crazy looking rigs! Then on down the line to the Salsa Amigos where we parked it for quite awhile and enjoyed some great conversation, brews, and fireflies. Yes! Fireflies! A about a gazillion of them made the open field we were in look as though a million flashbulbs were going off all the time. Like a sparkly fairy tale. Crazy.....but not the craziest!
That came later on when we joined some of the local crew to drink. Their were some crazy loons over there that were blowing grain alcohol into the fire and rasslin' each other and basically creating mayhem at times. One of them broke his bottom bracket shell on the night ride and was riding shirtless to boot. Uh-huh! Craaaaaaazy!
Okay, that's it for now. Tim and I are setting up registration now and getting things wound up for a spectacular summer day. No rain, and very little wind. Good times!
More later.
Big Wheeled Ballyhoo: Update- Opening Day
We sat down with the Slingshot guys and got the lowdown on those FarmBoy 29"ers first. Crazy looking rigs! Then on down the line to the Salsa Amigos where we parked it for quite awhile and enjoyed some great conversation, brews, and fireflies. Yes! Fireflies! A about a gazillion of them made the open field we were in look as though a million flashbulbs were going off all the time. Like a sparkly fairy tale. Crazy.....but not the craziest!
That came later on when we joined some of the local crew to drink. Their were some crazy loons over there that were blowing grain alcohol into the fire and rasslin' each other and basically creating mayhem at times. One of them broke his bottom bracket shell on the night ride and was riding shirtless to boot. Uh-huh! Craaaaaaazy!
Okay, that's it for now. Tim and I are setting up registration now and getting things wound up for a spectacular summer day. No rain, and very little wind. Good times!
More later.
Friday, June 22, 2007
The Big Wheeled Ballyhoo: Pre-Event Update
Anyway, the rest, as they say, is history and here we are on the eve of the first Big Wheeled Ballyhoo. The reports are already coming in with Tim G already there in Decorah and a reported sighting of the Titus Cycles factory trailer in the vicinity. So, it looks like this thing is actually taking shape.
Ben Witt of Milltown Cycles dropped of his 36"er so I could get it up to the BWB for folks to see. I'll be having that and some of the raffle prizing dropped off in Decorah early Saturday. Things should be shaping up real well.
Some may have concerns about the weather. Well, it's been unsettled and we have had lots of thunder storms in Iowa, but Decorah hasn't been getting it as bad as some. Plus, I was assured many months ago that rain has a very, very minor effect upon their trails as they drain quickly and are rideable a day after a soaker. Friday is starting out wet here, but again, Decorah is escaping most of this. Tomorrow is forecast to be clear, so let the big wheels roll!
More later!
The Big Wheeled Ballyhoo: Pre-Event Update
Anyway, the rest, as they say, is history and here we are on the eve of the first Big Wheeled Ballyhoo. The reports are already coming in with Tim G already there in Decorah and a reported sighting of the Titus Cycles factory trailer in the vicinity. So, it looks like this thing is actually taking shape.
Ben Witt of Milltown Cycles dropped of his 36"er so I could get it up to the BWB for folks to see. I'll be having that and some of the raffle prizing dropped off in Decorah early Saturday. Things should be shaping up real well.
Some may have concerns about the weather. Well, it's been unsettled and we have had lots of thunder storms in Iowa, but Decorah hasn't been getting it as bad as some. Plus, I was assured many months ago that rain has a very, very minor effect upon their trails as they drain quickly and are rideable a day after a soaker. Friday is starting out wet here, but again, Decorah is escaping most of this. Tomorrow is forecast to be clear, so let the big wheels roll!
More later!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Crazy Weekend Schedule: Ballyhoo!
One side is the side that worries about details, whether or not something is being forgotten, and if anybody will show up. It's the side that saps all your enthusiasm and joy for an event. It's the side of you that says, "I can't wait for this to end!"
Then there is the other side which is the part of you that wants to participate in this cool event, have fun, and see others doing the same. It's the side that says, "Woo hoo! I can't wait for this to begin!"
Unfortunately, the negative side often overwhelms the positive side. I try to keep it all in balance, but I'm tellin' ya! It ain't easy. I won't lie to ya'all: I'll be looking forwards to a month of relative "nothing to do" until GTDRI, which in reality is so low key it's rediculous. A really long ride would be good for my soul about now anyway!
So, with all that said, here's the dealio. I am going to be updating from my Macbook from Decorah all weekend. It'll be at oddball times though, so I appologize to you early morning coffee freaks that will be looking for your daily fix-o-Ted. It might be more like afternoon tea time posting, or most probably a late night, cold brew time posting. So be ready! Ha ha!
See ya at the Ballyhoo if you are coming and if you are not, then look here or on Twenty Nine Inches through out the weekend for what you are missing!
Crazy Weekend Schedule: Ballyhoo!
One side is the side that worries about details, whether or not something is being forgotten, and if anybody will show up. It's the side that saps all your enthusiasm and joy for an event. It's the side of you that says, "I can't wait for this to end!"
Then there is the other side which is the part of you that wants to participate in this cool event, have fun, and see others doing the same. It's the side that says, "Woo hoo! I can't wait for this to begin!"
Unfortunately, the negative side often overwhelms the positive side. I try to keep it all in balance, but I'm tellin' ya! It ain't easy. I won't lie to ya'all: I'll be looking forwards to a month of relative "nothing to do" until GTDRI, which in reality is so low key it's rediculous. A really long ride would be good for my soul about now anyway!
So, with all that said, here's the dealio. I am going to be updating from my Macbook from Decorah all weekend. It'll be at oddball times though, so I appologize to you early morning coffee freaks that will be looking for your daily fix-o-Ted. It might be more like afternoon tea time posting, or most probably a late night, cold brew time posting. So be ready! Ha ha!
See ya at the Ballyhoo if you are coming and if you are not, then look here or on Twenty Nine Inches through out the weekend for what you are missing!
Spreading The Word.....
It's crazy, but with the proliferation of cyclists out on our roadways it bears mentioning that we need to be "riding right" on the roads and also talking more about what we do off the bike. People that do not cycle need to know we're out there. Spread the word!
This is from a post dated June 19th on the Iowa Bicycle Coalition blog:
The family of David "Judd" Harris would like bicyclists to attend the funeral. The funeral has been set for 1:30 Friday, June 22 at Roland Funeral Home, 204 E 5th St. Atlantic, Iowa.
Thanks to Mark Wyatt who writes the Iowa Bicycle Coalition blog. I urge any cyclists that can attend this funeral to please do so.
Spreading The Word.....
It's crazy, but with the proliferation of cyclists out on our roadways it bears mentioning that we need to be "riding right" on the roads and also talking more about what we do off the bike. People that do not cycle need to know we're out there. Spread the word!
This is from a post dated June 19th on the Iowa Bicycle Coalition blog:
The family of David "Judd" Harris would like bicyclists to attend the funeral. The funeral has been set for 1:30 Friday, June 22 at Roland Funeral Home, 204 E 5th St. Atlantic, Iowa.
Thanks to Mark Wyatt who writes the Iowa Bicycle Coalition blog. I urge any cyclists that can attend this funeral to please do so.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Bontrager "ACX" Tubeless Ready Tires

After running the racy Dry X Tubeless Ready tires up in Decorah, Iowa about a month ago and finding them to be a bit sketchy on their technical trails, I was leery of running them again up there. Especially on the front where I seemed to wash out in switchbacks and off camber corners. Fortunately the good fellows at Gary Fisher and Bontrager have provided the ACX for just such an instance as this.
The ACX is a stalwart of the Bontrager tire line. An all round trail tire with some bite. Just what I needed for the Tubeless Ready wheelset up front. Those blocky treads were looking good to me for keeping me right side up in those off camber trail situations while still being relatively lightweight.
My digital scale read these out to be 650 grams each. Note, these do not have the slightly beefier "AR" sidewall protection, so those tires with that feature would have weighed in just a bit heavier.
The plan is for now to try the ACX up front and retain the Dry X as a low rolling resistance rear tire. Hopefully I'll have a chance to roll these on the same trails as I did the full Dry X set up on earlier for a better comparison. If things get too crazy at the Ballyhoo, then perhaps that'll have to wait. We'll see! I'll post more when I get a few rides in on these.
Special shout out to Poppa Vinny on his lil' bundle o joy and new job promotion this past week! Woot!
Bontrager "ACX" Tubeless Ready Tires

After running the racy Dry X Tubeless Ready tires up in Decorah, Iowa about a month ago and finding them to be a bit sketchy on their technical trails, I was leery of running them again up there. Especially on the front where I seemed to wash out in switchbacks and off camber corners. Fortunately the good fellows at Gary Fisher and Bontrager have provided the ACX for just such an instance as this.
The ACX is a stalwart of the Bontrager tire line. An all round trail tire with some bite. Just what I needed for the Tubeless Ready wheelset up front. Those blocky treads were looking good to me for keeping me right side up in those off camber trail situations while still being relatively lightweight.
My digital scale read these out to be 650 grams each. Note, these do not have the slightly beefier "AR" sidewall protection, so those tires with that feature would have weighed in just a bit heavier.
The plan is for now to try the ACX up front and retain the Dry X as a low rolling resistance rear tire. Hopefully I'll have a chance to roll these on the same trails as I did the full Dry X set up on earlier for a better comparison. If things get too crazy at the Ballyhoo, then perhaps that'll have to wait. We'll see! I'll post more when I get a few rides in on these.
Special shout out to Poppa Vinny on his lil' bundle o joy and new job promotion this past week! Woot!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Rumors Persist and Ballyhoo News
Rock Shox rumors are still being heard concerning a longer travel fork for the burgeoning 29"er FR/AM bike market. No real specifics, but Rock Shox has technology in place that could get the job done and do it well. Also there is that longer offset Reba being tested out there somewhere too. I expect to see Rock Shox come out with at least one more new fork by Interbike for 29"ers. (They already quietly slipped in the 29"er Dart fork on us)
Marzocchi hasn't had a new 29"er fork since discontinuing the 29"er Bomber series a couple years ago. I'm hearing that may change soon. Rumors are spreading about the Italian manufacturers re-entry into 29"er forks. If they do, I'm betting on a long travel AM/FR fork and not a XC entry.
Still hearing about various big tire rumors. I know of one for certain and that it's being ridden right now, but as for the width and manufacturer, I am clueless at this point. I may have more on this after the Ballyhoo...........
Another tire rumor: I'm hearing on the heels of Continental's expansion of their 29"er line up that Schwalbe is also going to be offering more 29"er models. This would be a welcomed addition especially if the popular Racing Ralph is introduced as a 29"er tire.
The Big Wheeled Ballyhoo: Well, it's just a few days away now and it looks like the weather will be hot and humid, but not rainy. Last minute details are getting taken care of. Main systems are a go. Now everybody just needs to converge on the same spot and we'll have ourselves the biggest mega-disc party this side of the Pecos River! There will be updates on Twenty Nine Inches right from Decorah, so look for that come Saturday. Until then.........
Rumors Persist and Ballyhoo News
Rock Shox rumors are still being heard concerning a longer travel fork for the burgeoning 29"er FR/AM bike market. No real specifics, but Rock Shox has technology in place that could get the job done and do it well. Also there is that longer offset Reba being tested out there somewhere too. I expect to see Rock Shox come out with at least one more new fork by Interbike for 29"ers. (They already quietly slipped in the 29"er Dart fork on us)
Marzocchi hasn't had a new 29"er fork since discontinuing the 29"er Bomber series a couple years ago. I'm hearing that may change soon. Rumors are spreading about the Italian manufacturers re-entry into 29"er forks. If they do, I'm betting on a long travel AM/FR fork and not a XC entry.
Still hearing about various big tire rumors. I know of one for certain and that it's being ridden right now, but as for the width and manufacturer, I am clueless at this point. I may have more on this after the Ballyhoo...........
Another tire rumor: I'm hearing on the heels of Continental's expansion of their 29"er line up that Schwalbe is also going to be offering more 29"er models. This would be a welcomed addition especially if the popular Racing Ralph is introduced as a 29"er tire.
The Big Wheeled Ballyhoo: Well, it's just a few days away now and it looks like the weather will be hot and humid, but not rainy. Last minute details are getting taken care of. Main systems are a go. Now everybody just needs to converge on the same spot and we'll have ourselves the biggest mega-disc party this side of the Pecos River! There will be updates on Twenty Nine Inches right from Decorah, so look for that come Saturday. Until then.........
Monday, June 18, 2007
That "Other Tour"
I lost interest some time ago now. It's just lost any credibility with me and frankly, the sense of a simple man and machine versus time/course/competitors has been lost long ago. If we look back at the Tour's storied past. Way back to the begginings, we see something that I think made LeTour great and carried it for many years. Started as a rediculous publicity stunt for a failing newspaper, The Tour took the imagination of the people by storm with it's excruciatingly long, brutal stages taken on by men that were totally self supported. So self supported that they had to do their own repairs on their bike and had to finish the long route with the same bike as they started with. They fended for themselves for food and water, and in the remoter places of France had to carry with them what they could to survive over brutally rough country backroads and mostly unpaved dirt two track.
Hmmm.........sounds freakishly similar to another event I know of going on right now in 2007! That's right, and it's called the Great Divide Race, or "GDR" for short. It's got everything the first Tours de France had and more. Or should I say less! Less civilization, that's for sure. Bears, moose, deer, and wolves are distinct possibilities. The race isn't shut down for snowy roads, (it's already snowed on much of the main pack in this years edition) Less coverage. You won't find helicopter shots, motos whizzing by competitors, or Phil Ligget's fancy call of the action. In fact, all you can do is get periodic updates direct from the competitors and an occaisonal podcast.
This GDR thing is capturing the fancy of many mtb'ers and enduro nuts and it should be on your radar too. It's about as pure as any "tour" is ever going to get and certainly is heads and shoulders above that debacle that's about to start in Europe about two weeks from now. At least I think so. What's more is there is no money involved, no prizes, no grand parade at the end. Just a guy pulling into a spot on the U.S./New Mexico border near a small outpost town. In other words, the motives are perhaps a bit more pure in regards to the GDR.
At least I'd like to think so!
That "Other Tour"
I lost interest some time ago now. It's just lost any credibility with me and frankly, the sense of a simple man and machine versus time/course/competitors has been lost long ago. If we look back at the Tour's storied past. Way back to the begginings, we see something that I think made LeTour great and carried it for many years. Started as a rediculous publicity stunt for a failing newspaper, The Tour took the imagination of the people by storm with it's excruciatingly long, brutal stages taken on by men that were totally self supported. So self supported that they had to do their own repairs on their bike and had to finish the long route with the same bike as they started with. They fended for themselves for food and water, and in the remoter places of France had to carry with them what they could to survive over brutally rough country backroads and mostly unpaved dirt two track.
Hmmm.........sounds freakishly similar to another event I know of going on right now in 2007! That's right, and it's called the Great Divide Race, or "GDR" for short. It's got everything the first Tours de France had and more. Or should I say less! Less civilization, that's for sure. Bears, moose, deer, and wolves are distinct possibilities. The race isn't shut down for snowy roads, (it's already snowed on much of the main pack in this years edition) Less coverage. You won't find helicopter shots, motos whizzing by competitors, or Phil Ligget's fancy call of the action. In fact, all you can do is get periodic updates direct from the competitors and an occaisonal podcast.
This GDR thing is capturing the fancy of many mtb'ers and enduro nuts and it should be on your radar too. It's about as pure as any "tour" is ever going to get and certainly is heads and shoulders above that debacle that's about to start in Europe about two weeks from now. At least I think so. What's more is there is no money involved, no prizes, no grand parade at the end. Just a guy pulling into a spot on the U.S./New Mexico border near a small outpost town. In other words, the motives are perhaps a bit more pure in regards to the GDR.
At least I'd like to think so!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Killing The Blog: Part II
First of all- I'm not killing this blog! That's not going to happen.
I was just "asking the question", and wondering about the actions of other bloggers. As it turns out, I see many of you fellow bloggers out there are struggling with similar issues as mine. Then there are the two iconic examples that I brought up of blog killing only to find out they both have snuck into the back door again! So much for bold moves!
There was some disscussion about the "web community" that I found interesting. It bears pointing out, ( again, thanks to CHeintz for this) that many of the relationships developed in my life over the past two and a half years would not have happened sans blog. I feel that my life has been enriched and certainly the deleterious rantings that I have posted over the course of time have been felt far and wide. At the very least, this was and is more than worth it, as far as I'm concerned.
So, there you have it. I'm not going away anytime soon, so thoughts of freeing the blogosphere from my pernicious literary attacks are futile! Pffffftttttttt! Ha ha!
Now on to something really worthwhile! The Big Wheeled Ballyhoo starts cranking up in a week from now. Important updates are posted here and here. This is pretty much everything you'll need to know about the event and it's schedule. Check it out!
Get out and ride your bikes!
Killing The Blog: Part II
First of all- I'm not killing this blog! That's not going to happen.
I was just "asking the question", and wondering about the actions of other bloggers. As it turns out, I see many of you fellow bloggers out there are struggling with similar issues as mine. Then there are the two iconic examples that I brought up of blog killing only to find out they both have snuck into the back door again! So much for bold moves!
There was some disscussion about the "web community" that I found interesting. It bears pointing out, ( again, thanks to CHeintz for this) that many of the relationships developed in my life over the past two and a half years would not have happened sans blog. I feel that my life has been enriched and certainly the deleterious rantings that I have posted over the course of time have been felt far and wide. At the very least, this was and is more than worth it, as far as I'm concerned.
So, there you have it. I'm not going away anytime soon, so thoughts of freeing the blogosphere from my pernicious literary attacks are futile! Pffffftttttttt! Ha ha!
Now on to something really worthwhile! The Big Wheeled Ballyhoo starts cranking up in a week from now. Important updates are posted here and here. This is pretty much everything you'll need to know about the event and it's schedule. Check it out!
Get out and ride your bikes!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Killing The Blog: Is This a Trend?
For one thing, you might have to try and consider the "bug" that gets into you when you blog. It's not really fair to say it's addictive. Rather say that it's obligatory. If you don't blog one day that you normally would, it's a demon that gnaws at your conscience the rest of the day. Probably not a good thing either. I try to think that I am more of a writer, and that this is my creative outlet. However; there are days when the creativity is on hiatus and I still find myself punching out the keyboard in the morning.
So, I'm intrigued by this undercurrent of rebellion against the shackles of the blogosphere. It seems that there is some sort of siren call there. Is it a call to my ultimate demise or one of freedom, that I can not say right now.
I know one thing, it's tough to get everything squeezed into a 24 hour day. Too much I want to do gets undone. Too much I am supposed to be doing is being neglected. That includes riding a bicycle at times. It's a shame, that's what it is.
The ultimate question is then do I benefit from "killing the blog" or would that just be a meaningless, placebo sort of a gesture for what is really needing to be killed. Hmm.........
Okay, a rather introspective, personal entry today. Here's a bit about 29"ers that fits in though: My Pofahl Custom is sitting half done in the basement while I'm typing are you getting the picture? Maybe this killing the blog thing that Paddy and Paul have done isn't so much a trend, but it might bear looking at a bit more closely. I wonder if they are getting anymore benefit from it?
Maybe I just need a good, long ride!
Killing The Blog: Is This a Trend?
For one thing, you might have to try and consider the "bug" that gets into you when you blog. It's not really fair to say it's addictive. Rather say that it's obligatory. If you don't blog one day that you normally would, it's a demon that gnaws at your conscience the rest of the day. Probably not a good thing either. I try to think that I am more of a writer, and that this is my creative outlet. However; there are days when the creativity is on hiatus and I still find myself punching out the keyboard in the morning.
So, I'm intrigued by this undercurrent of rebellion against the shackles of the blogosphere. It seems that there is some sort of siren call there. Is it a call to my ultimate demise or one of freedom, that I can not say right now.
I know one thing, it's tough to get everything squeezed into a 24 hour day. Too much I want to do gets undone. Too much I am supposed to be doing is being neglected. That includes riding a bicycle at times. It's a shame, that's what it is.
The ultimate question is then do I benefit from "killing the blog" or would that just be a meaningless, placebo sort of a gesture for what is really needing to be killed. Hmm.........
Okay, a rather introspective, personal entry today. Here's a bit about 29"ers that fits in though: My Pofahl Custom is sitting half done in the basement while I'm typing are you getting the picture? Maybe this killing the blog thing that Paddy and Paul have done isn't so much a trend, but it might bear looking at a bit more closely. I wonder if they are getting anymore benefit from it?
Maybe I just need a good, long ride!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Future Of "Underground Racing"
What I want to focus on here is how this all relates to events in civilized parts of the nation that host such events. I'll be honest and say that I have been completely and utterly amazed at the way Trans Iowa has been treated by law enforcement agencies and government officials. That is, they have largely ignored us. There was one incident with a police officer in Hawarden last year that was nothing but a curiosity visit with me. It turned out that the officer lent a watchful eye over us and was rather amused by our little bicycle parade. Other than this, the official entities governing the roads and lands of Iowa have been largely invisible.
That's not to say that it will always be this way. Events like those taking place in the remoter parts of the West might just have a bearing on how events such as Trans Iowa are handled in the Mid West. We do not have "impact" issues like the riders are dealing with out there, but we have other "impact" issues that could be thrown at us. However unlikely that may seem, Jeff and I have actually thought about it, going so far as to send out press releases to the authorities in pass through towns for the first Trans Iowa.
Then there seems to be a limit on group sizes that I find alarming and arbitrary. This is another way to exercise control that governments have used for centuries and is specifically spoken of in our Bill of Rights. While it may seem rediculous to even think that the government would be concerned with a small group of enduro nut jobs on bicycles, that is excactly what is happening out West now.
I'm not quite sure what to make of it all yet, but I smell the distinct odor of male bovine excrement on the winds of the west and it raises my eyebrows just a bit with concern.
I'll be watching this one.
The Future Of "Underground Racing"
What I want to focus on here is how this all relates to events in civilized parts of the nation that host such events. I'll be honest and say that I have been completely and utterly amazed at the way Trans Iowa has been treated by law enforcement agencies and government officials. That is, they have largely ignored us. There was one incident with a police officer in Hawarden last year that was nothing but a curiosity visit with me. It turned out that the officer lent a watchful eye over us and was rather amused by our little bicycle parade. Other than this, the official entities governing the roads and lands of Iowa have been largely invisible.
That's not to say that it will always be this way. Events like those taking place in the remoter parts of the West might just have a bearing on how events such as Trans Iowa are handled in the Mid West. We do not have "impact" issues like the riders are dealing with out there, but we have other "impact" issues that could be thrown at us. However unlikely that may seem, Jeff and I have actually thought about it, going so far as to send out press releases to the authorities in pass through towns for the first Trans Iowa.
Then there seems to be a limit on group sizes that I find alarming and arbitrary. This is another way to exercise control that governments have used for centuries and is specifically spoken of in our Bill of Rights. While it may seem rediculous to even think that the government would be concerned with a small group of enduro nut jobs on bicycles, that is excactly what is happening out West now.
I'm not quite sure what to make of it all yet, but I smell the distinct odor of male bovine excrement on the winds of the west and it raises my eyebrows just a bit with concern.
I'll be watching this one.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Big Wheeled Ballyhoo Update and More
Salsa Cycles: Urinary and Digestive Relief Center (Very Important!), demo bikes, support
Gary Fisher Mountain Bikes: Demo bikes, banners, schwag, support
Niner Bikes: Raffle prize, demo bikes, support
Raleigh Bicycles: Raffle prize, demo bikes, support
Bike 29: Sending the Grand Poo Bah of 29″er “Meat-ups” and support
SRAM/Rock Shox: Raffle prize, support
Chrome Bags: Raffle prizes, support
Cliff Bar: Energy support
We have a Raleigh XXIX+G up for grabs, a Niner EMD frame and messenger bags, a Rock Shox Reba 29"er fork, and Chrome messenger bags to give away, plus more schwaggage that I don't have the space for here.
Check it out, this is going to be a blast and the trails are awesome. Lots of bikes to ride and friendly folks to share it all with. What more could you ask for? Ya want more details? Then check out this link-loaded post on Twenty Nine Inches for all of the information and sites that will be of interest to you.
See ya there!
Big Wheeled Ballyhoo Update and More
Salsa Cycles: Urinary and Digestive Relief Center (Very Important!), demo bikes, support
Gary Fisher Mountain Bikes: Demo bikes, banners, schwag, support
Niner Bikes: Raffle prize, demo bikes, support
Raleigh Bicycles: Raffle prize, demo bikes, support
Bike 29: Sending the Grand Poo Bah of 29″er “Meat-ups” and support
SRAM/Rock Shox: Raffle prize, support
Chrome Bags: Raffle prizes, support
Cliff Bar: Energy support
We have a Raleigh XXIX+G up for grabs, a Niner EMD frame and messenger bags, a Rock Shox Reba 29"er fork, and Chrome messenger bags to give away, plus more schwaggage that I don't have the space for here.
Check it out, this is going to be a blast and the trails are awesome. Lots of bikes to ride and friendly folks to share it all with. What more could you ask for? Ya want more details? Then check out this link-loaded post on Twenty Nine Inches for all of the information and sites that will be of interest to you.
See ya there!
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Not-So-Secret Project Comes Home!

Well, it's home now. The frame and fork formerly known as Secret Project #2 is now in the workstand in the bowels of the Guitar Ted Labratories awaiting it's adornment with parts.
Note: This photo was snapped pre-downtube decals.
The parts list will go up soon, right after I figure out exactly what is going on it! No worries! I have alot of it figured out, just not completely figured out!
Industry 9 wheel set with orange hubs, silver spokes, and black DT Swiss TK 7.1 disc only rims will be carrying the lone Surly single speed cog with the requsite Surly spacer and lock ring kit. I'm having to tear down my Karate Monkey for a long overdue overhaul, so it's donating the Cooks cranks and Avid BB-7 brakes. I'm hoping the old Shimano bottom bracket cartridge still has some life in it yet and that it's the right size! I'll be having to order a 185mm adapter for the front wheel's caliper though. The I-9 wheel has a brand new set of rotors on it and the front is a 185mm. The head set is a Chris King special color mix. Orange bottom cup, blue top cup, silver bearing cap.
I'm still needing to figure out a seat post, (26.8mm) the steering controls, (Gary Bar? stem?), cables and housings, and wheel skewers. Nothing too major. This was to get a custom stem/handle bar, but the originally chosen constructor is ignoring e-mails and calls from the shop I purchased the frame through, so for now, I'm going to run a drop bar and stem. Not a big deal to me in the grand scheme of things since that was my original plan from the start.
(Just a clarification: The frame maker was awesome and not the same constructor that was to build the bar/stem.)
There still is a chance this will ultimately see the custom Bull Moose, but I'll let that simmer for now! In the meantime, there is a bike to build. It might take awhile, so don't get too excited! Not that you would. More to come..................
The Not-So-Secret Project Comes Home!

Well, it's home now. The frame and fork formerly known as Secret Project #2 is now in the workstand in the bowels of the Guitar Ted Labratories awaiting it's adornment with parts.
Note: This photo was snapped pre-downtube decals.
The parts list will go up soon, right after I figure out exactly what is going on it! No worries! I have alot of it figured out, just not completely figured out!
Industry 9 wheel set with orange hubs, silver spokes, and black DT Swiss TK 7.1 disc only rims will be carrying the lone Surly single speed cog with the requsite Surly spacer and lock ring kit. I'm having to tear down my Karate Monkey for a long overdue overhaul, so it's donating the Cooks cranks and Avid BB-7 brakes. I'm hoping the old Shimano bottom bracket cartridge still has some life in it yet and that it's the right size! I'll be having to order a 185mm adapter for the front wheel's caliper though. The I-9 wheel has a brand new set of rotors on it and the front is a 185mm. The head set is a Chris King special color mix. Orange bottom cup, blue top cup, silver bearing cap.
I'm still needing to figure out a seat post, (26.8mm) the steering controls, (Gary Bar? stem?), cables and housings, and wheel skewers. Nothing too major. This was to get a custom stem/handle bar, but the originally chosen constructor is ignoring e-mails and calls from the shop I purchased the frame through, so for now, I'm going to run a drop bar and stem. Not a big deal to me in the grand scheme of things since that was my original plan from the start.
(Just a clarification: The frame maker was awesome and not the same constructor that was to build the bar/stem.)
There still is a chance this will ultimately see the custom Bull Moose, but I'll let that simmer for now! In the meantime, there is a bike to build. It might take awhile, so don't get too excited! Not that you would. More to come..................
Friday, June 08, 2007
Bonus Post: News and Rumors!
One On Testing A New Single Speed 29"er: One One, the U.K. maverick of the cycling world, has introduced a new single speed 29"er that is on test with them in England. Based upon the Scandal model, the new single speed features a bent seat tube to create shorter chainstays, a longer top tube, and relaxed seat and head tube angles from what the original Scandal gearie model featured. There is talk of a steel version as well. See more here on Ridemonkey.
Continental Tire Rumors: The word is "volume", that's what I'm being told about the new offerings to be coming in the near future for 29"er tires from Continental. Apparently, in order to meet the increasing demands in the 29"er marketplace, Conti is said to be "ramping up production" of at least three distinct "families" of 29"er tires to be offered in "several sizes". Check out my more detailed report on Twenty Nine Inches.
Gary Fisher "Superfly" Carbon 29"er Hardtail: The carbon fiber hardtail we saw at Sea Otter has a new name and a new color, (Thankfully!!) . The frame was seen sitting around at the Trek presentation of the new Madone and some of their other mtb offerings. You can check out James Huang's image of it on here. Expect more news on this and other Trek and Fisher mountain bike releases for 2008 in a couple of weeks.
The Pofahl Custom Is Coming! The project formerly known as Secret Project #2 is complete as far as the frame is concerned. I am to see it in person this Saturday and I should have some photos posted sometime very soon! It's looking pretty rad, so stay tuned for more on this special project!
That's it for now! Don't forget to read the post below this one, the Tioga Spyder review by Capt. Bob. Then go ride your bikes with a silly, drooling grin all weekend! See ya!
Bonus Post: News and Rumors!
One On Testing A New Single Speed 29"er: One One, the U.K. maverick of the cycling world, has introduced a new single speed 29"er that is on test with them in England. Based upon the Scandal model, the new single speed features a bent seat tube to create shorter chainstays, a longer top tube, and relaxed seat and head tube angles from what the original Scandal gearie model featured. There is talk of a steel version as well. See more here on Ridemonkey.
Continental Tire Rumors: The word is "volume", that's what I'm being told about the new offerings to be coming in the near future for 29"er tires from Continental. Apparently, in order to meet the increasing demands in the 29"er marketplace, Conti is said to be "ramping up production" of at least three distinct "families" of 29"er tires to be offered in "several sizes". Check out my more detailed report on Twenty Nine Inches.
Gary Fisher "Superfly" Carbon 29"er Hardtail: The carbon fiber hardtail we saw at Sea Otter has a new name and a new color, (Thankfully!!) . The frame was seen sitting around at the Trek presentation of the new Madone and some of their other mtb offerings. You can check out James Huang's image of it on here. Expect more news on this and other Trek and Fisher mountain bike releases for 2008 in a couple of weeks.
The Pofahl Custom Is Coming! The project formerly known as Secret Project #2 is complete as far as the frame is concerned. I am to see it in person this Saturday and I should have some photos posted sometime very soon! It's looking pretty rad, so stay tuned for more on this special project!
That's it for now! Don't forget to read the post below this one, the Tioga Spyder review by Capt. Bob. Then go ride your bikes with a silly, drooling grin all weekend! See ya!
Tioga Spyder Saddle Review

Well, it didn't go down quite like that but, I was intrigued by the appereance of this Tioga Spyder saddle. This is a road only saddle. They call the color "Raw White". A lower end model is black and has "Hollow Composite Alloy" rails. These rails are blue anodized Titanium and (according to the literature that comes with the saddle) are stronger than the black/alloy saddle. The shell of this saddle is made from what Tioga calls, "Carbonite Composite Carbon". Flexy & conforming to your underneaths (is that a word?). To me that's just a fancy name for plastic. I did not see anywhere in the literature where the weight was posted but it is light. I was a little nervous about riding the saddle since the weight limit is 185 lbs & I am hovering around 215 lbs. Friends tell me I carry my weight well. I think they are lying. Okay, back to the review.
At the time all I had for a road bike was my time trial machine. So, I pulled off the air stryke saddle (which looks more like a couch in comparision) and installed the Spyder. Went out for a 15 mile spin in my comfy tuck position. A few miles in I had to pull over and tilt the saddle down a bit. The nose is not as padded as my other saddle. Oh yeah, there is no padding at all. The first thing I noticed was that I can move to any position on this saddle with very little effort. It's because the plastic is slippery. Not too slipery though. Just right, I think. By the time I was done with my ride I had mixed emotions. I noticed that the edges of the saddle were a little sharp. Not like a knife sharp but in a way that kind of digs into your legs a bit. I think with me being over the weight limit that causes the shell to flatten more than it was designed to which causes the edge to not round downward any longer. So, I found me a scrapped cross bike and built up a single speed and slapped on the saddle. Right away I noticed it was more comfortable. But, it bottomed out on the front bolt of my Bontrager seatpost. So, I swapped that out for a single bolt post. Problem solved. I do need to mention that Tioga provided a Q&A with the saddle & this issue was touched on. They said it is not uncommon for bottoming out to happen but it is more noticeable with this saddle since there is no padding to muffle the noise of the bottom out. I ended up getting about 120 miles on this saddle with some gravel rides totalling 30 miles in length. With me being over the weight limit I was still surprised at how comfortable this was. Padded shorts for me was a must though.
Like all products there always has to be something wrong. For me, it's the two little rubber bumpers on the back edge. I am still not sure what they are there for. The only thing they did for me was cause issues getting on & off the bike. They grip your shorts & won't let go until you dismount & try again. So, I grabbed a knife and picked them off. They did come off easily without damaging them or the saddle. So, if you are looking for a lightweight saddle or trying to stand out in a crowd this saddle may be for you. For me.....I like it, but have to give it back. Will I buy one for myself? Not yet. I have to wait for them to make a clydesdale version. I also need to save my money since it comes with a pretty steep price tag. $140 msrp for the alloy railed and $165 msrp for the Ti version tested.
Captain Bob
Tioga Spyder Saddle Review

Well, it didn't go down quite like that but, I was intrigued by the appereance of this Tioga Spyder saddle. This is a road only saddle. They call the color "Raw White". A lower end model is black and has "Hollow Composite Alloy" rails. These rails are blue anodized Titanium and (according to the literature that comes with the saddle) are stronger than the black/alloy saddle. The shell of this saddle is made from what Tioga calls, "Carbonite Composite Carbon". Flexy & conforming to your underneaths (is that a word?). To me that's just a fancy name for plastic. I did not see anywhere in the literature where the weight was posted but it is light. I was a little nervous about riding the saddle since the weight limit is 185 lbs & I am hovering around 215 lbs. Friends tell me I carry my weight well. I think they are lying. Okay, back to the review.
At the time all I had for a road bike was my time trial machine. So, I pulled off the air stryke saddle (which looks more like a couch in comparision) and installed the Spyder. Went out for a 15 mile spin in my comfy tuck position. A few miles in I had to pull over and tilt the saddle down a bit. The nose is not as padded as my other saddle. Oh yeah, there is no padding at all. The first thing I noticed was that I can move to any position on this saddle with very little effort. It's because the plastic is slippery. Not too slipery though. Just right, I think. By the time I was done with my ride I had mixed emotions. I noticed that the edges of the saddle were a little sharp. Not like a knife sharp but in a way that kind of digs into your legs a bit. I think with me being over the weight limit that causes the shell to flatten more than it was designed to which causes the edge to not round downward any longer. So, I found me a scrapped cross bike and built up a single speed and slapped on the saddle. Right away I noticed it was more comfortable. But, it bottomed out on the front bolt of my Bontrager seatpost. So, I swapped that out for a single bolt post. Problem solved. I do need to mention that Tioga provided a Q&A with the saddle & this issue was touched on. They said it is not uncommon for bottoming out to happen but it is more noticeable with this saddle since there is no padding to muffle the noise of the bottom out. I ended up getting about 120 miles on this saddle with some gravel rides totalling 30 miles in length. With me being over the weight limit I was still surprised at how comfortable this was. Padded shorts for me was a must though.
Like all products there always has to be something wrong. For me, it's the two little rubber bumpers on the back edge. I am still not sure what they are there for. The only thing they did for me was cause issues getting on & off the bike. They grip your shorts & won't let go until you dismount & try again. So, I grabbed a knife and picked them off. They did come off easily without damaging them or the saddle. So, if you are looking for a lightweight saddle or trying to stand out in a crowd this saddle may be for you. For me.....I like it, but have to give it back. Will I buy one for myself? Not yet. I have to wait for them to make a clydesdale version. I also need to save my money since it comes with a pretty steep price tag. $140 msrp for the alloy railed and $165 msrp for the Ti version tested.
Captain Bob
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Frames: Custom, Stock, or Budget? Part IV
Today in installment four of this series I am going to focus in on the 29"er specific challenges that frame makers face and also give some thoughts on some other things.
Frames that incorporate 29 inch wheels have had an evolutionary effect on mountain bike geometry in the last three to four years. Immediately it was found that front end geometry in particular was going to have to be "29"er specific", as it were. Trail figures were higher- too high, if typical 26 inch bike geometry was used. A geometry package that had been developed and used for over a decade in the mountain bike world. Something had to be done also for the smaller riders. Toe overlap became an issue. Even clearances for rear tires and chain stay lengths gave early designers fits. Much of what had become standard in mountain bike design was now up for re-evaluation now with 29 inch wheels in mind.
The custom designers were the first to tackle the challenges as they were, and still are, able to quickly react to the necessary changes. Manufacturers were somewhat slower, but really the big hang up was the suspension fork, which needed a specific modification to the off set of the fork crown before the manufacturers could really address the challenges effectively. That said, other manufacturers took unique takes on solving the problems. Intense, Salsa, and Surly come to mind.
Even with the fork manufacturers change to longer off sets, many geometry factors are still in flux. Some frame packages hit the nail squarely on the head, while others are a bit quirky and perhaps miss the mark a bit. The devil is in the details, so any frame out there that hasn't been thoroughly thought through will not perform at a high level. Meaning it won't be "26"er like", since most are striving to regain handling characteristics lost in the translation from 26 inch wheels to 29 inch wheels.
The bottom line here is that unless a forward thinking designer was at the helm during the developement stages of any 29"er frame, their probably are deficiencies in regards to handling. And even some of the bolder designers have overshot the mark here and there. The good news is that the geometry is being refined at a fast pace and I suspect that within three years we will see a set of figures for geometry that almost everyone agrees upon.
Now for something completely different! Going back a bit, I found this excellent missive from the keyboard of Walt Wehner that explains what I was trying to aim for in regards to custom designed bicycles far better and with a much more pertinent viewpoint than I could ever have. A must read for this series!
A word on value: One of the things that gets glossed over or completely ignored in all of this is value. It's a term not necessarily tied in with price. It's also not really defineable in concrete terms. What is value, or more appropriately stated: what is valuable to a customer is going to be different from person to person. For some, value equals low price. For others it's highly featured product. For others, it is all about performance. I think most of the time it is a balancing act of all of these things and more. The graet thing is, we are free to choose. It all boils down to this: we are really a bunch of spoiled brats. To have the opportunities we have for choice in 29"er frame designs, much less anything else in our culture, is astounding and taken largely for granted. After all, as I stated in an e-mail to a prominent 29"er designer, "We all could be riding Flying Pigeons". (Not that it would be bad, just that it would be an example of limited choice from a time gone by)
Okay, that about wraps this subject up. If you have any comments, qustions, or concerns, please post a comment.