Monday, September 02, 2024

Happy Labor Day!

L-R: Jeremy Fry, Brian Bottke, Robert Fry from a 3GR in 2012
Happy Labor Day!

Today I am taking a day off from serious blogging and hopefully am out on a gravel road somewhere. It is Labor Day, and here in the USA, that means it is the last "national" holiday until Thanksgiving Day in late November. 

This is the traditional "end of Summer" weekend with a Monday off for a lot of folks here, so there is somewhat of an intensity to the proceedings for many people. 

I plan on taking it easy, with the exception of my ride plan, which I hope is successful today. You'll read all about it here soon.

I hope that you all have a wonderful day whether you are taking the day off or if you are somewhere working. I;ll leave you with today's image which is taken from a gravel group ride I used to put on called "3GR". It wasn't the first "gravel" group ride, but it was one of the first that was intentionally done only for the enjoyment of riding gravel. 

Cheers! Thanks for reading Guitar Ted Productions!

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