Saturday, September 24, 2016

Minus Ten Review- 38

Mr. 24 at work in '06. He's getting married here pretty soon! Congrats Jeff!
Ten years ago here on the blog things were changing. This week pretty much marked the end of what I would say was the "freewheeling, fun, rookie days" on the blog here. I was about to embark on my first trip to Interbike in ten years, and I was also about to be entrenched in to writing and reviewing product for Twenty Nine, a job I had up until the end of 2014. I was a person hardly anyone had ever heard of in 2006, but within a year that would all be a different story.

I've written loads about my feelings about that, so I won't rehash it all now. I will just say that those days are a cherished memory, and I am glad I got the time I did to spend those days at work with some great guys. Especially Jeff Kerkove, who I have to thank for a lot in my life. Trans Iowa, gigging on this blog, and what that all has brought into my life is really all because of him and the time we had back in the day. This all has become more present in my mind as Jeff is to get married here very soon. I won't be able to attend, since the service is in Colorado, but Jeff, if you read this, Thanks! And, Congratulations to you and Karen!

In other news, there was a lot of 29"er stuff happening. Loads of new tires were being discussed and introduced. I got a Bontrager Switchblade fork to review, and some new 29"er bike news was bubbling up. It was a time when the whole 29"er thing was exploding. Pretty crazy stuff back then.

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