Sunday, August 18, 2024

Country Views: Hints Of Fall

Escape Route: Leaves are falling
I finally got a break after about a week of being busy and had time to go out for a longer ride on Friday. It was nice out, but the wind was gusting upwards of about 30mph and steadily blowing around 20 - 25mph. This was a good time to use my "Northwest Passage" to get out to gravel. 

I typically go around downtown Cedar Falls on a bike path that skirts hard up against the Cedar River and then cross on the Main Street Bridge. But I wasn't using my head and I ended up crossing on the Center Street Bridge instead. That shunted me off in a different direction but in the end, it just added a bit more mileage. 

Crossing Center Street's bridge was interrupted by a freight train. I didn't have to wait too long, but I did note that all the cars were carrying stuff that I would not want near me if the train derailed. Things like Anhydrous Ammonia, Potash, and - get this - molten sulfur! What?! You mean like a tanker car full of Hellfire? Sheesh! 

Due to my unintended jaunt through the woods near the river I ended up coming up on another deer that just stood there. This is now two rides in a row that this has happened to me and it never has happened before. A sign? I don't know, but this time I was actually closer and the deer just stared me down again.

It has been a while since I've been stopped by a train

Say "Cheese!"

I eventually decided to just ride out to Lone Tree Road and make a right hand turn to get back on track. I briefly thought about going to Ford Road and riding that gravel, but that's kind of a dead end unless you continue on to Janesville and I didn't have all day. I didn't get started until 1:30pm so I had to make this a shorter ride. 

I feel like the Lone Tree Road bike path doesn't get enough love. How about that tall corn, by the way.

I never get tired of this view.

The recent rains have brought perfect road conditions again. The gravel was fast and smooth! West Mount Vernon Road is one of my favorite roads to ride and has perfect rollers. Not too steep and with great descents. Mount Vernon Road is actually pretty fun for the entirety of its length, to be honest. I have to get back out there on the Eastern half of its run again sometime soon. 

A potential spot of dog bother, but it never materialized.

There seemed to be a hint of Fall  in the air.

It is mid-August, and typically these are the "dog days" of Summer. Hot, humid, little to no wind, and very quiet in the country. The Red Winged Blackbirds have left, all the song birds are quiet, and things seem to be in a frozen state of perpetual maturity. But while we have had some days like that, this day was more like a Fall day with a strong, gusty West wind, hurrying clouds, and not much humidity, really. It almost felt cool at times in the wind. 

I had noted more animal activity than usual as well. The deer, of course, but I saw the two dogs, several birds, and a Red Tailed Hawk being harassed by some unknown smaller bird. That hawk might be a thing I'd see this time of the year, but not all the other stuff. Even dogs don't chase in August due to the heat and humidity. 

I hope to get out again soon. This weird weather is not making me mad at all, I'll tell ya that much!


Tom Goodmann said...

"There seemed to be a hint of Fall in the air": that last photo is very nice. I grew up in Dubuque and your (new-to-me) blog makes me want to ride in Iowa again.

Guitar Ted said...

@Tom Goodman - Thank you! That's very kind of you to say.